
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stay on the Right Path

Stay on the right path
My parents called out as I left
And I did as they asked
Until... I overslept

Then... I missed a Sunday
Because I was so tired
And with the afternoon too sunny
To the mall's coolness I retired

There, I met a cute girl
The one of my dreams
And Sunday's our only day
As she works so much, it seems

I brought her to church one day
But, she thought the day too long
Well, I'll just go to pray...
But, also that proved wrong

For though I arrived on time
No one was to be seen
The conference was at nine
So I sat alone to weep

What has happened to me?
I think I've lost my way
Having misplaced my duty
I'd not kept the Sabbath day

From now on I promise
For myself and to God
To never again do this
For to the Lord I'd give my all

Weeks passed... I thought things through
I recognized how much, alone, I lacked
And with such gratitude... I knew
That I was back on the right track

And doing what I truly wanted
I sought a chance to further progress
To serve a mission and make a difference
And share with others how I'd been impressed

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