
Sunday, November 15, 2009

May our Apostles Ever Know Peace

May our Apostles ever know peace
That the work of the gospel might more increase
For we are so blessed by their presence and words
And the message they bring to us needs to be heard

Let us be prayerful in their behalf
Ever thankful they're a blessing we have
May the Lord's work continually roll forth
As the will of the Father, in faith, we seek for

pondering sister Wendy L. Watson's remarks
of how overwhelming peace calmed her in the
face of four men wishing her husband harm
and to kidnap her. what a blessing we enjoy
to have our apostles travel and strengthen us...

click on above title to go to article
Apostle's wife felt comfort despite attack
By Sharon Haddock
Deseret News
Published: Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009 9:32 p.m. MST

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