
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God's Anger and Wrath

God's anger and wrath
Is evidence of His love
For behavior's the path
To where we'll dwell above...

Disappointments today
Surely help us think
Ought I not to pray...
And spiritually drink

When we know self-defeat
From the wicked things we do
It's the bitterness we eat
That oft humbles us too

Tender mercy sweet
Our Father waits to shower
When to our knees we weep
In our darkest hour

Loving relationships
Endure but through law
As with purity one sips
There's closeness and awe

Shall a parent ignore
What is harming a child?
Nor shall our dear Lord
Would that we be sin wild

Ever free to choose
Still there's consequence
Ever He's our good news
For rock or offense

Dallin H. Oaks
Love and Law
Ensign, Nov 2009, 26–29

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