
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Even As Moistening Dews Before the Sun

Even as moistening dews before the sun
Nephites were being swept off the earth
In preempting a battle, God was shunned
Claiming justice, vengeance frothed and churned

Soon carnage was the worst ever known
In a battle for annihilation
Each becoming dark, filthy, and loathsome
Raging nation against nation

Led about by Satan as chaff before the wind
The Nephites grew in sorcery and unbelief
The grace of being God’s people did end
As unrepentant…they were driven beyond belief

Continually, their hearts grew in coldness
Without mercy…cannibalism was their token,
Their badge of courage, and path of boldness
While to their wives and children, hell did open

To their God’s, Lamanites slew them for sacrifice
And greatly horrendous was the slaughter
As the ugliness of it …no words can suffice….
The slaying of Nephite wives, sons, and daughters

Covering the land…there was but blood
All the while…. a prophet stepped aside
As wickedness came to a full flood
And the last of the Nephites fell to the sword and died

With only one knowing the promise to set forth
The prophet, Moroni, walked the earth all alone
With visions of our day…his heart in writings out poured-
“Repent oft with charity through Him who atoned”

comments are welcome...

After having pondered Mormon 4
and reading Hugh Nibley's
Is Preemptive War A Christian Principle?
found at

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kelly,

    I had somehow missed or overlooked your contribution at Pure Mormonism. I very much liked the poem, and I do express condolences to you over the loss of your son-in-law. I do not doubt that he was a good man who felt he was participating in a righteous cause.

    I'm aware, of course, that so many of our children have been led to believe that what they currently fight for are noble purposes, and my intent is to warn others that they are being used as fodder for an empire that does not care about its soldiers and their families any more than they are useful for propaganda.

    The intent of my blog is to demonstrate that yes, there are times when it is necessary to pick up the sword, but it is important to recognize when or whether it is necessary, as opposed to when we are being duped.

    Thanks again for your contribution.
