
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Unaware of the Risk Involved - An Unstable Foundation

Unaware of the risk involved
A gradual landslide evolved
And the house on this unstable ground
Was eventually condemned as unsound

And what unsettled this home's sure foundation
Was it a child's need for special education
Or a serious illness, the stress of divorce
A business failure or a child off course

Perhaps it was the worst to fall and subtly slip in
Which is Satan's influence to get us to sin
For surely his strategy of rationalization
Diverts one from recognizing temptations

Here is a list of what slowly moves us from what's sure
That loosens our foundation and ability to endure
The simple failures to do what's right daily
To not have Family Home Evening or keep the Sabbath day holy

A first lingering look at pornography
A small discretion while we're out dating
A minor infraction of the Word of Wisdom
Political correctness, social prominence, cynicism

Although diversions and temptations arise
Individuals can choose the help of Jesus Christ
He offers a perfect foundation that will not fall
There to weather each storm as we heed more... His call

Desire to be good, be clean, and reverent
Strive as we should to be ever obedient
Be kind, be consistent, and be diligent
To come off as conqueror with Christ's strength that is lent

With Him we are anchored on a path of safety and joy
Graced with the highest of blessings ours to enjoy
Such that we will not fail, for faith has no limit
Worlds without end- for perfect love's in it

Brigham Young University-Idaho devotional: A firm foundation
By Marianne Holman
click on title to go to site
Published: Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2009
A firm foundation is necessary to withstand spiritual landslides in life, Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, told BYU-Idaho students during the weekly devotional held in the Hart Auditorium on Nov. 10.

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