
Sunday, February 28, 2010

We Can Fine Tune the Spirit

We can fine tune the Spirit
Like unto a personal radio
That we might better then hear it
Speak softly unto our soul

A prayful commitment to obey
All that the Lord commands
Is continually the way
One hears and understands

In this shifting and unstable world
Peace and assurance can come
Despite all that in life is hurled
We have help to overcome

Elder Harold B. Lee taught, "All too often, when God speaks in this still, small voice, it may not be audible to our physical hearing because, like a faulty radio, we may be out of tune wit the infinite. If you will be obedient (for that is the condition) the Lord’s promise to you of peace is sure, absolutely certain!”

click on the title to go directly to snickerdoodle
14 Day Walk with Christ - Day 4

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