
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Despite the Loneliest Foxholes - Christmas Still Comes

In the loneliest foxholes of the heart
Personal trials are felt and fought
There... one can find the sweetest remedy:
As the clarion call is heard- "Come Unto Me"

For all who labor and are heavy laden
His arms offer rest, comfort, and haven
We can find proof of this in history
Here... is of one lifted despite the worst misery...

The flag of truce was meaningless it turned out
During the bleakest and darkest time noted
Just as the coldest winter came about
The prophet of God was incarcerated

Into a dungeon of thick walls and a trap door
With only smallest bit of light
Oft poisoned food was dropped down to the floor
Adding to the hopelessness of his plight

There... a soul could become dark and hollow
Without the bowels being filled with charity
Thus despite dismal distress and sorrow
He continued to pray in faith and purity

For, a heart heavy with hate or anger
Vengeance and even self-pity
Is absolutely in danger
Of being shut from light's vicinity

Thus, midst struggling with his feelings of desperation
More was added to the weight of his burden
Word of the vigorous work of extermination...
Came ringing to his ears... their suffering....desertion

No pleas could be so pitiful
No news could cause more pangs
He being the one responsible
To lead and guide the Saints

The time comes of extremity
When one can do nothing but pray
There to put full trust in Deity
And know God is there, come what may

There to feel the warmest feelings of love
As an answer truly does come
"Be patient,"... as this is what life is made of
And the Lord has conquered and won!

That is the beauty of Christmas
The offering of hope through a clarion call
The Redeemer's light shines out for us
And He speaks... the greatest message of all


This jail proved well named after its city
Liberty... Joseph's release was finally approved
Having been lowered to the depths of humility
He was freed... after being raised, spiritually moved

click on the above title for a direct link
Lessons from Liberty Jail
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
CES Fireside for Young Adults • September 7, 2008 • Brigham Young University

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