
Thursday, December 10, 2009

With the very weight of all sins combined

With the very weight
Of all sins combined
Below all He dropped
And knew each heart and mind

There's naught to compare
Thus to comprehend
Yet, we feel His care
As a personal friend

In our very depths
Of disease and sin
There's naught a new debt
That He has left to win

He the finisher
Is our Prince of Peace
Too, our minister
His love does never cease

We have never been
In depths He has known
Nor will we ever be
Worthy of such love shown

Perfect empathy
So everlasting!
Such capacity
To heal us of life's sting!

He ever succors
Bearing all suff'ring
He ever ransoms
As our Lord, King of Kings

May we prove our faith
With hearts grown tender
There to call His name...
O, Divine Redeemer

We adore Thee, still
We've spirits contrite
How Thy works fulfill!
We have Thy holy light!

We with broken hearts
Know Thou understands
When e'er love imparts
We know it's through Thine hands

Cleanse our hearts and hands
Help us servants be
We want to understand
We want to be like Thee

When we see sorrow
We'll lift heads that fall
Thine strength we'll borrow
Till to Thee they will call

When it's us who sin
We will bend so low
And again begin
To repent and Thee know

As Thy disciples
We will preach of Thee
As to Thine temples
We will ever be

There Thy door awaits
Thy beloved stance
There like heaven's gate
Thine holiest entrance

Let that day begin
Come dear Lord and heal
This world full of sin
That we might see and feel

Elder Neal A. Maxwell
O, Divine Redeemer
Ensign, November 1981, 8

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