
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

However Dark the Night or Day

However dark the night or day
The Book of Mormon marks the way.
With light and truth and Jesus Christ
It guides us safely in this life.

Come find love, healing, help, and hope
Inspiration and change to cope.
Resist distractions that allure
Find what's holy, sweet, and pure.

Come be faithful, endure well, be strong;
Find the assurance that you belong.
Successful travelers know to hold fast
To partake of light that Jesus casts.

The mists of darkness subtly descend
But we have safety to the end
The fullest measure of peace and light
Has been preserved for our time

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
Book of Mormon — There is no other answer than the one Joseph gave
Published: Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009
LDS Church News
click on above title to read article

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