
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Threat of Death Filled the Air

The threat of death filled the air
Creating fear, doubt, and despair
While waiting for prophecy to fulfill
In truth, they needed a miracle

Anticipating a night as day
According to what Samuel did say
The prophet prayed in his people's behalf
Soon to be destroyed for the faith they had

The wicked in bloodlust did more than agitate
They rallied and set forth an execution date
Ever because of iniquity and disbelief
They thought this would end their guilt and grief

As such, Nephi prayed like there was no tomorrow
All day, in fact, heavy burdened...deep in sorrow
Then...he heard the lord say, "Lift up your head, be of good cheer
For on this night...heaven's sign would appear!"

Sure enough at the going down of the sun
Daylight stayed to proclaim the birth of the son
And all the people were greatly astonished
While some fell to the earth deeply anguished

A star appeared...wonders abound
The new day dawned... sunlight was found
And across the world the new babe was born
With wondrous works His to perform

thoughts from The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ
chapter 5

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