
Sunday, February 28, 2010

It Is the Spring of A.D. 34

It is the spring of A.D. 34
The final week of His mortal life
Let us spend it with the Lord
And let Him change our lives

In a costly gift,
Mary washed His feet
To our Lord, what can we give...
As a sacrifice... complete

The life of her brother Lazarus
Was sought by conspirators
Who'd planned demise for Jesus
As collusion more out pours

Would we cave in terror
Or stay true loyally
Would we grow in fervor
Supportive... royally...

John 12:1-11 don’t forget to watch for the Joseph Smith Translation in the footnotes. Here Mary, sister of Lazarus, anoints the feet of Jesus...a conspiracy to kill Jesus and Lazarus both is revealed.

“Sacrifice is the very essence of religion; it is the keystone of happy home life, the basis of true friendship, the foundation of peaceful community living, of sound relations among people and nations . . . .

“Without sacrifice there is no true worship of God.”

click on above title to go to snickerdoodle

14 day walk with christ- oviedo ward youth day 7

Oh the Vainness

Oh the vainness, the frailties, and the foolishness of men
When they think they are wise, they then
cease to listen
Let us not set aside great wisdom we know is of profit
For God sends to us counsel through His beloved prophets

Shall we deliver our independence
To the bondage of worldly men's judgment?
When to God we owe our allegiance
Shall we heed loud overriding comments?

For the revelations of God
And the whisperings that flow
I am blessed with His iron rod
That I can hold to...and know

“’O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.
‘But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God’ (2 Nephi 9:28-29).

President Ezra Taft Benson declared, “When pride has a hold on our hearts, we lose our independence of the world and deliver our freedoms to the bondage of men’s judgement. The world shouts louder than the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. The reasoning of men overrides the revelations of God, and the proud let go of the iron rod.” (See 1 Nephi 8:19-28, 11:25, 15:23-24.)

Spiritually Minded is Life Eternal

Spiritually minded is life eternal (S M I L E)
These words gave me the happiest thought
That if I pray earnestly with my heart full
Through the Spirit there's great joy to be taught

“...Remember, to be carnally-minded is death,
and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal.” (2 Nephi 9:39)

SMILE—Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal

    LDS S.M.I.L.E. 39,599 likes · 56,190 talking about this. ... SMILE stands for Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal. It's derived from 2 Nephi 9:39.

14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 5
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We Can Fine Tune the Spirit

We can fine tune the Spirit
Like unto a personal radio
That we might better then hear it
Speak softly unto our soul

A prayful commitment to obey
All that the Lord commands
Is continually the way
One hears and understands

In this shifting and unstable world
Peace and assurance can come
Despite all that in life is hurled
We have help to overcome

Elder Harold B. Lee taught, "All too often, when God speaks in this still, small voice, it may not be audible to our physical hearing because, like a faulty radio, we may be out of tune wit the infinite. If you will be obedient (for that is the condition) the Lord’s promise to you of peace is sure, absolutely certain!”

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14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 4

Imagine You've Only One Hour

Imagine, you've only an hour
To spend with that one in your life
What truths would you empower
To relieve the pain and strife

Love would be my message
Born of Jesus Christ
As life flickers to the edge
I would teach them of His Light

Imagine doing this anyways
With those you pass by each day
Think of the souls you could save
If in tribute to Christ you do and say

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14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 3

Today- It's Not Too Late!

Today, it's not too late!
Imagine it is your last
Tell that person you hate
It's a feeling of the past

Give the friendship a new chance
To bloom for the eternities
That each might more advance
With the Light of Christ and peace

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14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 3

"Be As I Am," the Savior tells us

"Be as I am," the Savior tells us
Through example and in love
Nurture others and build trust
Remind them what life is made of

Express gratitude to all around
Look for the best and forgive
Leave people better than when they were found
That finding joy becomes their motive

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "Express gratitude to everyone."

Elder Marvin J. Ashton reminds us, "Be one who nurtures and builds. Be one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them."

Jesus Christ, is our best teacher and the finest example of how to treat others.
"Be as I am," he tells us.
By following his example we can make greater progress in improving ourselves and our relationships than by any other way.

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14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 3

What Shall We Do With Jesus?

What shall we do with Jesus
As He bids, "Come follow me," each day
Let us unchain divinity within us
And allow Him to lead the Way

Let us prove our physical stamina
And stand taller to apply each teaching
There is a calm courage within us
When we feel His pure Light as we're reaching

click on the above title to go to sugar doodle for
the 14 day walk with Christ
Click on the legend below to see other days' poems

“What shall we do with Jesus who is called Christ? Learn of him. Search the scriptures for they are they which testify of him. Ponder the miracle of his life and mission. Try a little more diligently to follow his example and observe his teachings.”
Gordon B. Hinckley

Recently in South America, a seasoned group of outstanding missionaries was asked, “What is the greatest need in the world?” One wisely responded: “Is not the greatest need in all of the world for every person to have a personal, ongoing, daily, continuing relationship with the Savior?” Having such a relationship can unchain the divinity within us, and nothing can make a greater difference in our lives as we come to know and understand our divine relationship with God.
We should earnestly seek not just to know about the Master, but to strive, as He invited, to be one with Him (see John 17:21), to “be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man” (Eph. 3:16).
James E. Faust

It is my testimony that we are facing difficult times. We must be courageously obedient. My witness is that we will be called upon to prove our spiritual stamina, for the days ahead will be filled with affliction and difficulty. But with the assuring comfort of a personal relationship with the Savior, we will be given a calming courage.
James E. Faust

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14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 2

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prophets, Priests, and Kings

Prophets, priests, and kings
Were given words to say
In anticipation they did sing
As they looked forward to our day

Favored, we're the people God has made
The ancients wrote out our story
And we've joy for the path they laid
As we bring about Latter-Day glory

“Prophets, priests and kings … have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we live; and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipations they have sung and written and prophesied of this our day; … we are the favored people that God has made choice of to bring about the Latter-day glory.”

President Joseph Smith, in History of the Church, 4:609–10.

Hands of Persecutors Persist

Hands of persecutors persist
And try to overpower
Yet they elevate us to resist
As the Lord strengthens us in that hour

Each time they undertake
To lessen us...we increase
When they try to destroy or break
The Lord strengthens the feeble knees

Ever in proportion
To the power Satan enlists
We receive a greater portion
Of Light and intelligence

“Every time they persecute and try to overcome this people, they elevate us, weaken their own hands, and strengthen the hands and arms of this people. And every time they undertake to lessen our number, they increase it. And when they try to destroy the faith and virtue of this people, the Lord strengthens the feeble knees, and confirms the wavering in faith and power in God, in light, and intelligence. Righteousness and power with God increase in this people in proportion as the Devil struggles to destroy it.”

President Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe (1954), 351.

Hold On Tight

Hold on tight
With all your might
Ever keep pace
As progress makes haste

And at the forefront
Is the Savior's stretched forth hand
To preserve us and protect
While preparing us for what is grand

“You do not need to worry in the least, the Lord will take care of you and bless you. … He has stretched forth His hand to accomplish his purposes, and the arm of flesh cannot stay it. … It is only necessary for us to try with our might to keep pace with the onward progress of the work of the Lord, then God will preserve and protect us, and will prepare the way before us.”

President Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report, Oct. 1905, 5–6.

God Has Established His Church

God has established His church
Never to be overthrown
And we need not let our thoughts churn
If, as His people, we are known

God has established His Church never to be thrown down nor given to another people. And as God lives and His people are true to Him and to one another, we need not worry about the ultimate triumph of truth.”

President David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1969, 152.

Knowing What We Know

Knowing what we know
And living as we live
Our hope should overflow
Unto higher motives

There really is no place
For cynic's doubts and despair
As the gospel we embrace
Our Savior's always there

“Knowing what we know, and living as we are supposed to live, there really is no place, no excuse, for pessimism and despair. …

“I promise you in the name of the Lord whose servant I am that God will always protect and care for his people. We will have our difficulties the way every generation and people have had difficulties. But with the gospel of Jesus Christ, you have every hope and promise and reassurance. The Lord has power over his Saints and will always prepare places of peace, defense, and safety for his people. When we have faith in God we can hope for a better world—for us personally, and for all mankind.”

President Howard W. Hunter
An Anchor to the Souls of Men
Ensign, Oct. 1993, 70.

Preparations will Assure

Preparations will assure
Survival through calamities
Our obedience to His Light measures
As we store up life's necessities

Let us gather up the grains
Water... our greatest resource
For this in truth does sustain
As obedience saves us from remorse

“We have built grain storage and storehouses and stocked them with the necessities of life in the event of a disaster. But the best storehouse is the family storeroom.

“Our people for three-quarters of a century have been counseled and encouraged to make such preparation as will assure survival should a calamity come. …

“I have faith, my dear brethren, that the Lord will bless us, and watch over us, and assist us if we walk in obedience to His light, His gospel, and His commandments.”

President Gordon B. Hinckley
If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2005, 62.

Let the Storm Clouds Gather

Let the storm clouds gather
And heavy rains fall upon us
Our hopes will not shatter
As forever we have Jesus

Let us walk uprightly
Keeping commandments as we should
He will conquer mightily....
Let us go about doing good

Fearing not, let us be of good cheer
With faith shining for the future
Immeasurable blessings will appear
As we seek God's word for tutor

“I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us.

“My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

President Thomas S. Monson
Be of Good Cheer
Liahona and Ensign, May 2009, 92.

Even As Moistening Dews Before the Sun

Even as moistening dews before the sun
Nephites were being swept off the earth
In preempting a battle, God was shunned
Claiming justice, vengeance frothed and churned

Soon carnage was the worst ever known
In a battle for annihilation
Each becoming dark, filthy, and loathsome
Raging nation against nation

Led about by Satan as chaff before the wind
The Nephites grew in sorcery and unbelief
The grace of being God’s people did end
As unrepentant…they were driven beyond belief

Continually, their hearts grew in coldness
Without mercy…cannibalism was their token,
Their badge of courage, and path of boldness
While to their wives and children, hell did open

To their God’s, Lamanites slew them for sacrifice
And greatly horrendous was the slaughter
As the ugliness of it …no words can suffice….
The slaying of Nephite wives, sons, and daughters

Covering the land…there was but blood
All the while…. a prophet stepped aside
As wickedness came to a full flood
And the last of the Nephites fell to the sword and died

With only one knowing the promise to set forth
The prophet, Moroni, walked the earth all alone
With visions of our day…his heart in writings out poured-
“Repent oft with charity through Him who atoned”

comments are welcome...

After having pondered Mormon 4
and reading Hugh Nibley's
Is Preemptive War A Christian Principle?
found at

Friday, February 26, 2010

Line Upon Line I Am Learning

Line upon line I am learning
As the Spirit teaches me much
Such that to the same line I'm returning
And find in a new way it does touch

The gospel light is held forth
For the confirming of our hope
Reminding us what to reach for
God and our eternal home

D&C 98: 12
For he will give unto the faithful
line upon line, precept upon precept;
and I will try you and prove you herewith.

D&C 128: 21
And again, the voice of God
in the chamber of old Father Whitmer,
in Fayette, Seneca county,
and at sundry times,
and in divers places
through all the travels
and tribulations of this Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
And the voice of Michael,
the archangel;
the voice of Gabriel,
and of Raphael,
and of divers angels,
from Michael or Adam
down to the present time,
all declaring
their dispensation,
their rights,
their keys,
their honors,
their majesty and glory,
and the power of their priesthood;
giving line upon line,
precept upon precept;
here a little,
and there a little;
giving us consolation
by holding forth that which is to come,
confirming our hope!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

As I Seek the Lord's Help

I seek the Lord's help
And in His strength
I gradually reduce
Disparity's length

There is so much
To know and do
Ever I rush
And don't follow through

There is so much
To say and to give
To reach and touch
To learn, love, and live

I know I should pray
I guide my own way

Soon I shut down
The burden so tall
I pray on the ground
Feeling humbled and small

Then safe and intact
Warmth grows in my heart
Making the impact
To leap up and start

First things first
Spiritually I plan
Find... strength at hand

This talk did prick
My thickened heart
There to stick
A plan to start

I always wake unto the news
And I forget to pray
I know there's a better path to choose
I will start today

Reducing Disparity between Words and Deeds

"As we seek the Lord's help and in His strength, we can gradually reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do, between expressing love and consistently showing it, and between bearing testimony and steadfastly living it. We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ." 'Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and . . . the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children' ("The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102). For these and other eternally important reasons, we should be more diligent and concerned at home."
David A. Bednar, "More Diligent and Concerned at Home," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 20

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Like All the Varied Medic's Roles

Like all the varied medic's roles
We too can help save lives
Encouraging one to loftier goals
For the self-improvement it provides

When a doctor prescribes and strengthens
The patient must consistently obey
Spiritually, too, so much threatens
Thus we witness: there's protection come of faith

Ever we are messengers
Sent forth with holy light
To heal souls now injured
And in need of bright insight

We are teachers who teach
By pausing to close up the book
To testify and reach
That opened eyes might look

Laying visions to appear
Unto hearts giving praise
Opening the stopped ears
Unto hearing better ways

Inspiring all to think
And put off distractions
To then spiritually drink
And determine a new action

We are speakers with truths
And confidence in those present
With an invitation hard to refuse
That includes blessings come from heaven

Teaching Helps Save Lives
Russell T. Osguthorpe
Ensign, November 2009, 15

teachers click on above title to go to a wonderful BYU site

Scripture Marking

Scripture marking
For memory sparking
A colorful tool...
A personal school

Red is for love
Shown from above

Yellow is for Christ
His words ever bright

Blue is for authors,
Prophets, and others

Green is for do...
And follow through for me
It is comforting

thoughts from
The Bulletin Board
The Friend, March 2010, 12
the primary and secondary colors

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Threat of Death Filled the Air

The threat of death filled the air
Creating fear, doubt, and despair
While waiting for prophecy to fulfill
In truth, they needed a miracle

Anticipating a night as day
According to what Samuel did say
The prophet prayed in his people's behalf
Soon to be destroyed for the faith they had

The wicked in bloodlust did more than agitate
They rallied and set forth an execution date
Ever because of iniquity and disbelief
They thought this would end their guilt and grief

As such, Nephi prayed like there was no tomorrow
All day, in fact, heavy burdened...deep in sorrow
Then...he heard the lord say, "Lift up your head, be of good cheer
For on this night...heaven's sign would appear!"

Sure enough at the going down of the sun
Daylight stayed to proclaim the birth of the son
And all the people were greatly astonished
While some fell to the earth deeply anguished

A star appeared...wonders abound
The new day dawned... sunlight was found
And across the world the new babe was born
With wondrous works His to perform

thoughts from The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ
chapter 5

Here We Vow to Pray and Remember

Here we vow to pray and remember
Thou, alone, can make us whole
We are grateful to be members
And for Thine atoning role

From the prophets, throughout the ages,
We've Thy counsel for our lives
What a blessing to have these pages
And, in these last days, be alive

When the world seems dark with terror
We have comfort, peace, and light
Brightening our Spirits unto fervor
Having God's love within our sights

You Are Golden

You are golden...
Just like your hair
And the days soften
Because you care

You are golden
Just like your hair
Softly spoken
You're a breath of fresh air

Through Persistence and Craft the Burglars Worked the Vault

Through persistence and craft
The burglars worked the vault
An explosion... the door cracked
But...what they saw made them halt

An inner stronger door...
More dense than the first
Which their tools could not score
As they they cursed

Compare this to our lives
And the value of our souls
Satan would to prize
And seeks to grasp a hold

The outer door... our good name
Can be marred...ever mortal
Righteousness forever the aim
Integrity guards the inner portal

moral soundness
an unreduced or unbroken completeness or totality

James E. Talmage
The Parable of the Treasure Vault
NewEra, Feb 2010, 12–13 (click on the above title to go to site)

"What is the worth of a soul?
It’s priceless and must be kept safe."*
Having it impregnable should be our goal
On a path righteously straight

How does one develop such character
To be fortified from Satan's attack
Faith in the Lord our benefactor
Strengthens us for every impact

Faith guides us to make correct choices
As we're learning to become more consistent
Gaining capacity to heed what the Spirit voices
Conquering tests...trusting...faithfully persistent

A widening cycle of strength
Only we can break through disobedience
There to think intently and at length
Upon our goals, the Lord, and expedience

(*James E. Talmage)

Elder Richard G. Scott
The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing
Ensign, May 2003, 77

Moro. 10: 23.
And Christ truly said unto our fathers: If ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me.
expedience...the quality of being suited to the end in view

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Trainer Commanded "Come!"

The trainer commanded come
In a voice warm as the sun
One responded with tail wagging
One ran off with its ears sagging

The first loved to obey
And displayed much affection
The other ruled its own day
Going another direction

Both felt most rewarded
Each that their life was good
Till one was caught and boarded
For roaming the neighborhood

Come- what a wonderful word
When of a voice you can trust
Such that it's a delight to be heard
Unto anticipation...thus

Come, the Lord invites with command
Offering love for returning
Ever He extends His torn hands
Promising light for discerning

We're all Meant to Shine

We're all meant to shine
With a common thread
Golden... fine
And ever sacred

If you have any doubt
Go and help someone
Goodness found about
Shines bright of the Son

Become As A Child

Become as a child
Who trusts to obey
In meekness be mild
For come whatever may

Submit to God's laws
And look to Christ's light
Filled with wonder and awe
Help make the world bright

Be given to sing
To play and to smile
Make an offering
Create your own style

Let your bright eyes dance
As you give hugs ever sweet
And when given a chance
Make a new friend to meet

Go to bed early
And rise with the sun
Read from what's pearly
Life is delightsome

meek- synonyms :balmy, clement, gentle, humble, meek, mild-mannered, moderate, modest, temperate

mild- compliant, docile, humble, mild, modest, spiritless, submissive, tame

In Love, There Is No Fear

In love, there is no fear
Pray we feel it often
And when it is not near
Remember...and soften

A Small Ship

A small ship
Was coming ashore
At a fast clip
For there was a storm

The light house was near
Towering high
The path was made clear
A safe harbor was nigh

Too soon... the clouds dropped
A fog horn mourned low
And the lone ship stopped
Then... saw where to go

The Lord is that light
Waiting along the shore
Reassuring and bright
Leading us... through life's storms

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Testimony...Truly

A testimony... truly
Flows through our minds and hearts
As we profess truths... duly
The Holy Ghost confirms and imparts

Why admonish and exhort
When we've been given words
Why present like a report
When the gospel's spiritually heard

The Holy Ghost Will Verify Your Words

“A testimony is what we know to be true in our minds and in our hearts by the witness of the Holy Ghost (see D&C 8:2). As we profess truth rather than admonish, exhort, or simply share interesting experiences, we invite the Holy Ghost to confirm the verity of our words. The power of pure testimony (see Alma 4:19) does not come from sophisticated language or effective presentation; rather, it is the result of revelation conveyed by the third member of the Godhead, even the Holy Ghost.”
David A. Bednar, “More Diligent and Concerned at Home,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 19
an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truth

tell or deposit (information) knowledge
bestow a quality on
make known; pass on, of information

at the proper time

His Love For Us Can't Be Measured

His love can't be measured
Ever it's ours to treasure...
Does He care of our age?
Not when He's written our life's page
Does He judge our homestead?
No, He looks on the heart instead

Oft...I'm lost without a compass
Then...warmth nears to encompass
Though I feel incomplete
He loves me... completely
Though I am imperfect
He loves me... perfectly

Infinite and eternal
Is our God... paternal

An Infinite Amount of Love

"Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God's love for you."God does not look on the outward appearance (see 1 Samuel 16:7). I believe that He doesn't care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He love us perfectly, Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Love of God," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 22

Thursday, February 18, 2010

For Prescribed Preparation

For prescribed preparation
The young priesthood gather
Extending careful attention
Of a dignified manner

Done in loving labor
The sacrament prayer is read
There to pass and deliver
What's holy and sacred

Paul K. Sybrowsky
This Do in Remembrance of Me
Ensign, Feb 2010, 30–35

Institution of the Sacrament
The sacrament represents the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is a holy and sacred ordinance to be administered in a prescribed way by worthy priesthood holders and partaken of by worthy Latter-day Saints. Careful attention is given in a dignified manner to the preparation, blessing, and passing of the sacrament

It Is Absolutely Vital

It is absolutely vital
That we meet oft and partake
To cleanse our inner vessel
Through renewed covenants we make

Let us be filled with the body of Christ
With His blessed name, to remember Him
With Living Water and the Bread of Life
To feel His love and power within

Paul K. Sybrowsky
This Do in Remembrance of Me
Ensign, Feb 2010, 30–35

May we be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we partake worthily of the sacrament.

Partaking Often
The Lord has said, “It is expedient that the church meet together often to partake” of the sacrament (D&C 20:75). If it is expedient to the Lord, it is absolutely vital to us!

Our Savior, in cleansing our inner vessel, will not leave us empty, weak, and sickly, but He will fill us with His love and the power to resist temptation. Those who come unto Christ become as Christ as they exercise faith in Him and partake of “the bread of life” and of “living water” (John 4:10; 6:35).

On April 6, 1830, as the first Saints of this dispensation met to organize the Church, they included in their first official meeting the ordinance of the sacrament, as outlined by the Lord (see D&C 20:75–79).

As members of the Church, we understand that our own personal redemption comes only through our Savior, Jesus Christ. We declare and testify to the world that He atoned for our sins by perfect obedience to the will of the Father. We can receive God’s greatest gift, eternal life, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the restored gospel.

We also understand Father Lehi’s teaching to his son Jacob when he said, “How great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah” (2 Nephi 2:8).

May we eat and drink so that we no longer hunger and thirst spiritually. And may we be filled with the Spirit of the Lord each Sabbath day as we partake in remembrance of Him, that we might be whole and one with Him.

Tarrying Together- Sacrament

Tarrying together
As one... for another
Each to self-examine
What is meant by amen

This cup of good news
His suffering profuse
This tray of torn bread
Does shew He was dead

Woe when we're weak
And sickly in sin
For we pray...yet do sleep
Till order sets in

Some day the sup will fulfill
With the Lord in the flesh
How then we'll be filled
By the truest witness

Paul K. Sybrowsky
This Do in Remembrance of Me
Ensign, Feb 2010, 30–35

"May we be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we partake worthily of the sacrament."

corinthians 11:23-34
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took abread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in aremembrance of me.
After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
For as often as ye eat this abread, and drink this cup, ye do bshew the Lord’s cdeath till he come.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this abread, and drink this cup of the Lord, bunworthily, shall cbe dguilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man aexamine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh aunworthily, eateth and drinketh bdamnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
For this cause many are weak and asickly among you, and many sleep.
For if we would ajudge ourselves, we should not be judged.
But when we are judged, we are achastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.
And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come.

Learn to Obey

Learn to obey
And not be led astray
Of mistakes... abhor
Repulsed... unto remorse

Exercise self restraint
Change course... lest faith grow faint
For in this fertile soil
The flower of repentance will not spoil

Foundation Standards

"An individual with foundation standards and an enduring commitment to obey them is not easily led astray. Someone who is increasingly repulsed by grievous sin and who exercises self-restraint outside human influence has character. Repentance will be more efficacious for such an individual. A feeling of remorse after a mistake is a fertile soil wherein repentance can flower."
Richard G. Scott, "To Acquire Spiritual Guidance," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 9

May I Share a Warning

May I share a warning-
Satan is out swarming
To distract our way
Of daily efforts to pray

Often he will tempt us
As that creates a distance
Or He will convince us
We can't receive such guidance

Either way...believe
And...too, repent
Lest the Spirit grieve
Lacking in light present

Satan Blocks Spiritual Communication

"I share a warning. Satan is extremely good at blocking spiritual communication by inducing individuals, through temptation, to violate the laws upon which spiritual communication is founded. With some, he is able to convince them that they are not able to receive such guidance from the Lord."
Richard G. Scott, "To Acquire Spiritual Guidance," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 8

Learn to Pray

Learn to pray
Doing so, often...
In a humble way
With your heart softened

Prayer is the key
Personal to you
For the unlocking
Of heaven to view

Beyond the veil
On the other side
You are well known
Inside and outside

With your key this day
Undo the lock
Kneel and pray
And with the

Then... before you close
In the name of the Son
Say..."Thy will be done"
And with God... be one

Prayer and Promptings
“Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray in your mind, in your heart. Pray on your knees. Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil. And I have learned to conclude all my prayers with ‘Thy will be done’ (Matthew 6:10; see also Luke 11:2; 3 Nephi 13:10).”
Boyd K. Packer, “Prayer and Promptings,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 46

I Walked at Dawn

I walked at dawn
Down a street of cobblestone
Heavily burdened I saw
A man with an immense load

A local indigenous
Delivering firewood
In a sack so enormous
It was strapped to his forehead

The bulk was as big as him
He steadied it with a rope many times again
Would he carry this awkward load?

That our burdens may be light
What ever shall we do?
But yield ourselves to Christ
Whose strength will help us through

As a child submissive, meek,
Humble, patient, and full of love
Ever Him may we seek
Who knows what trials are made of

Misconducts... ours and others
Addictions that we face
Stress and anxiety that smothers
His love invites... to embrace

Ever placed upon our backs
Is the burden... born of sins
Ever alone the strength we lack
With Him... this load lightens

His power ever avails
Unto heavenly shelter
Though societal storms prevail
And hate's furnace swelters

Ever life is pressing upon us
And it is a struggle to carry
As it becomes extremely ponderous
We can become doubtful, wary

But, we must endure and carry well
No matter how heavy our burden
No matter how long the trail
With the Lord...our stride, He lengthens

Mercifully the son of God
Offers us deliverance
Even our sins He will blot
If we repent... unto obedience

All experiences are for our good
As schooling for improved behavior
That we'll have we should
For we are all known of the Savior

That Your Burdens May Be Light
Elder L. Whitney Clayton
Ensign, November 2009, 12

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Change...It All Began With Enoch all began
With Enoch...a young man
Who was less than sure of himself
Yet, called to be the lord's help

As he took to journey
God's voice he heard to say
"With my people I am angry
For they've chosen the wicked way

Man's hearts is waxed so hard
That their ears are stopped and dull
Their dark eyes will not see far
Yes, iniquity is full!"

But Enoch was slow of speech
Who would listen to him?
Then... as his mouth opened to preach
Words of power were given

He caused the mountains to flea
And the rivers to change their course
With anointed eyes he could see
He caused sinners to remorse

So great was the faith of Enoch
That nations came to fear
For their battles weren't strong enough
To destroy his righteous city here

And the Lord called His people Zion
For they were of one heart and one mind
He called them to heaven...and then cried long
As on earth... there was but wickedness to find

All but Noah and his few
That is another story
Earth cleansed all anew
To hold only those worthy of glory

Moses 6,7
best resource- primary manual
click on title to go to site

My Hands Were Cold

My hands were cold
When on my walk I found
Papers wet to hold
All scattered on the ground

One caught my eye
A pass along card
I gave a small cry
And picked up the discard

A library card
Doctors appointments
An insurance card
And an arrest...disappointment

A city bus pass
Where to buy guns
The smoke shop- gasp
The sky opens...suns

My heart was warmed
To this soul in need
Word of wisdom harmed
Destroyed indeed

Was this his bottom?
Knowing the cost of thievery
With his wallet stolen
Will he pray for delivery?

Despite everything
There is...that card
In him hope can ring
His life so... hard

The elders names long washed away
I called and placed a new number
Hoping to offer light to this waif
Whose faith as yet does slumber

found behind a Las Vegas high school
he'd been arrested for stealing bourbon
so many doctor appointments...
prescriptions... pain management
and that card-

The Fountains of the Great Deep Were Broken- Then They Waited

The fountains of the great deep were broken
The windows of heaven...thankfully...opened
After forty days and forty nights of deluge
They, then, waited four times longer for refuge

As the waters prevailed upon the earth
On the ark was discomfort...and birth
Like them...oft we wait for waters to recede
While growing ever more and more in need

For even when back on dry ground
As one must abound
Unburying and toiling on the land
Filled with compassion...extending a hand

click on the above title to go to site
Waiting for the Water to Recede
By Susan Law Corpany

Genesis 7:24 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Jesus Warned His Disciples- Hypocrisy

Jesus warned His disciples
Concerning the ways of scribes and Pharisees
As of laws they picked at and pulled
Judging only others...guilty of hypocrisy

Jesus would we express love
And more than it
Lifting others t'wards Light above
Discerned...spirit to Spirit

Children Alert and Sensitive to Hypocrisy

"Many of the Savior's harshest rebukes were directed to hypocrites. Jesus warned His disciples concerning the scribes and Pharisees: 'Do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not' (Matthew 23:3). This strong admonition is sobering given the counsel to 'express love—and show it,' to 'bear testimony—and live it,' and to 'be consistent.'"The hypocrisy in our lives is most readily discerned and causes the greatest destruction within our own homes. And children often are the most alert and sensitive when it comes to recognizing hypocrisy."
David A. Bednar, "More Diligent and Concerned at Home," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 20

How Marvelous is Life

How marvelous is life
As we turn away from sins,
To walk the path of Christ,
And feel forgiveness within

Repentant ...testimony roots
Converted, we're healed of offense
How sweet the gospel fruits:
Joy and peace of conscience

Divine Forgiveness

“I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fulness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven (see Boyd K. Packer, “The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 19). What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience. Jesus declares, ‘Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?’ (3 Nephi 9:13).”
Neil L. Andersen, “Repent . . . That I May Heal You,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 40-41

Monday, February 15, 2010

We Are Prepared For Earth with One Self

We are prepared for earth with one self
Only to then create another on top
And we are always in need of help
For the former self we have forgot

In the first seasons... unawares
We are but the center of all
Without beginning or end or cares
Till we discover we are but small

Self conscious now... alone
We strive for identity
With self awareness ours to own
Midst the buds of personality

Then... spirituality takes a hold
Responding to inner truths
And our self-less part unfolds
As we recognize peace that soothes

As the spirit and flesh combine in strength
They rise to buds of maturity
Still only in infancy at length
With perfection reserved for futurity

Two Selves
By M. Catherine Thomas
click on the above title to go to site

Who Am I?

Who am I? I wanted to know
As I stood and faced a tall mirror
If only it became a window
Perhaps I could see much clearer

Out into the heavens beyond the skies
Are prayers both heard and answered?
Though I couldn't see, I extended my cries
Humbly... uttered... whispered

Then, in truth, an response came
In the form of a knock at the door
Two men bearing the very same name
Elder... taught the pre-existence and more

I have a purpose here on earth
Prepared for, in advance, through God's hand
As His child, I have spirit and worth
Spiritually...I recognize His plan

All my life, I think I knew this
Something called me in my reflection
Something caused me to grow and take notice
Calling me to make this connection

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We Need More Holiness in Our Lives

We need more holiness in our lives
As evil forces around us intensify
To, then, really do what we came here for
As though, daily, in the presence of the Lord

If we could glimpse who we were
Before we came down to the earth
All our present problems would fall away
Knowing the covenants and commitments we have made

Start with once a day...and do an experiment
And test the importance of the atonement
Try doing a difficult task as a holy woman would
And make that difference you always wished you could

With the Lord's atoning blood, we know at length
Our weaknesses may turn into a strength
Then despite chaos... we will not shatter
For we're praying and behaving in a holy manner

Becoming holy amid the increasing turmoil
Sister Nelson encourages women at BYU-Idaho meeting
By Chanae Landeen
Church News contributor
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2010

The World is Ripening

The world is ripening in iniquity
Ever growing dark and burdening
Lacking most... in integrity
As the distance from God is furthering

Who will stir up the lost souls
Unto a rememberance of God
Restore them as sheep to the fold
There to find the safety of His rod

D&C 18:6
Behold, the world is ripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.

Long Ago- a facebook story

Long ago
You were special to me
Time did flow
Unto ungluing

Yet...could it be
I found your name
I'd delight to see
Your'e one and the same...

The response returned
Indeed, it's true
Happily, I learned
My old's you!

facebook is bringing friendships back

Diane and I were survivor friends
going through hard times together
she got married...I moved
we lost touch...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Am Blessed as a Wife

I am blessed as a wife
With the choice of my heart...
He's the crown of my life
Though in life we're apart

thinking this is the sweetest thing for Zion's Poetess to have said... and not put to poetry...
Eliza wrote fondly of Joseph “my beloved husband, the choice of my heart and the crown of my life"

A Picture of Me

A picture of me
Smiling at Rick
We'd been hiking
Getting back was the trick

I slid on my bottom three times
and Rick three- how equally yoked is that?
My seat was wet from the snow... so ya know

What is Baptism For?

What is baptism for?
But a chance to be clean
To follow our dear Lord
On a path, through faith, seen

As a living ordinance
We take on Jesus' name
The hallmark of our existence
Is to be freed of earthly stains

If ever a generation
Was found in need... it is ours
This the last dispensation
Awaits celestial showers

Come be interviewed
Through repentance one's qualified
There to be renewed,
Received and sanctified

went to the baptism preview... I love teaching 8 year olds!

Make Good Choices

"Make good choices,"
Came parental voices
"Remember who you are...
Believe... and journey far"

"Come follow me"
Came a voice to heed
To a foreign land to teach
Unto all who'd hear him preach

Love... was in his heart all that day
Having waxed so strong in faith
How could anything go wrong
Knowing to whom he did belong

That night...though... while asleep
The gas pilot did not keep
He and his companion never awoke
Still... his promise, he never broke

For he was returned home with honor
Unto his mother and his father
Released from earth... for a journey without end
As beyond the veil, this elder... God did send

To his family...sweet comfort came
Ever they will bless his good name
Though a place in their hearts had become scarred
They recognized their son was brightly starred

This could be said of either Elder...
The goodness of their faces says it all
In this life they would not grow older
But on a mission, they are still called

Two missionaries die in natural gas leak in Romania
Funeral service for missionary beautiful, heartwarming
By Ashley J. Hall
For Mormon Times
click on title to go directly to site

The testimony/eulogy by his grandfather Mahlon Edwards, brother to Elder Keith Edwards of the Quorum of the Seventy, was a touching tribute as he bore testimony of the reality that this event constitutes the 'transfer' of faithful elders from mortal life to continue their labors on the other side of the veil as seen by President Joseph F. Smith as recorded in D&C Section 138."

We Are the World

A sharing of lives...
Love... compassion
A nations thrives
Feeling hope and passion

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mind the Gap

Mind the gap
Reads the sign
For oft toes trap
Along this line

There is a whole
Between what we know and do
Between our goals
And how we follow through

When we are humble
We're led and travel far
And when... we stumble
We've forgotten who we are

And as we move about
We must remember God's love
Lest we think our traps of doubt
Cannot be risen above

When a young woman becomes an adult
Shall she take a leave of absence?
Membership doesn't come to a halt
But fills our gaps to make the difference

Ours it is to strive and progress
Through faith and a sense of belonging
That as sisters we can grow to retrench
As holy women elevated with longings

Then, let your voice be heard
Preaching alongside the faithful
"Beware, and follow God's word
For, without Jesus, life can be painful"

"Valiantly pay attention
And remove yourself from danger
The Lord offers prayer's extension, of your trials, He is not a stranger"

Mind the Gap
Barbara Thompson
Ensign, November 2009, 118

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Working Crew For Months Obeyed

The working crew
For months obeyed
The harness rule
But it was cumbersome made

They were near the end that day
Of painting a Canadian bridge
When the scaffolding gave way
Leaving them only a ledge

It was a race to find a footing
And four plunged to the ground below
The others... held on without moving
As to a one inch lip of steel hands did grow

Over an hour they had to wait
For the brave rescue team
Concern for loved ones heavily weighed
T'was a one hundred twenty five feet drop from the beam

From this scary situation
There are many lessons to learn
For a valuable education
But, to just one I'd like to turn...

One day at a time... we're building our lives
With plenty of safety equipment to use
Finding our own way or following Christ
It being up to us which path we will choose

Ever we can accept or reject God's commandments
But we are not free to choose the consequences
Life already has so many challenges, hence
Without joining societies growing tolerances

God, knowing our skills and level of devotion
Gives us opportunities to serve and grow
And we need not drift on our own following notions
For the Lord has promised, where e'er we are, He will go...

He offers us the safety of personal prayer,
The scriptures, and the Holy Ghost to guide us
And if we endure as one faithful...using care
We'll receive divine revelation, thus

Ever, let us be assured- He's left us a rod
That we can hold to for safety from perishing
There to understand more of the plan of our God
And His eternal truths which are ours for cherishing

Ann M. Dibb
Hold On
Ensign, November 2009, 79

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Surpassing all Technology- Prayer

Surpassing all technology
Prayer can access the heavens
Without hardware, software, or a monthly fee
This timeless offer extends for free

Initiated through faith in Jesus Christ
The invitation is: ask and it shall be given
After having received divine light
And with the intention to follow through with Him

Then with a process of sifting
We must study things out in our minds
There to feel, within, a burning
To confirm it's a righteous need to find

Indeed, the richest things we learn
Come by accepting the will of the Father
And, we must be humble to discern
For, that which is revelation ought to be honored

The Lord asks that we unify and develop
With an eye, single to the glory of God
Growing in faith and hope with charity enveloped
Giving thanks for the strength to obey His laws

Then, for the building up of God's kingdom
And... as one having lent an ear unto His word
We can receive line upon line... inspired wisdom
As, through the veil, it is spiritually discerned

Ask, Seek, Knock
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Ensign, November 2009, 81

The News Reaches our Doors

The news reaches our doors
Another country is in need
Though on far distant shores
We've a responsibility

The admonition comes from the Lord
To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the sick
The question is how much can one afford
And with limited funds... how does one pick

The Lord would that we reach those far regions
On a mission of humanitarian aid
There to pass boundaries of race and religion
For, with hearts affected...the trip must be made

Can an artificial border be put around need?
Can a man put off tears seeing a child in pain?
We can group with others who've obtained funds to lead
And replace the weakness of one standing alone...with a campaign

campaign- several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal

thoughts from
President Thomas S. Monson recalls years of Church humanitarian assistance

click on above title to go directly to site
Helping Hand Should Reach Out
By Sarah Jane Weaver
Church News staff writer
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010

There will always be more work to do. But, we can "replace the weakness of one standing alone with many standing together." President Monson

Monday, February 8, 2010

Imagine the Plea of an Adoptive Parent

Imagine the plea of an adoptive parent
When the child turns to what he's been saved from
And becomes societal's errant
Blowing each chance with a mind drugged numb...

Your past was barely known
When I brought you home
At barely three months old
You were adorable to behold

You started school very young
As a whip of a thing you sprung
With good friends and birthday parties
How these memories must please...

And, always I have been there
To let you know I care
As a parent I’ve lent support
In varied ways, at great effort

But now, I pause…
As you must too
For there are laws
And, they apply to you

Consider your ways
Where you want to go
Your back sliding days
Repeatedly show

You have hands that serve you
And programs await
Think hard what you’ll do
Before it’s too late

What you see in the mirror
Has an expiration date
And the 30’s get nearer
The longer you wait

When you were born
You were, oh so frail
And now I’m torn...
For you’re back in jail

Imprisoned in a body
That has taken control
Doing what's ungodly
Is that but your goal?

Please ask for help
From all whom you meet
Fight for yourself
For a new life to greet

And truly there is one
Who can get you cleaned up
It's our Savior who has won
All the dregs from your cup

I know that He stands and waits
With loving arms reaching out
That you might enter His gate
To begin again- I have no doubt

A dear friend and recent convert is taking a break from being a physical presence in her son's life. She is only writing to him while he is in jail this time. He doesn't seem to want to change- and feels sorry for himself at the same time. She asked me to write him a poem because she feels she nags so much...Well, I think a plea is not nagging... This young man had been a fetal alcohol baby. He has an innocence about him that makes you want to protect him. He gets in with the wrong crowd and is in and out of jail- breaking his parole...

Parents You Are the Open Book

Parents you are the open book
Your children treasure to read
Be an example so they can look
And learn to follow your lead

Messages of inspiration from President Monson
click on above title to go directly to the site
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010
Open book

As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, "I want to follow my dad," or "I want to be like my mother"? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes. — "Dedication Day," October 2000 general conference

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today As in the Days of Jesus

Today, as in the days of Jesus,
Ordinances are being performed.
Baptisms are washing away sins
And the Holy Ghost is being confirmed.

Now, with the whole Godhead on our side,
Covenants are made and go two ways.
Coming unto the fold, with sins denied,
We are witnesses for all of our days.

As we repent- weekly, thankfully,
The Holy Ghost guides us as a friend.
And we experience the Spirit poured so fully,
We are strengthened to lift and carry burdens.

Yes, to shoulder that pain
That weighs on others backs
So sweet the faith to gain
A smile one never lacks

Karen Ashton, “Sharing Time: Baptism, My First Covenant,” Friend, May 1997, 12

Ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in (Mosiah 18:8–9).

A covenant is a two-way promise between Heavenly Father and us, His children. The covenants He makes with us are sacred and holy. In them He promises glorious blessings to us. When we make covenants with Him, we show our love for Him and promise to keep His commandments.

The baptism covenant is the first gospel-ordinance covenant you make with Heavenly Father. When you make this sacred covenant, you show your love for Him. You also promise, or covenant, to take the name of Jesus Christ upon you, to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. (See D&C 20:37.) You should also be willing to bear testimony of Him, and to love and serve Him by loving and serving others. (See Mosiah 18:8–10.)

After you make your baptismal covenant (are baptized), you are confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father always blesses you with His spirit when you keep your baptismal covenant. Each Sunday you can remember and renew your baptismal covenant as you partake of the sacrament.

During A Time Long Past

During a time long past
In a place far away
Messages were taught to last
By the Life, the Truth, and the Way

All His exemplary life
He counseled with the holy word
And ever He would we think on our lives
As from Him many questions were heard

The Master outlined how best we should live
To teach, serve, and do... to reach as we should
While having the our highest motive
There to express gratitude for all that is good

There to sense and acknowledge what is sent from above
And prepare to learn from... to receive and do
May our homes be places filled with peace and love
As we invite God's Spirit, through obedience, too

For it is the home where attitudes are formed
Where hope and beliefs are held and fostered
There to become a sanctuary from the storm
As deep spiritual roots are sought and transferred

It is in the home that we form our attitudes, our deeply held beliefs. It is in the home that hope is fostered or destroyed.

Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God's Spirit can dwell, where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns and peace dwells."

President Thomas S. Monson
Becoming our best selves
Church News
Saturday, Oct. 2, 1999

The Goodness of Jesus Christ

The goodness of Jesus Christ
Is like a glowing searchlight
Bathing God's love among men
To lift with light and strengthen

We ever learn from His compassion
And this open our eyes for expansion
There to raise our sights with trust
Unto His parables that teach us

And as we strive to self improve
It is alongside our families we move
On His narrow path lit for perfection
Preparing for the day of resurrection

from Church New
Messages of inspiration from President Monson
Published: Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010

Best example

For the finest example of service, we turn to the life of the Lord. Like a glowing searchlight of goodness is the life of Jesus as He ministered among men. He brought strength to the limbs of the cripple, sight to the eyes of the blind, hearing to the ears of the deaf and life to the body of the dead.

His parables preach power. With the good Samaritan, He taught: "Love thy neighbor." Through His kindness to the woman taken in adultery, He taught compassionate understanding. In His parable of the talents, He taught each of us to improve himself and to strive for perfection. Well could He have been preparing us for our role in building a family. — Interfaith Conference on the American Family, American Mothers' Event, Sept. 13, 2003

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Followed the Savior

I followed the Savior
Down into the water
And entered His gate where
A path's lit to our Father

For then straight away
From having been cleansed
I received on that day
A guide which witnessed...

Spiritually given-
There is no other way
Nor name under heaven
By which a man might be saved

Stay repentant and clean
Speak oft with the angels
Have hope as your read
And pray for what enables

2 Nephi 31

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Plea- Is That You Have Courage

My plea- is that you have courage
To stand firm for what you believe
As society furthers sin's edge
And Satan tries to pull you near to deceive

Plant your testimony firmly with deep roots
Upon the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
Withstand those who challenge and ridicule
For you'll be called upon to defend your beliefs to the utmost

3 Feb 2010
Courage to Stand
By President Thomas S. Monson
“My … plea … is that you have the courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness. Because the trend in society today is away from the values and principles the Lord has given us, you will almost certainly be called upon to defend that which you believe. Unless the roots of your testimony are firmly planted, it will be difficult for you to withstand the ridicule of those who challenge your faith. When firmly planted, your testimony of the gospel, of the Savior, and of our Heavenly Father will influence all that you do throughout your life. The adversary would like nothing better than for you to allow derisive comments and criticism of the Church to cause you to question and doubt. Your testimony, when constantly nourished, will keep you safe.”

from: For Youth Today
click on title to go to site

Relief Society's Founding Legacy

Relief Society's founding legacy
Is one of strength and endurance
As sisters worked together selflessly
At a time long before women's suffrage

They truly held on... for Zion's tomorrow
As they bore persecution and extreme poverty
One would weep to read about their sorrows
While feeling but awe of their generosity

Born of faith in Jesus Christ
Charity remains, today, the motto
Regardless what be the storms of life
There's purpose and heroines to follow

Now, as the church reaches across the earth
Diverse Sisters give comfort as well as succor
Out of love and concern that others know of their worth
They serve, as the teach and testify of the Savior

From heart to heart this legacy is passing along
As the gospel message reaches from home to home
That the family can be made eternally strong
As the joy of the Atonement becomes more and more known

The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, November 2009, 121

1 Corinthians
13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have
not charity, I am 8become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all
mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I
could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I
give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me

13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity
vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 13:5 Doth not behave itself
unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no
evil; 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 13:7
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth
all things.

13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they
shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there
be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Fears Light Up

When fears light up
Speech centers shut down
For survival...telling us
To listen and not make a sound

Ironically, as this hides us
We actually find ourselves
As we think what might guide, thus
Unto resources... as one dwells

To help someone calm down
We might try a loving song
To soothe what does surround
And enable one to move along

In fear, at first, a child is quiet
Hoping to not be seen
Then explodes like a rocket
As the voice restores to scream

When we're set off with alarms
Prayer is a power that calms
That as we fold up our arms
The spirit lights us and balms

Thus fear and faith can't coexist...
For when we pray our fears dispel
That we might recover and resist
Through a process that does impel

When Joseph prayed in the grove
He was seized by an unseen power
Causing him to lose his tongue
Unto listening... as the first vision towered

Next time... when in a state of riot
As your worries and stress rage
Remember to use self-imposed quiet
And listen as the ears and heart engage

Then... start to converse
With yourself, God, or others
Feel the hormones reverse
As roaring fears are smothered!
click on above title to go directly to site

thoughts from:
Joseph G. Cramer, MD
When prayers go up, our fears go down as we open up our hearts
For Mormon Times
Wednesday, Feb. 03, 2010

Our Father in Heaven's Parental Love

Our Father in Heaven's parental love
Is much more than we can comprehend
How wondrous that He ever dwells above
Watching over us...with holy Light to attend

He fills our hearts with breathtaking joy
And brightens our darkest hours with His blessed peace
He distills upon our minds precious truths... to enjoy
As He answers our prayers...and shepherds us to increase

Let us offer up righteous petitions
And share with Him our times of distress
Might we receive of Him, His precious directions
As we offer up meekness for truths that impress

Let us rejoice, knowing He does with us also
This being the measure of our creation
There is so much awaiting us... He delights to show
As we enjoy our lives in but budding gestation

And let any reader of this know
This was written with tears on my face
As out of gratitude...I want to show
My Father...His love, I feel and embrace

"Our Father in Heaven has given us, His children, much more than any mortal mind can comprehend. Under His direction the Great Jehovah created this wondrous world we live in. God the Father watches over us, fills our hearts with breathtaking joy, brightens our darkest hours with blessed peace, distills upon our minds precious truths, shepherds us through times of distress, rejoices when we rejoice, and answers our righteous petitions."

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Love of God
Ensign, Nov. 2009, 22

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We All Possess the Gift

We all possess the gift
Of choose
To draw nigh to or darkly drift
From our Lord and His good news

For our each and every action
There's light to be responsible
And we ever have an obligation
To accept and be held accountable

Through consistent practice
Our standards can be set high
Unto greatness, with Christ-like service
Rejecting the self-absorbent life

Thus developing the character
Of one morally disciplined
Thereby following the exemplar
As His ideals are envisioned

Some turn from the laws of the Savior
Creating their own God unto disorder
There is naught to restrain their behavior
But, external controls put in order

Yet, can police and laws replace
Customs, traditions, and values
Can one civilize the human race
When it has fallen unto abuse

As the right hand steals from the left
And puts forth more regulations
There is but circumvention and debt
As each judges the other's education...

Such societies will struggle in vain
Until sin is denounced as sin
That moral discipline might rein
As a pantheon of civic virtues are brought in
Moral discipline is taught in the home
Where our teachings come of our faith
That the commandments of God might be known
As a desire for truth becomes framed...

All of us experience temptations
As did the Savior, who gave them no heed
As we stay principled with dedication
From sin's exploration... we are freed!

Always and ever we must exercise discipline
Repenting oft, believing in Christ's atoning grace
It is our to inspire others if they will listen
To find help to deal with all that they face

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Moral Discipline
Ensign, November 2009, 105