
Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Walked at Dawn

I walked at dawn
Down a street of cobblestone
Heavily burdened I saw
A man with an immense load

A local indigenous
Delivering firewood
In a sack so enormous
It was strapped to his forehead

The bulk was as big as him
He steadied it with a rope many times again
Would he carry this awkward load?

That our burdens may be light
What ever shall we do?
But yield ourselves to Christ
Whose strength will help us through

As a child submissive, meek,
Humble, patient, and full of love
Ever Him may we seek
Who knows what trials are made of

Misconducts... ours and others
Addictions that we face
Stress and anxiety that smothers
His love invites... to embrace

Ever placed upon our backs
Is the burden... born of sins
Ever alone the strength we lack
With Him... this load lightens

His power ever avails
Unto heavenly shelter
Though societal storms prevail
And hate's furnace swelters

Ever life is pressing upon us
And it is a struggle to carry
As it becomes extremely ponderous
We can become doubtful, wary

But, we must endure and carry well
No matter how heavy our burden
No matter how long the trail
With the Lord...our stride, He lengthens

Mercifully the son of God
Offers us deliverance
Even our sins He will blot
If we repent... unto obedience

All experiences are for our good
As schooling for improved behavior
That we'll have we should
For we are all known of the Savior

That Your Burdens May Be Light
Elder L. Whitney Clayton
Ensign, November 2009, 12

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