Thursday, December 31, 2009
Prophecy Was Made
Ancient prophecy was made
Then generations passed
To faithful hearts a promise lay
With signs for eyes to cast
A virgin birth
For one named Mary
She come to earth
God's son... to carry
Meanwhile... atrocities and war
Bondage.... Babylon, Egypt, Greece, then Rome
Conquered again and again...who was favored?
Then...He came... obscure and unknown
With His life
Came rebirth
Jesus Christ
Brought us new worth
Perfectly He led
Healed and discoursed
Spiritually He fed
As His life ran its course
thoughts from reading
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black
Sin Shades Well What Lit the Heart
What lit the heart
And love fades
As contention starts
The first to go
Joy... belonging
Caresses flow
A door closes
between two souls
One... searching...knocking
Unto but holes
Yet, some reminiscing is heard
The door opens some distance
For tender, loving words
The marriage has a chance
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
On a Quest for What's Within Us
On a quest for what's within us
Each challenge becomes a platform
That increasingly sensitizes
And launches us forward to perform
With growth in truth and light
The Holy Ghost is the ingredient
To lead our future t'wards what's bright
In as much as we're obedient
These are the times to discern
How best to be positive
As we love, listen, and learn
Lighten, laugh, lead and lift
Let us, as a church, look to God's plan
While remaining immersed in the gospel
There to reach out with Christ-like hands
And teach of faith to all lands and people
Bishop H. David Burton
These are the Times
Dec 1, 2009
Let us Give to the Lord
What, simply, all can afford
The gift of gratitude
And a humble attitude
There Were Four Frogs on a Lillypad
And two decided that they would jump
But when I looked, I felt I had been had
For their decision proved not enough
Given freedom, it's hard to follow through
Unless we learn to have objectives
Prioritize, and report to someone, too
For then... we become more selective
With the gospel there's a freshness to life
As we pray, ponder, and discuss
There to grow in wisdom, stature, and light
Seeing not just what is before us
Thoughts from sister Hubler's talk
in Monterey Ward
If a Man Offered to Carry My Load
Should I not give thanks and follow Him?
For will he not take it upon the best road
And help me to lighten it often?
When I in my silliness
Managed to accumulate more
He in the purest meekness
Said, "Is that but what I'm here for...?"
Truly, I followed him closer
Asking what, for him, I could do
He said, "Let go and find closure
For when you're weighed down, indeed, I am too!"
The Candle Flickers Bright
In the softness of the night
In memory... of one dear
Whose Light is ever near
Merry Christmas, Jesus Christ
And happy birthday, too
We celebrate your life
And teachings all anew
Unchangeable Goodness
What can proclaimed of more?
Ever Christ is the good news
We've miracles in store
It is time to believe
That the gospel is true
With eternity we weave
With the Savior, we DO!
Born of foreordination...
We were saved for this day
He knows of each situation
And ever would that we pray
Mormon 9:
19 And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles.
20 And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust.
21 Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.
There's Twenty Five Dots in All
To remember, ponder, and talk
Feel the Light of Christmas come
Ever warm and delightsome
December is finally here
Let us make each new day count
As nightly our family draws near
Let us talk of Christ and recount
recount- verb: narrate or give a detailed account of
Description: a tapered candle with 25 dots painted on it. To be burned down to the next dot...
found a site for advent calendar ideas
In the Quiet of the Morning
I awoke to thoughts of joy
Like a child with excitement forming
I turned to the scriptures to enjoy
Opening a gift
could not give such pleasure
I turned to a page
And found the words to treasure
There... love filled my soul
And I knew... that God knew
I felt complete and whole
With strength to go and do
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Terrorists are Like Roaches
Predictably they keep coming back
As when extinction approaches
They relocate and wait to attack
Those once infested understand...
Before you spray you must warn your neighbor
Let them prepare with pesticide on hand
For prevention requires consistent behavior
And one like the Grinch...
Would to destroy our Christmas
But that abdominal clinch
Detonated all amiss
Could it be an angel
Flying with the plane
Changed a flow or an angle
And left alive the one to blame
Perhaps this extremist
Can be restored unto good
And in an end with a twist
Help to mend up brotherhood
He now as one who has faced death
Perhaps he's filled with remorsing
And thankful for this day's breath
Has changed what he is endorsing
May we get inside his head
And exterminate one cell's dark nest
For truly someone led
And provided tools and bombs to test
Thoughts from being glued to the news
and due... to fly
Drew Griffen CNN
speaking of the crotchbomb- Christmas 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
In Nine Lines or Less
I would like to share
Some words that express
The depth in which I care
Some quiet time to think
Is needed by all
To pause.... let life sink
Into memory's halls
There... where... you I recall
I shall put into your hearts
For I have suffered you to come unto this place
To speak forth thoughts the Spirit imparts
D&C 100:4-8
Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls. Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men; For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say. But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things. And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say."
Living by the scriptures
Published: Saturday, Dec. 26, 2009
LDS Church News - click on the above title to go to this site
The Invisible Woman
There was a young mother
Who saw she was invisible
As to another
She made her day divisible
Sometimes she was a clock
That was expected to respond
Her only chance to talk
Was to tell him what lay beyond
Her words fell on deaf ears
When she asked for a favor
And when she cooked, I fear
He pecked it and did not savor
Patiently, she listened
And smiled through his demands
And for him, love glistened
While with hands on hips, he stands
Who sees her sacrifice
Her unwashed hair and ponytail?
Her clock speeds up to twice
To be seen as dependable
Then, one day in a book
She saw what to all man enthralls
The pains unnamed hands took
To selflessly build cathedrals
In corners, everywhere
One may see each delicate carving
Though hands and arms did wear
For the credit, were they starving?
For God and not duty
They gave their all, in their prime time
They simply made beauty
That would not be done in their lifetime
Her dozen warm cupcakes
Her sleepless nights with a sick child
All the errands she makes
Will this raise a child that is mild?
If she's doing things right
The world will marvel what she built
For now it's in God's sight
With Him, her efforts will not wilt
thoughts from Invisible Woman
author unknown
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Despite the Loneliest Foxholes - Christmas Still Comes
In the loneliest foxholes of the heart
Personal trials are felt and fought
There... one can find the sweetest remedy:
As the clarion call is heard- "Come Unto Me"
For all who labor and are heavy laden
His arms offer rest, comfort, and haven
We can find proof of this in history
Here... is of one lifted despite the worst misery...
The flag of truce was meaningless it turned out
During the bleakest and darkest time noted
Just as the coldest winter came about
The prophet of God was incarcerated
Into a dungeon of thick walls and a trap door
With only smallest bit of light
Oft poisoned food was dropped down to the floor
Adding to the hopelessness of his plight
There... a soul could become dark and hollow
Without the bowels being filled with charity
Thus despite dismal distress and sorrow
He continued to pray in faith and purity
For, a heart heavy with hate or anger
Vengeance and even self-pity
Is absolutely in danger
Of being shut from light's vicinity
Thus, midst struggling with his feelings of desperation
More was added to the weight of his burden
Word of the vigorous work of extermination...
Came ringing to his ears... their suffering....desertion
No pleas could be so pitiful
No news could cause more pangs
He being the one responsible
To lead and guide the Saints
The time comes of extremity
When one can do nothing but pray
There to put full trust in Deity
And know God is there, come what may
There to feel the warmest feelings of love
As an answer truly does come
"Be patient,"... as this is what life is made of
And the Lord has conquered and won!
That is the beauty of Christmas
The offering of hope through a clarion call
The Redeemer's light shines out for us
And He speaks... the greatest message of all
This jail proved well named after its city
Liberty... Joseph's release was finally approved
Having been lowered to the depths of humility
He was freed... after being raised, spiritually moved
click on the above title for a direct link
Lessons from Liberty Jail
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
CES Fireside for Young Adults • September 7, 2008 • Brigham Young University
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Nativity - Joy To The World Segment 1 - Christmas
Candles are being lit
All the world over
The story's being read
Cover to cover
Let the good news now spread
That the prince of peace did come
Of loaves and truth, He fed
And redeemed us as the Son
Now... last of all
Let the bright star be raised
As in prayer we call
His blessed name be praised
Let the Children Come
'Let The Children Come'
by: Liz Lemon Swindle
Let the children come
My time is for them too...
Deny not a one
I'll give a message new
Come and gather round
And let me see your smiles
Please make not a sound
Soon I'll be gone for miles
See this lovely flower
The heavens water it with dew
Know that every minute, every hour
Heavenly Father watches over you
When you're in need- He knows
And would that you ever pray
For then His love sweetly shows
In miraculous timely ways
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Look to the Light
Look to the light
Shone long ago
There's a promise, bright-
Below all, Christ does know...
Our prayers are heard
Answers do come
Look ever to His word
Our souls He has won!
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
What Shall We Give?
Times change and the years speed by
But Christmas ever remains sacred
Though some doubt him and deny
He is the promised king of David
We can reach out with carpenter- like hands
And save lost souls who are now in need
We can show his footsteps lonely in the sand
And proclaim how he does carry and feed
Our opportunities are limitless
To gladden hearts through the gifts we give
May we grow in stature like unto Jesus
To bear His light as our highest motive
Who will bring to bloom the light of Christmas
That the windows of the soul can shine bright
Those who warm hearts unto Jesus
Will raise another's joy to new heights
What shall we give the small baby
As a gift that's bright with our love
Lifting another unto Him may be
The greatest blessing we can speak of
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
A Light Unto All: A Christmas Gift
A light unto all
Shines, the Christmas gift
He the Son of God
Does all the world lift
He can lighten our burdens
And free us of sin
Give us peace in life's turmoils
And make us bright within
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
Awesome Christmas Music Clip! Very moving and powerful!!!
Mary on a donkey
Journeyed through the crowds
Midst a child pressing
To a stable... she was not too proud
T'was a private place to lay
And birth Emmanuel
And there upon the hay
God's glory came to dwell
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
Christmas Begins with Christ
Christmas begins with Christ
May we each search for His light
That He may touch our hearts
And raise us to new heights
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
The Reason for the Season — Christmas Slideshow
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
Peace on Earth Good Will Towards All - My Christmas Message to the World
She wrapped Him
And kissed His face
Held Him close
In an embrace
His life of love
Had begun
This child of God
His precious son
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
Christmas - What Child is This? (Jesus Christ)
His life to review
Began with a star
We've a part too
As we're in His heart
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
Christmas - The Star of Bethlehem - The Book of Mormon
Was seen from afar
There was a night as day
That told of the coming babe
The miracle, the sign
Was of God's design
Lift up your head, be of good cheer
The star in the heaven truly did appear
Merry LDS Christmas
Can there be enough said
In picture and word
Of Him... our life bread
And all He offers
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
If You Could Hie To Kolob
There is no end to the love
That shines from heaven above
I see it where ever I go
in life's memories that grow
click on above title to go to youtube ldslife
safe places to watch lds utube, mormon messages:
I really love 5:14 on the clip- what photography!
Christmas Spirit
With decorations still lying about
The parents discussed gifts and bills to be paid
It was their smallest child who sought out
The wee babe for the manger she made
While going through a box of things
The nativity piece fell out of reach
And of the true Christmas meaning
The hard working child would teach
The parents had noted her passing
Once carrying a long wooden spoon
Then when she took an umbrella for grasping
They followed her and saw her lying in a room
The father offered to help
And looked far into a dark place
The piece he saw he knew well
It was the sweet babe with arms out to embrace
Holding the precious infant
He held it to his child... he in tears
Feeling taught in that instant
To the humble seeker, Christ enters
The family followed her to the scene
She had prepared with old toys
It was lit up like a dream
Splendid and created for joy
Sharpen This Pencil and Write I Love You
How Do I Show You I Care
(-----) Just Died
I didn't see it coming
I took it in, I cried
Then felt God's comfort- sweet and loving
Wearily, tearily
The memories came
Tenderly, devotedly
I contacted each name
Hi, I knew you'd want to know
( ----) died today
You were special to (him/her) long ago /(or) truly so /or ever so
This... I wanted to convey
The Prophet Came
The prophet came
With a list at hand
He brought a name
To our distant land
A widow who suffered
He sought to see
The blessing was offered
To grant her release
He spoke of her service
And of God's love for her
She'd fulfilled her purpose
Her life was in order
Your husband awaits you,
He was inspired to tell
In a few days she passed
To go beyond the veil
(After 30 years, together... at last)
Brother Larry Burns spoke of his
responsibility to take the prophet around
and of this detour they took....
He Matches His Own With Our Tears
He matches His own
With our tears
The heavens moan
Whene'er pain nears
Through His perfect plan
We have a comforter
And a pathway for prayer
That to Him we can turn
His compassion
Reaches out to us
Through the Companion
And ever, one, Jesus
There is a silver lining
When all we see are clouds
It is for our finding
Where God's love brightly shrouds
Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.
click on the above title to go to living prophet site and read article by Jeffrey R. Holland
Jeffrey R. Holland,
Within the Clasp of Your Arms
Ensign, May 1983, 36
However Dark the Night or Day
However dark the night or day
The Book of Mormon marks the way.
With light and truth and Jesus Christ
It guides us safely in this life.
Come find love, healing, help, and hope
Inspiration and change to cope.
Resist distractions that allure
Find what's holy, sweet, and pure.
Come be faithful, endure well, be strong;
Find the assurance that you belong.
Successful travelers know to hold fast
To partake of light that Jesus casts.
The mists of darkness subtly descend
But we have safety to the end
The fullest measure of peace and light
Has been preserved for our time
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
Book of Mormon — There is no other answer than the one Joseph gave
Published: Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009
LDS Church News
click on above title to read article
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Trays are Filled
The sheet's supplied
In memory of
The crucified
A prayer is said
For all to hear
The Spirit comes
The Lord is near
Christmas is for Miracles
If we've faith to believe
What to your heart now pulls?
It is soon our Lord's eve
He awaits at the door
And knows of our needs
Great blessings down pour
Depending on deeds
Let us form this feeling
In someone else's life
There's magic in living
And knowing Jesus Christ
Our legacy
Comes of inventory
As with Christ's light for embracing
We share the greatest story
thoughts from sacrament meeting
The Wallet Warm From Sunshine
Had been given by a friend
Filled with but pictures inside it
And one well used recommend
The car pulled up... his escort
Unto the temple doors
T'was his time to report
And complete his weekly chores
Seventy years he'd been going
Sixty of them with his wife
He being a Lord's servant
What a marvellous life
I Have Met a Woman
With eyes darkenend with depth
And a warm voice that can open
Hearts which oft do not let
I have seen the tears
Streaming down faces
Of those whom she endears
And shares of what she embraces
She of great reknown
Does a balancing act
For she neglects not her own
The family speaks this fact
Her marriage is quite strong
With the children much like her
In a blink, it won't be long
Till she's a great grandmother...
Let us oft give her a break
That she can keep this pace up
For when rested she awakes
God's love dwelling inside us
The Joy I Suddenly Felt
Humbled me to pray
So, before the Lord I knelt
With many words to say
What more could one ask for?
Than to feel the spirit's strong
Blessed with comfort that down pours
I'm reminded I belong
Service- Twice as Nice
Love, and sacrifice
With a friend it goes fast
For it's twice as nice
A Girl in a Devasted Land
Had naught a single thing
Till a soft towel was placed in her hand
What a grand smile it did bring...
For it was new and clean
And smelled so heavenly
She put it to her cheek
Then slept quite evenly
Hours in the Sun
Cannot be much fun
So relieve the sweat
With a towel that's wet
Cool someone's brow
That is laboring
And let them know
You're glad to do something
Getting Things Done
That I am lazy
For I play dead
To make you crazy
Then... a picture of Christ
Was put on the wall
Where I oft had my eyes
When I would stall
Where before I might play possum
When there was work that was not fun
Now I see a chance to serve and blossom
And I'm the first one getting things done
I Am Showing a Brighter Smile
That another can walk that extra mile
She having journeyed well thus far
Just needs a reminder of who really we are
Little Things are the Big Things
They make us feel like we're kings
Like a thousand threads of love
Made rich in colors from above
I am As God's Instrument
Responding to a call
For when a plea filled prayer is sent
I can be God's answer though I'm small
Proves a surprise
For once I'm done
Then you can rise
How you need rest
And someone to talk too
Life's been a test
And hard on you
Is it no wonder
Your back went out
The stress you're under
Leaves little doubt
I understand
And feel for you
Thus, my two hands
Will work hard too
Remember when
We had more time
Strains soften
With help you'll find
Always share
With someone
You know who'll care
To get the knots undone
Love is a Verb
Requiring action (swing arms like running)
Love is doing ( move arms like giving something)
With interaction (clasp hands together and shake them)
Bonnie Liked to Sing
As machines gave her breath
A sweet song- my offering
Gave her strength as she faced death
I Am a Child of God
She memorized it fast
While dreaming beyond Earth's sod
Then... finally she passed
At the funeral I sang her song
And her family had flown in too
They asked me, "how did you know?"
For they'd been baptized just weeks new
This family miles apart...
Had been prepared at the same time
Midst a joining of their hearts
For eternal binds that tie
Bonnie's Song
Kevin Holgate
New Era, December 1997, 12
Chance Thomas
There are such diverse ways and means
To break that which God commands
But if to the Lord's Day one leans
There is strength unto new hands
This day renews commitments
To God, family, and work
There faith does influence
Inspiration as a perk
Mosiah 4: 29
And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin; for there are divers ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them.
of Chance Thomas - Composer
from click on above title to go to the article
You mentioned in the Deseret News that you have made a decision not to violate or compromise your values in the music industry. In what ways are values compromised in the film and video game industry?
A: There was an ancient king who had something to say about there being divers ways and means, so many that he couldn’t number them, right? But to bring the discussion to a couple of concrete points, let’s start with Sundays. I’ve made it a habit not to work on Sundays. This is a day to recharge, a day to connect with my children and my wife, and most importantly, a day to renew my spiritual commitments. We have lots of crunch time in the game industry, and I may have to work 100 hours some weeks. But I will squeeze those hours in between Monday morning and Saturday night.
As another example, I don’t work on games that target an M rating, or films that target an R rating. I certainly respect what other people do, but this is just what I’m comfortable with.
In what other ways does your faith influence the music you write or the work that you do?
A: I believe in approaching the creation of a piece of music spiritually. I like to envision the world where the story or scene is taking place, then plant myself firmly in that scene with my imagination and open up my feelings, to sense the emotions of that moment. As I imagine myself there in that scene, musical ideas tend to flow in a way that is symbiotic to the scene. This results in music that is very visual, for lack of a better word. Meaning that frequently, when people listen to one of my scores, they can almost see the scene taking place in their mind’s eye. So my basic approach to composition comes from a very spiritual place. I also turn to our Creator for direction and inspiration all the time. And I believe that anything good that I’ve ever produced ultimately comes as a result of that inspiration. So yes, my faith definitely plays a role in my work.
Years Ago - Abraham Lincoln
Years ago our great land
Was destitute and in need
Our leader called for fasting
In humility indeed
Hoorah for Abraham Lincoln
Who arose from poverty
To live as one righteous
And lead our poor country
Now... who will lead us
Unto a final recovery
Perhaps... none save Jesus
The greatest of all history
Who will rise up in His name
And restore this nation onto God
With a title of liberty reclaimed
Creating the shock and awe!
Proclamation of a Day of Fasting
Whereas a joint Committee of both Houses of Congress has waited on the President of the United States, and requested him to "recommend a day of public humiliation, prayer and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, His blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace:" --
And whereas it is fit and becoming in all people, at all times, to acknowledge and revere the Supreme Government of God; to bow in humble submission to his chastisements; to confess and deplore their sins and transgressions in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and to pray, with all fervency and contrition, for the pardon of their past offences, and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action:
And whereas, when our own beloved Country, once, by the blessing of God, united, prosperous and happy, is now afflicted with faction and civil war, it is peculiarly fit for us to recognize the hand of God in this terrible visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation and as individuals, to humble ourselves before Him, and to pray for His mercy, -- to pray that we may be spared further punishment, though most justly deserved; that our arms may be blessed and made effectual for the re-establishment of law, order and peace, throughout the wide extent of our country; and that the inestimable boon of civil and religious liberty, earned under His guidance and blessing, by the labors and sufferings of our fathers, may be restored in all its original excellence: --
Therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next, as a day of humiliation, prayer and fasting for all the people of the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the People, and especially to all ministers and teachers of religion of all denominations, and to all heads of families, to observe and keep that day according to their several creeds and modes of worship, in all humility and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace and bring down plentiful blessings upon our Country.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed, this 12th, day of August A.D. 1861, and of the Independence of the United States of America the 86th.
By the President:
WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
So Many Family Members Were Not Present and Christmas was Not the Same
And Christmas was not the same
But, things became so different
When a knock to our door came
The carolers were greeted
And with joy we joined along
As then to them we treated
So thankful for their songs
They came in and we each acted
The nativity with towels and sheets
Then gone the sweetest advent
We put the kids to sleep
Our carolers soon left
Having filled and warmed our home
Christ's commemoration was kept
And was the greatest ever known
The Missionaries Gathered for Christmas
They of many different lands
To exchange gifts and good food
That together they could band
Yet Christmas felt incomplete
They sought to understand...
They ventured forth caroling
Unto houses they had known
With investigators mingling
The Light of Christ was more shown
For the gift of the self was given
Unto hearts tenderly grown
There were some rich and some poor
But regardless the gift was the same
Each rediscovered what we're here for
Through testimonies in His holy name
For the spirit did downpour
Midst grateful tears that warmly came
thoughts from
A Christmas Complete
By Vander Ferreira de Andrade
New Era, December 1997, 26
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Come and See the Christ Child
Born in the cool mid night
He the morning star mild
Brings to the world great light
Find him in a manger
Beneath the brightest star
You are not a stranger
He knows just who you are
Know he is the promise
Given to save the world
Come with gifts and notice
God's love has been unfurled!
Now the babe lies waiting
With arms stretched out for us
Come with sins forsaken
Unto our Lord Jesus
“I am … the bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:16),
In the Early Morning, I Found Christmas
Peace for quiet devotion
A song inside of me did sound
Awaking me with emotion
Like a child pure and innocent
I arose to find the babe
There I in awe and wonderment
Picked up the child sweetly made
In my hands with arms reaching out
The Savior was welcoming
And with feelings I could not doubt
I knew again He's coming!
In tears of joy my eyes did raise
As anticipation grew
Soon angels will proclaim and praise
The mighty one come anew
Then in humility I knelt
To express my gratitude
For the Light of Christ I felt
And the warmth that did exude
So thankful I am before I slept
I had read God's holy word
And that I had awoke and leapt
With the most lovely music heard...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Winter was Cold- A Christmas Letter
The children were hungry
The story retold...
Is sweet and snuggly
We waited things out
They could only get better...
With faith greater than doubt
The day ended with our letter:
Today is the Lord's day
How thankful we are
In His name we pray
And know He is not far
For on our doorstep came
A turkey rather fat
Splendid wooden games
And woollen gloves with hats
To: who ever left all this
We'll reread our thanks each year
Ever filled with promise
To reminisce with tears
Every Christmas we'll play
These games into the night
Then to someone's dark doorway
We'll share of our Lord's light
Much Time Was Needed
For her gift to be seeded
Brain pathways best trained
Are repetitiously ingrained
And so she had a plan
Music ...would be grand
As it stays inside the head
Even while one is in bed
So she made a tune
To build upon and bloom
As with her child she played
Sweet thoughts were gently laid
First... came good manners
For kindness always matters
Then... she planted dreams
With kisses and moon beams
The beloved child having it all
Grew great, noble, and tall
Exposed only to the best
Now would be the test...
Presented to the world
At the party... dancers swirled
The competition was made great
To present this man with a mate
And he given to choose
Took some time and gave the news
She who was most like his mother
Would give him joy like no other
How her singing did delight
As he continued learning day and night
To become just as he had seen
Many nights in childhood dreams...
He passed and graduated
Finally at last educated
To be the best of his kind
That any patient could ever find
And... he paid others forward
That to their dreams they moved onward
They also coming to know
Belief helps one to grow
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Promise Was in the Beginning
Jehovah condescending
He the first born and creator
Would travail here on earth, as Savior...
In this world of light and darkness
There is hope that one can harness
Revelation as fire bursts from heaven
Unto the righteous with torches given
There to burn bright and full for our benefit
As shining visions call forth prophets
Lit with prophecy, the faithful then... waited
For that day long anticipated
And in a time in need of rekindling
The source of light and truth came descending
The kingdom of heaven was nigh at hand
The prince of peace was now upon the land
To the virgin, Mary, as was foreseen
Came forth the mighty God, the King of Kings
And with the historical dawning of the Son of God
A shining star in the night burst down and abroad
In fulfillment of promise
He'd come as a babe
Yet, few took to notice
As he was lowly laid
First, the shepherds received the glad tidings
As to their flocks they had been abiding
An angel came and spoke in their midst
With glory sparkling brilliant and fixed
They were told of the sign for which they should seek
In Bethlehem, a babe born where all the beasts feed
Then... heavenly hosts sang with uncontainable joy
There's, too, to proclaim and praise the sweet boy
The shepherds made haste to the city of David
And saw in swaddled cloth the long awaited...
Can we not sing and raise our voice also
For that precious moment foretold long ago
And soon... to us He will come again
To brighten up the world unto all the ends
When... all, at the first, rejoiced and believed
The wicked will burn as the righteous are received
Glory be to the highest
Peace on Earth, goodwill to men
Look to Him who is the brightest
Praise and sing- alleluia, amen
There was a heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, Luke 2: 13-14
thoughts from The Promise
By Larry A Hiller
Ensign, December 1990, 20
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Upon the Shadows of the Everlasting Hills
Of the everlasting hills
The morning breaks with song
That sweetly ever fills
Music and the Spoken Word
Celebrates another year
How the words soothe the soul
As they reach unto our ears
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cebu Philippines Temple is Coming
A temple is coming
As Saints we prepare
With gratitude showing
We teach our children with care
For the chief cornerstone
Will be Jesus the Christ
Ever we follow Him
Now.... and the rest of our lives
Philippines visit by Elder Cook boosts members
He speaks of the nearly completed Cebu temple
By Kaye Bay
Philippines Area public affairs
Published: Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009
click on title to go to article
Korea- Gather Unto Zion
Gather unto Zion
In the land you possess
Further up God's kingdom
By striving to progress
Get all the training
And education you can
Thus for the sustaining
Of your place among man
Now, become decided
For that day as husband and wife
That you might be united
For eternal life
May you be blessed
For all of your days
Live to be impressed
In inspired ways
Then...know that this conference
Isn't just for you
But your posterity
Awaiting this land too!
Fortify Church in Korea
By Elder F. David Lee
Korea public affairs
Published: Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve
"be gathered home unto the lands of their possessions," (see 2 Nephi 29:14) and to "seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion" (see Doctrine and Covenants 11:6).
Friday, December 11, 2009
In Bible Days of Long Ago- The Christmas Story Retold
There was made a royal decree
That all the world should pay a tax
Every one in his own city
And Joseph, son of David’s line
With, his espoused wife, Mary
Went to the town of Bethlehem
Though great with the Child soon to be
The inns were all filled by strangers and kin
They arrived with no lodgings to sleep
The sweet babe was born in a lowly manger
With naught but beasts watch to keep
In swaddling clothes the baby was wrapped
The beautiful heavenly son
The shepherds soon came to see for themselves
What tidings the angels had sung
Then... they left in the night to noise all abroad
The prince of peace came- all was well
Proclaiming the babe as the true son of God
Their wondrous story to tell
thoughts from reading the new site for Christmas
click on title to go directly to the site
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Young Missionary's First Christmas Away
First Christmas away
Was a little bit teary
But... still a glorious day
What better gift
Than a lone telephone
How the heart lifts
To make that call home
There's so much to say
Questions... and answers
Till each is up to date
To reminisce with laughter
Then with this anticipation spent
Purpose is remade
Unto being God's servant
Where eternal bonds are made
Christmas is A Time of Longing for Home
Christmas is a time
Of longing for home
A warm place to find
You're welcome and known
Ever this feeling
Is born into us
With such love enveloping
That we become generous
Then a joy of giving
Comes straight from the heart
As gratitude for living
Overflows to impart
If we focus our eyes
On the Light of our Lord
We'll come to find Christ
In brightest splendor
For holy light streams down
As we follow the Master
There to announce
His love's what we're after
President Henry B. Eyring
Home for Christmas
Ensign, December 2009, 5
With the very weight of all sins combined
With the very weight
Of all sins combined
Below all He dropped
And knew each heart and mind
There's naught to compare
Thus to comprehend
Yet, we feel His care
As a personal friend
In our very depths
Of disease and sin
There's naught a new debt
That He has left to win
He the finisher
Is our Prince of Peace
Too, our minister
His love does never cease
We have never been
In depths He has known
Nor will we ever be
Worthy of such love shown
Perfect empathy
So everlasting!
Such capacity
To heal us of life's sting!
He ever succors
Bearing all suff'ring
He ever ransoms
As our Lord, King of Kings
May we prove our faith
With hearts grown tender
There to call His name...
O, Divine Redeemer
We adore Thee, still
We've spirits contrite
How Thy works fulfill!
We have Thy holy light!
We with broken hearts
Know Thou understands
When e'er love imparts
We know it's through Thine hands
Cleanse our hearts and hands
Help us servants be
We want to understand
We want to be like Thee
When we see sorrow
We'll lift heads that fall
Thine strength we'll borrow
Till to Thee they will call
When it's us who sin
We will bend so low
And again begin
To repent and Thee know
As Thy disciples
We will preach of Thee
As to Thine temples
We will ever be
There Thy door awaits
Thy beloved stance
There like heaven's gate
Thine holiest entrance
Let that day begin
Come dear Lord and heal
This world full of sin
That we might see and feel
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
O, Divine Redeemer
Ensign, November 1981, 8
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
With a Storm Advisory
A Weather advisory
The icy storm hit
For a night of misery
To those stuck in it
And here it was
Christmas Eve
With the airports full
As none could leave
Each deep in thought
With little to say
The ticket that they'd bought
Was long since delayed
And... ignoring the crowd
Was a man in a suit
Working with head bowed
A... modern day scrooge
Just then a lone plane
Announced its departure
And many a poor souls came
Seeking a seat to secure
One... in the long line
Was mournfully in doubt
He'd not much more time
Till, to war, he'd be shipped out
All heard of his plight
But, they had theirs too
And this was their flight
What were they to do?
Then... the gate opened
And each ticket was handed
Till the a suit
Gave to the soldier still stranded
Two honorable men
Of sacrifice
To each other softened
What words could suffice...
The man in the suit
Wished the other the best
Gave a proper salute
And left seeking some rest
The plane soon departed
As did others in time
And I left tender hearted
From this moment so kind
Thomas S. Monson
December 6, 2009
First Presidency Christmas Devotional
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
God's Anger and Wrath
God's anger and wrath
Is evidence of His love
For behavior's the path
To where we'll dwell above...
Disappointments today
Surely help us think
Ought I not to pray...
And spiritually drink
When we know self-defeat
From the wicked things we do
It's the bitterness we eat
That oft humbles us too
Tender mercy sweet
Our Father waits to shower
When to our knees we weep
In our darkest hour
Loving relationships
Endure but through law
As with purity one sips
There's closeness and awe
Shall a parent ignore
What is harming a child?
Nor shall our dear Lord
Would that we be sin wild
Ever free to choose
Still there's consequence
Ever He's our good news
For rock or offense
Dallin H. Oaks
Love and Law
Ensign, Nov 2009, 26–29
What We Love
What we love determines what we seek
And influences what we think and do
To know who you'll soon be... just take a peek
At where your heart is turning you
Is it no wonder that the first command
Is to love God with all of our hearts
For it is then we understand
Divine destiny is in our charts
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Love of God
Ensign, Nov 2009, 21–24
I'm Washed and I'm Clean
The Holy Ghost, my friend
Warms my heart near to burst
And the message it sends
Is this day is but the first
I'm washed and I'm clean!
In the purest of ways
Reborn to my being
But, the brightest of days
I feel like sunshine
So close to the Lord
His light fills my mind
And tells me I'm adored
As peace, hope, and joy
This sensation of light
Is security to enjoy
To keep me ever bright
When I feel this warm influence
Wash all over me
What shall I do hence?
But listen and heed
Vicki F. Matsumori
Helping Others Recognize the Whisperings of the Spirit
Ensign, Nov 2009, 10–12
Roomies Forever
We shared the same name
Our lives twined together
Come whate'er came
Roomies forever
Now miles apart
Yet, I carry you always
Close to my heart
Kerry Cozby
my sister
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Along with Conversion
Along our path of conversion
We receive knowledge through immersion
Then richly supplied with light and truth to discern
We can apply it to what's secular, ponder, and learn...
The pioneer saints along the Mississippi
Established and chartered a university
To teach of the many learned professions
Including the arts and themes of expression
For they knew education is power
As with God new thoughts then shower
To help us think clearly and act ever well
Midst appreciation for life that springs up to swell
Not out of selfishness, greed, or pride
But of bright blessings as the spirit guides
For with our natures changed through our faith
Our minds are quickened as with a flame
Our secular learning, though, should not come first
But rise of what's commissioned and for which we thirst
There to be a blessing to our Father's children
As we serve through our talents specifically given
Thus, our first priority should be spiritual learning
For that is how we are driven in our secular yearning
May insatiable curiosity become our honored hallmark
As we work harder to recharge what inside us does spark
Fasting and praying, we believe in opportunity
As we are being prepared...yet not of fortuity
But of a plan greater than we can see all at once
Where much is added unto us as our faith we confront
The real test will come then on the Lord's Sabbath
Whether we will serve and rest as He ever asks
That much will be added newly upon our heads
Enough and to spare... spiritually lead
Know Our Lord is truly the Master Teacher over all
And He will extend blessings... even miracles
See, feel, and write that the Holy Ghost might assist
While expressing gratitude for strength... and persist
Real-Life Education
President Henry B. Eyring
NewEra, April 2009, 2
Thursday, December 3, 2009
In Sickness and Health
In sickness and health
As a young couple we wed
Our love was our wealth
And with joy we looked ahead...
Now in our aged years
There's no tears or regret
For love conquers fears
Though it's me... she forgets
What is left of her is as a child
Not yet with ability to think
Sweet, innocent, and mild
Yet... still able to spiritually drink
And because of this joy she still feels
She loves to hold hands and embrace
And it's my heart she steals
Whene'er I look upon her sweet face
Her voice must combine with angels
As she sings songs that somehow... stay
And on this last slip of life she dangles
To ever brighten up my day
And... I remember the past..
What drew me to her... what did I first love?
But that same spiritual cast
Glowing full of faith in Father above
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The charter for compassion
Places all mankind on common ground
That amidst our varied paths of passion
A concern for others is always found
Angels in our Midst
Are of many shapes and sizes
And as they selflessly lift
It's the love felt that one prizes
Compassion unto service
Is our opportunity
To know a higher purpose
As with the angels we will be
click on the title to go to a sweet
site with wonderful angel quotes
The Lord Measures a Family's Success
The Lord measures a family's success
By the quality of its relationships
As it's the principles of faith that impress
Unto the fulfillment of stewardships
Love, compassion, and service
Midst repentance and forgiveness
Are but fruits of the family's purpose
Founded on faith, prayers, and wholesomeness
Ideally, the father presides
In love and righteousness
There to be an example and guide
Of what is noble inside us
Ideally, the mother nurtures
And puts what's pure into the home
That as children look to their futures
Unto wickedness they'll not roam
Let us go about and accumulate
What is pleasing unto the Lord
Not as concerned with an heritage of estate
But what to heaven- family virtue does afford
"The proclamation teaches that 'successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.' In other words, the Lord measures the success of a family by the quality of its relationships. In a home where faith, love, and forgiveness are dominant, members find joy and satisfaction in being together. Ideally the father presides in love and righteousness, provides the necessities of life, and protects the family while the mother is primarily responsible for the nurturing of the children. In contrast, the world often measures family success by the accumulation of worldly things and the size of the estate that is passed on to the children."
~ Merrill J. Bateman, "Eternal Family," Ensign, 115
Saturday, November 28, 2009
He Who is Full of Grace and Truth
Wrought work and glory unto creation ... as proof
Of His wond'rous power and intelligence
Over all things, time, and our existence
From His word, of the dust came birth of spiritual life
In a garden was created the first husband and wife
And they being free from known conflict and pain
Were frequently blessed as God, oft, to them came
Then a serpent sought to establish his own plan
And introduced temptation and death unto man
Eve recognized if she were to ever procreate
They would have to leave this wholly innocent state
God came... they were taught and sent on a good path
To experience life midst the offspring they'd begat
Then... to the wilderness they were relocated
Where trial and error, toil and wickedness awaited
Twas for them to experience every emotion
Even midst temptation and commotion
But, the love once nurtured with, they sought for ever still
For, if they could keep that feeling then all would be well
In God's wisdom, they had been taught how to sacrifice
In similitude of the one coming, Jesus the Christ
With Him, they learned they'd never be alone
For He, in perfection, would come to atone
Ours... it is to call to the Father in His name
In faith, believing, for He is mighty to save
He has taught us and labored to redeem all mankind
With a path back to God's presence ever lit to find
thoughts from Moses 1...
Stay on the Right Path
My parents called out as I left
And I did as they asked
Until... I overslept
Then... I missed a Sunday
Because I was so tired
And with the afternoon too sunny
To the mall's coolness I retired
There, I met a cute girl
The one of my dreams
And Sunday's our only day
As she works so much, it seems
I brought her to church one day
But, she thought the day too long
Well, I'll just go to pray...
But, also that proved wrong
For though I arrived on time
No one was to be seen
The conference was at nine
So I sat alone to weep
What has happened to me?
I think I've lost my way
Having misplaced my duty
I'd not kept the Sabbath day
From now on I promise
For myself and to God
To never again do this
For to the Lord I'd give my all
Weeks passed... I thought things through
I recognized how much, alone, I lacked
And with such gratitude... I knew
That I was back on the right track
And doing what I truly wanted
I sought a chance to further progress
To serve a mission and make a difference
And share with others how I'd been impressed
Friday, November 27, 2009
I Am Sitting Here Thinking of What to Say by Kerry Cozby
Hoping to ease the pain in some private way
He proudly accepted the commotion
Of the children he loved with quiet devotion
Each... made so different, yet the same, too
As his family grew... each addition, fresh and new
How he loved for his house to be full, often
With chatter of children and smells from the kitchen
Soft sounds of whistling, the windows all steamed
On his last day... this is what he spoke of it seemed
Grandpa was human, having a fault or two
But the love in his heart was always true
Though each of us are different- he loved us the same
As we each felt delight to hear him call us by name
Kerry Cozby
my sister
Happy New Year
Of life's lessons... and restart
A reason to give cheer
And welcome a brand new year!
On Thanksgiving Night
Having enjoyed good companionship and food
Completely satisfied and content
I shared with Heavenly Father a bit of this mood
Then... I opened the scriptures and love poured out
And I feasted on the words with gratitude
...Reminders of creation and what we're about
And, now of Thanksgiving, I've a new attitude
In one thing, today, I had been amiss
For I'd not sought for God all around me
A walk through nature, the sky... heaven's bliss
For surely, this is ours to enjoy and to see
So, tomorrow, is Thanksgiving two
I plan to become breathless upon a high hill
There to thank my Heavenly Father all anew
For His glorious creation, for the view...and for more still
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Ship Sets Out to Sail
Upon the mighty blue
How my heart does swell
With that last wave of adieu
Silently I wait...
Till it's long out of sight
To walk out from the gate
Into the lone moonlight
Far away across the sea
A light welcomes this ship
Home from its life long journey
Safely moored in Heaven's slip
click on title to go to a site that
summarizes what an LDS funeral is like
While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil. ~John Taylor
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Lord Commands Be Perfect
Then stands beside to guide
That if our prayers be earnest
We shall soon with Him abide
The Pleasing Word of God
Can heal the wounded soul
It whispers to us all
That each has a sacred role
Jacob 2:8 And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How Do We Become True Disciples
How do we become true disciples
Of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Save by proclaiming divine principles
Through the way we live our lives
Let's love God with all our hearts
Till it overflows unto all man
Becoming a healing that imparts
Power to further His pure plan
This initiates good friendships,
Tolerance, civility, and respect
While overcoming divisiveness
Unto divine hope bright to detect
Since God is love, we can seek and find Him
In the bounties and beauty of nature
In the gentle whisperings of the Spirit
And, in the laughter of children we nurture
If we listen, we'll feel so nobly
The pure love given of Jesus the Christ
For as we grow and become more holy
There's more light with which to align our lives
If we listen, then we shall experience
The blessings of Jesus' pure love
As striving to grow e'er more holy
We align with God's light from above
The Love of God
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, November 2009, 21
Let My Mind Focus and My Body Be Still
And my body be still
I'm in need of substance
With God's works to fulfill
I've been given to visit
Someone deep in need
May I wear Christ's image
To strengthen one now weak
The Best Talk I Ever Heard
Was given by one Lindsay
She looked up for every word
While her fingers read away
Imagine the preparation
As she researched and read
Through her example of dedication
I have been spiritually fed
I saw her once out walking
And offered her a ride
She knew me as we began talking
And to her home she did guide
I am left speechless
Of her independence
For even though she's sightless
She's mapped out her existence
As a translator, her career has been set
And as a daughter of God, she is strong
How she has touched me I'll not forget
For she stands out among the throng
Friday, November 20, 2009
We Spiritually Shine More So at Christmas Time
We Spiritually shine
More so at Christmas time
As Christ's love is felt anew
Midst what we see and do
Long ago a star adorned
The precious infant born
And the sky lit up... to promise
Love, hope, peace, joy, and Christmas
Bright above, for all to find
The heavens offered this sign
And with such prophecy fulfilled
Our hearts are lifted still… and thrill
Heavenly Father gave to us
The joyous gift of one- Jesus!
As a lamb... so pure He stayed
Freeing us from sure death… sure pain
Let us strive to be more like Him
And give much to lift and help
So that another might join us to sing
Of what the Christ child... to them did bring
Let us do the impossible
And further feel the miracle
Offer goodwill to an enemy…
That we, with Christ, as friends might be
Peace and goodwill to you
I offer up finally
To pain once full adieu
At last... with finalty
Here's my own personal journey
May you seek yours today
That we with out brother might be
Without regret to pay...
Now with miles apart
And no reason to talk
I've searched within my heart
And found a free path to walk
Gone the sorrow...
And all the pain...
Only wisdom
And thanks remain
No more harrow
No more blame
Life on the morrow
Is ours to gain
Eternal hope
Love, peace, and joy
Eternal home
Forgiveness... a choice
As a young elder, I had been called to the old Primary Children’s Hospital that once stood on North Temple Street in Salt Lake City. There were children to be blessed. It was the Christmas season. I had never been in a children’s hospital before.
As our group entered the foyer, we noticed an attractively decorated Christmas tree, with beautifully wrapped gifts beneath its boughs.
A feeling of sympathy welled up within me as I noticed these tiny children, many with legs or arms in large plaster casts. Some were ever so weak and pale.
A young lad called out to us, “Will you give me a blessing?” Of course the blessing was given. I shall ever remember placing my hands on the tousled head of that faithful boy who was desperately ill. As we left his side, he looked up into my eyes and said, “Thank you, Brother Monson.”
We walked away, only to hear him call out, “Oh, Brother Monson, merry Christmas to you.” I could scarcely see him for the tears in my eyes. He had that glow about him that comes only at Christmastime. That boy trusted in his Heavenly Father. He acknowledged the priesthood of God. His faith was unwavering. I felt I was on holy ground.
What made the glow emanate from the presence of this faithful boy? It was the Christmas spirit. Why does peace come closer to reality at this season than at any other? Why is it that more friends are remembered and more enemies forgiven at the Christmas season than at any other time? It is the Christmas spirit.
Thomas S. Monson
What Is Christmas?
Liahona, Dec 1998, 3
Time that Get's Away
Cannot be called back
A log for every day
Allows one to keep track...
Join the now and be found present
Lest it flee forever flown
For that missed once planned event
Might be the best one ever known
how bad is it to miss your own
son's birthday?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Know this is Satan who would to deceive
Thus turn to Heavenly Father and pray
Share how you feel blessed... have faith... believe
For with His love this monster won't stay
As when light floods the darkness leaves
But, don't be fooled- pray oft- for still there's grey
Lurking in the shadows waiting for eve
Woke up to this poem after having a nightmare...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To Hearts Grown Heavy- Be of Good Cheer
My heart grows heavy
When uncertainty is near
I'll not cave to this enemy
But fill my soul with good cheer
Shall I drown my sorrow
In a bottle for escape?
No, I'll pray for the morrow
That to a bright day I'll awake
An injection, a pill, a drug formed to eat
A pinch under the lip- are but paths of self-deceit
Which confuse the mind and create such a daze
Unto a morning of headache, sluggishness, and haze
Meaning and fullness can come to our lives
Unto a calm of comfort and clarity of mind
Through the sanctifying power of Jesus the Christ
We can leave all our sins and sorrows behind
And start all afresh unto a new day
Knowing our Lord stands and awaits ever near
To offer up hope and show us the way
With His name, His spirit, and His voice sweet to hear
Who with such knowledge would not want to share
Amidst this our times of tragedy, fear, and gloom
That we have found joy and perfectness of care
As with Christ our happiness brightens and blooms
O ye my servants.
“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.” (D&C 68:5–6.)
Marvin J. Ashton
Be of Good Cheer
Ensign, May 1986, 66
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lo I Am with Thee
Be of good cheer
Give not unto fear
I stand ever near
Bear record of me
For I live today
And I can be found
Teach to man always
Lo- pay attention
express wonder or surprise
“Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.
“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.” (D&C 68:5–6.)
I Pray to Thee Each Night
Why? But for a bit of light
To glow
To show
To grow
That I might know
How love flows
Sunday, November 15, 2009
May our Apostles Ever Know Peace
That the work of the gospel might more increase
For we are so blessed by their presence and words
And the message they bring to us needs to be heard
Let us be prayerful in their behalf
Ever thankful they're a blessing we have
May the Lord's work continually roll forth
As the will of the Father, in faith, we seek for
pondering sister Wendy L. Watson's remarks
of how overwhelming peace calmed her in the
face of four men wishing her husband harm
and to kidnap her. what a blessing we enjoy
to have our apostles travel and strengthen us...
click on above title to go to article
Apostle's wife felt comfort despite attack
By Sharon Haddock
Deseret News
Published: Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009 9:32 p.m. MST
Unaware of the Risk Involved - An Unstable Foundation
Unaware of the risk involved
A gradual landslide evolved
And the house on this unstable ground
Was eventually condemned as unsound
And what unsettled this home's sure foundation
Was it a child's need for special education
Or a serious illness, the stress of divorce
A business failure or a child off course
Perhaps it was the worst to fall and subtly slip in
Which is Satan's influence to get us to sin
For surely his strategy of rationalization
Diverts one from recognizing temptations
Here is a list of what slowly moves us from what's sure
That loosens our foundation and ability to endure
The simple failures to do what's right daily
To not have Family Home Evening or keep the Sabbath day holy
A first lingering look at pornography
A small discretion while we're out dating
A minor infraction of the Word of Wisdom
Political correctness, social prominence, cynicism
Although diversions and temptations arise
Individuals can choose the help of Jesus Christ
He offers a perfect foundation that will not fall
There to weather each storm as we heed more... His call
Desire to be good, be clean, and reverent
Strive as we should to be ever obedient
Be kind, be consistent, and be diligent
To come off as conqueror with Christ's strength that is lent
With Him we are anchored on a path of safety and joy
Graced with the highest of blessings ours to enjoy
Such that we will not fail, for faith has no limit
Worlds without end- for perfect love's in it
Brigham Young University-Idaho devotional: A firm foundation
By Marianne Holman
click on title to go to site
Published: Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2009
A firm foundation is necessary to withstand spiritual landslides in life, Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, told BYU-Idaho students during the weekly devotional held in the Hart Auditorium on Nov. 10.
A Call Has Been Given
For fasting and prayers
That our Father in heaven
Might hear of our cares
Let us reach out
And beseech all our neighbors
Ask in faith most devout
As we plead for God's favors
Jeffrey R Holland Book of Mormon LDS Conference Talk Oct 2009 179 HD (2/2)
When Joseph and Hyrum
Started for Carthage
They brought God's book with them
And found comfort in its page
They took the words to heart
That they would be made strong
For its message did impart
They'd be with God before long
Then Hyrum turned down the corner
To ever mark each hungered word
And add upon their witness
That the Book of Mormon was read and heard
Then later to the guards
Joseph bore again his witness
That the Holy book was from God
And its truths reach warm within us
And now the question remains
For those who have not read
Why would these men take such pains
Then... to be fictitiously led
No man would die to prove
A lie of blaspheme
They had found what soothes
The soul for strengthening
Never mind the sorrow of their widows
Or the cries of those fatherless
The Book of Mormon was published
To provide all with God's solace
Now, many years later
The book remains with us still
Though targeted and hated
To faithful millions, it is real
No wicked man would write
Of God's word to reprove
And no good man would create
Unless translated just from truth
For the fullest measure of peace
Let us then consume
If of it our reading would increase
Our Spirits would fine tune
Those who resist would to leave the church
Save they find this book a stone of stumbling
For from a rock of offense, they cannot turn
Unless they crawl all over it unto humbling
I did not hear King Benjamin's sermon
Nor sail with the brother of Jared
But, I've read the Book of Mormon
And have felt the spirit declare it
Now to all who believe in Christ
Judge ye of this book's light and power
For it bears record of His life
And was saved for us in this last hour
And those who would to treasure
Partake of this sacred word
For therein is God's love in measure
Unto safety as it's heard
Safety for the Soul
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Ensign October 2009, 88
There are Times at Night
When I nearly fall upon my Book
That it might bring to me Christ's light
And hope as I therein open and look
For it is as a tree
Filled with life and love
If I just read and believe
It lifts me to God above
1 Nephi 8:30
Until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree
The Love of God is Shed Abroad
Is shed abroad
Unto the hearts of man
A voice to trust
A tender touch
Our God does understand
The love of God
Is shed abroad
Unto the hearts of man
A voice to trust
A tender touch
His mercy is at hand
For today is heard
His pleasing word
Which leads us to all that's good
The path of truth
Gives healing as faith's proof
Of His power and priesthood
His Love is Like a River
Flowing warmly through my soul
As it touches me so purely;
He heals my life and makes me whole
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Skeletal Sonnet's Answer- Come
Come by Kelly Miller
for fun
14 words
c-d, c-d,
e-e rhyme scheme
John Ciardi,
“How Does a Poem Mean?,”
New Era, Aug 1987, 44