
Friday, February 26, 2010

Line Upon Line I Am Learning

Line upon line I am learning
As the Spirit teaches me much
Such that to the same line I'm returning
And find in a new way it does touch

The gospel light is held forth
For the confirming of our hope
Reminding us what to reach for
God and our eternal home

D&C 98: 12
For he will give unto the faithful
line upon line, precept upon precept;
and I will try you and prove you herewith.

D&C 128: 21
And again, the voice of God
in the chamber of old Father Whitmer,
in Fayette, Seneca county,
and at sundry times,
and in divers places
through all the travels
and tribulations of this Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
And the voice of Michael,
the archangel;
the voice of Gabriel,
and of Raphael,
and of divers angels,
from Michael or Adam
down to the present time,
all declaring
their dispensation,
their rights,
their keys,
their honors,
their majesty and glory,
and the power of their priesthood;
giving line upon line,
precept upon precept;
here a little,
and there a little;
giving us consolation
by holding forth that which is to come,
confirming our hope!

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