
Sunday, February 28, 2010

It Is the Spring of A.D. 34

It is the spring of A.D. 34
The final week of His mortal life
Let us spend it with the Lord
And let Him change our lives

In a costly gift,
Mary washed His feet
To our Lord, what can we give...
As a sacrifice... complete

The life of her brother Lazarus
Was sought by conspirators
Who'd planned demise for Jesus
As collusion more out pours

Would we cave in terror
Or stay true loyally
Would we grow in fervor
Supportive... royally...

John 12:1-11 don’t forget to watch for the Joseph Smith Translation in the footnotes. Here Mary, sister of Lazarus, anoints the feet of Jesus...a conspiracy to kill Jesus and Lazarus both is revealed.

“Sacrifice is the very essence of religion; it is the keystone of happy home life, the basis of true friendship, the foundation of peaceful community living, of sound relations among people and nations . . . .

“Without sacrifice there is no true worship of God.”

click on above title to go to snickerdoodle

14 day walk with christ- oviedo ward youth day 7

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