
Monday, February 15, 2010

Who Am I?

Who am I? I wanted to know
As I stood and faced a tall mirror
If only it became a window
Perhaps I could see much clearer

Out into the heavens beyond the skies
Are prayers both heard and answered?
Though I couldn't see, I extended my cries
Humbly... uttered... whispered

Then, in truth, an response came
In the form of a knock at the door
Two men bearing the very same name
Elder... taught the pre-existence and more

I have a purpose here on earth
Prepared for, in advance, through God's hand
As His child, I have spirit and worth
Spiritually...I recognize His plan

All my life, I think I knew this
Something called me in my reflection
Something caused me to grow and take notice
Calling me to make this connection

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