Friday, November 20, 2009
We Spiritually Shine More So at Christmas Time
We Spiritually shine
More so at Christmas time
As Christ's love is felt anew
Midst what we see and do
Long ago a star adorned
The precious infant born
And the sky lit up... to promise
Love, hope, peace, joy, and Christmas
Bright above, for all to find
The heavens offered this sign
And with such prophecy fulfilled
Our hearts are lifted still… and thrill
Heavenly Father gave to us
The joyous gift of one- Jesus!
As a lamb... so pure He stayed
Freeing us from sure death… sure pain
Let us strive to be more like Him
And give much to lift and help
So that another might join us to sing
Of what the Christ child... to them did bring
Let us do the impossible
And further feel the miracle
Offer goodwill to an enemy…
That we, with Christ, as friends might be
Peace and goodwill to you
I offer up finally
To pain once full adieu
At last... with finalty
Here's my own personal journey
May you seek yours today
That we with out brother might be
Without regret to pay...
Now with miles apart
And no reason to talk
I've searched within my heart
And found a free path to walk
Gone the sorrow...
And all the pain...
Only wisdom
And thanks remain
No more harrow
No more blame
Life on the morrow
Is ours to gain
Eternal hope
Love, peace, and joy
Eternal home
Forgiveness... a choice
As a young elder, I had been called to the old Primary Children’s Hospital that once stood on North Temple Street in Salt Lake City. There were children to be blessed. It was the Christmas season. I had never been in a children’s hospital before.
As our group entered the foyer, we noticed an attractively decorated Christmas tree, with beautifully wrapped gifts beneath its boughs.
A feeling of sympathy welled up within me as I noticed these tiny children, many with legs or arms in large plaster casts. Some were ever so weak and pale.
A young lad called out to us, “Will you give me a blessing?” Of course the blessing was given. I shall ever remember placing my hands on the tousled head of that faithful boy who was desperately ill. As we left his side, he looked up into my eyes and said, “Thank you, Brother Monson.”
We walked away, only to hear him call out, “Oh, Brother Monson, merry Christmas to you.” I could scarcely see him for the tears in my eyes. He had that glow about him that comes only at Christmastime. That boy trusted in his Heavenly Father. He acknowledged the priesthood of God. His faith was unwavering. I felt I was on holy ground.
What made the glow emanate from the presence of this faithful boy? It was the Christmas spirit. Why does peace come closer to reality at this season than at any other? Why is it that more friends are remembered and more enemies forgiven at the Christmas season than at any other time? It is the Christmas spirit.
Thomas S. Monson
What Is Christmas?
Liahona, Dec 1998, 3
Hello Kelly, You have a very interesting blog here. You may also appreciate the many testimonies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at God bless.