
Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Fears Light Up

When fears light up
Speech centers shut down
For survival...telling us
To listen and not make a sound

Ironically, as this hides us
We actually find ourselves
As we think what might guide, thus
Unto resources... as one dwells

To help someone calm down
We might try a loving song
To soothe what does surround
And enable one to move along

In fear, at first, a child is quiet
Hoping to not be seen
Then explodes like a rocket
As the voice restores to scream

When we're set off with alarms
Prayer is a power that calms
That as we fold up our arms
The spirit lights us and balms

Thus fear and faith can't coexist...
For when we pray our fears dispel
That we might recover and resist
Through a process that does impel

When Joseph prayed in the grove
He was seized by an unseen power
Causing him to lose his tongue
Unto listening... as the first vision towered

Next time... when in a state of riot
As your worries and stress rage
Remember to use self-imposed quiet
And listen as the ears and heart engage

Then... start to converse
With yourself, God, or others
Feel the hormones reverse
As roaring fears are smothered!
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thoughts from:
Joseph G. Cramer, MD
When prayers go up, our fears go down as we open up our hearts
For Mormon Times
Wednesday, Feb. 03, 2010

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