
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Make Good Choices

"Make good choices,"
Came parental voices
"Remember who you are...
Believe... and journey far"

"Come follow me"
Came a voice to heed
To a foreign land to teach
Unto all who'd hear him preach

Love... was in his heart all that day
Having waxed so strong in faith
How could anything go wrong
Knowing to whom he did belong

That night...though... while asleep
The gas pilot did not keep
He and his companion never awoke
Still... his promise, he never broke

For he was returned home with honor
Unto his mother and his father
Released from earth... for a journey without end
As beyond the veil, this elder... God did send

To his family...sweet comfort came
Ever they will bless his good name
Though a place in their hearts had become scarred
They recognized their son was brightly starred

This could be said of either Elder...
The goodness of their faces says it all
In this life they would not grow older
But on a mission, they are still called

Two missionaries die in natural gas leak in Romania
Funeral service for missionary beautiful, heartwarming
By Ashley J. Hall
For Mormon Times
click on title to go directly to site

The testimony/eulogy by his grandfather Mahlon Edwards, brother to Elder Keith Edwards of the Quorum of the Seventy, was a touching tribute as he bore testimony of the reality that this event constitutes the 'transfer' of faithful elders from mortal life to continue their labors on the other side of the veil as seen by President Joseph F. Smith as recorded in D&C Section 138."

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