
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

With a Storm Advisory

A Weather advisory
The icy storm hit
For a night of misery
To those stuck in it

And here it was
Christmas Eve
With the airports full
As none could leave

Each deep in thought
With little to say
The ticket that they'd bought
Was long since delayed

And... ignoring the crowd
Was a man in a suit
Working with head bowed
A... modern day scrooge

Just then a lone plane
Announced its departure
And many a poor souls came
Seeking a seat to secure

One... in the long line
Was mournfully in doubt
He'd not much more time
Till, to war, he'd be shipped out

All heard of his plight
But, they had theirs too
And this was their flight
What were they to do?

Then... the gate opened
And each ticket was handed
Till the a suit
Gave to the soldier still stranded

Two honorable men
Of sacrifice
To each other softened
What words could suffice...

The man in the suit
Wished the other the best
Gave a proper salute
And left seeking some rest

The plane soon departed
As did others in time
And I left tender hearted
From this moment so kind

Thomas S. Monson
December 6, 2009
First Presidency Christmas Devotional

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