
Friday, December 11, 2009

In Bible Days of Long Ago- The Christmas Story Retold

In bible days so long ago
There was made a royal decree
That all the world should pay a tax
Every one in his own city

And Joseph, son of David’s line
With, his espoused wife, Mary
Went to the town of Bethlehem
Though great with the Child soon to be

The inns were all filled by strangers and kin
They arrived with no lodgings to sleep
The sweet babe was born in a lowly manger
With naught but beasts watch to keep

In swaddling clothes the baby was wrapped
The beautiful heavenly son
The shepherds soon came to see for themselves
What tidings the angels had sung

Then... they left in the night to noise all abroad
The prince of peace came- all was well
Proclaiming the babe as the true son of God
Their wondrous story to tell

thoughts from reading the new site for Christmas
click on title to go directly to the site

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