
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Terrorists are Like Roaches

Terrorists are like roaches
Predictably they keep coming back
As when extinction approaches
They relocate and wait to attack

Those once infested understand...
Before you spray you must warn your neighbor
Let them prepare with pesticide on hand
For prevention requires consistent behavior

And one like the Grinch...
Would to destroy our Christmas
But that abdominal clinch
Detonated all amiss

Could it be an angel
Flying with the plane
Changed a flow or an angle
And left alive the one to blame

Perhaps this extremist
Can be restored unto good
And in an end with a twist
Help to mend up brotherhood

He now as one who has faced death
Perhaps he's filled with remorsing
And thankful for this day's breath
Has changed what he is endorsing

May we get inside his head
And exterminate one cell's dark nest
For truly someone led
And provided tools and bombs to test

Thoughts from being glued to the news
and due... to fly
Drew Griffen CNN

speaking of the crotchbomb- Christmas 2009

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