
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jeffrey R Holland Book of Mormon LDS Conference Talk Oct 2009 179 HD (2/2)

They were ready to die
Rather than deny
That the Book of Mormon is true
The Americas had prophets, too!

When Joseph and Hyrum
Started for Carthage
They brought God's book with them
And found comfort in its page

They took the words to heart
That they would be made strong
For its message did impart
They'd be with God before long

Then Hyrum turned down the corner
To ever mark each hungered word
And add upon their witness
That the Book of Mormon was read and heard

Then later to the guards
Joseph bore again his witness
That the Holy book was from God
And its truths reach warm within us

And now the question remains
For those who have not read
Why would these men take such pains
Then... to be fictitiously led

No man would die to prove
A lie of blaspheme
They had found what soothes
The soul for strengthening

Never mind the sorrow of their widows
Or the cries of those fatherless
The Book of Mormon was published
To provide all with God's solace

Now, many years later
The book remains with us still
Though targeted and hated
To faithful millions, it is real

No wicked man would write
Of God's word to reprove
And no good man would create
Unless translated just from truth

For the fullest measure of peace
Let us then consume
If of it our reading would increase
Our Spirits would fine tune

Those who resist would to leave the church
Save they find this book a stone of stumbling
For from a rock of offense, they cannot turn
Unless they crawl all over it unto humbling

I did not hear King Benjamin's sermon
Nor sail with the brother of Jared
But, I've read the Book of Mormon
And have felt the spirit declare it

Now to all who believe in Christ
Judge ye of this book's light and power
For it bears record of His life
And was saved for us in this last hour

And those who would to treasure
Partake of this sacred word
For therein is God's love in measure
Unto safety as it's heard

Safety for the Soul
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Ensign October 2009, 88

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