
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Hands Were Cold

My hands were cold
When on my walk I found
Papers wet to hold
All scattered on the ground

One caught my eye
A pass along card
I gave a small cry
And picked up the discard

A library card
Doctors appointments
An insurance card
And an arrest...disappointment

A city bus pass
Where to buy guns
The smoke shop- gasp
The sky opens...suns

My heart was warmed
To this soul in need
Word of wisdom harmed
Destroyed indeed

Was this his bottom?
Knowing the cost of thievery
With his wallet stolen
Will he pray for delivery?

Despite everything
There is...that card
In him hope can ring
His life so... hard

The elders names long washed away
I called and placed a new number
Hoping to offer light to this waif
Whose faith as yet does slumber

found behind a Las Vegas high school
he'd been arrested for stealing bourbon
so many doctor appointments...
prescriptions... pain management
and that card-

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