
Monday, May 31, 2010

Whispering Peace- the Holy Ghost

Whispering peace and joy to our souls
The Holy Ghost, as a gift, manifests
And with a sweet warmth, again, we feel whole
As the Spirit both leads and suggests

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Always Remember For What Gifts are Given

Always remember
For what gifts are given
In us does slumber
Light which comes of heaven

Spiritually we are offspring
Of our Father above
He who gives life to all things
Would we seek His gifts of love

Gifts of the Spirit come to us
In the form of pure intelligence
Transferred through the Holy Ghost
They enlighten combined existence

For brightened skills and abilities
He opens our eyes of understanding
Thus, one of the greatest tragedies
Is when we recognize naught what He is handing

We ought not to judge ourselves
By what is outwardly seen
Oft gifts are found as one delves
As then the Spirit helps us grow keen

Each gift is designed to help us transform
And while some lead to wealth, power, and position
There are more subtler forms
Like the ability to discern and make wise decisions

Bazaleel could work with metals, wood, and stone
King Solomon was granted wisdom to understand
Enoch saw not with the natural eye alone
And we've, also, at least one... valuable and grand

Ever we are learning to define Godly traits
As we weep, care for others, and are more patient
Thus receiving a glimpse of what for us awaits
Through the gifts of the Spirit's administration

Jesus received a fullness of God's glory
Possessing truth, knowledge, and power
And... we too can be quickened with bits of glory
To one day be joint heirs with Christ in that hour

For severally and according to God's will
We can receive gifts come by the Spirit of Christ
To instill faith, heal, testify, and perform miracles
Even to speak or interpret languages of all kinds

Let us seek gifts to benefit God's kingdom
Coveting earnestly in the name of Christ
Let us have faith, hope, and charity, even
Desiring to do good...filled with promise and delight

covet earnestly- 1cor 12:31,
at least one gift- D&C 46:11-17
faith, hope, charity D&C 46:20-23
spiritual gifts are available through the manifestation of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them Moroni 10:8
Bezaleel Ex 31:1-5
King Solomon 1Kings 3:5-15
Enoch Moses 6:36

Lane Johnson
How to Receive Spiritual Gifts
Ensign, Dec 1975, 46

Marvin J. Ashton
There are Many Gifts
Ensign, Nov 1987, 20

Relief Society General Presidency
Seeking the Best Gifts
Ensign, Jan 1997, 55

Through Windows of Wisdom

Through windows of wisdom
And doors of new dawns
We advance in God's kingdom
Singing glad songs

We ever see clearer
Unto possibilities
As to God we draw nearer
Spending time on our knees

Believing... we try
To do the right thing
Our giving of time
Is but an off'ring

Believing... we read
And want to feel close
To the Spirit to feed
As His love out flows

Believing... we give
Holy laws to live
Ours eternally

Reaching up... we find
What is ours to do
In both heart and mind
There's guidance that schools

You Were Closed Minded

You were very closed minded
And found it becoming
To know you'd decided
What was forthcoming

I knew it was pointless
To warn with a word
Your nose pointed highest
You saw not nor heard

Your nose was sky high
Continually sunning
So I thought "why try"
When I saw the dog running

Foaming at the mouth
Panting with a drool
He jumped. You went south
Into a muddy pool

With mud on your face
Your neck straightened, and still
Unphased by disgrace
You re-stubborned your will.

The Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior

The rules of civility and decent behavior
Are now being reviewed, discoursed, and favored
When one focuses on manners- how to be courteous to others
One is governing actions as it's through respect one honors

Ever as one who would honor and obey natural parents
We, also, ought to speak of God seriously and with reverence
Let us labor to keep alive in our breast
That celestial fire, sparking as our conscience

click on the above title to go to Foundation Magazine...
and see a summary of what applies to civility

By age sixteen, Washington had copied out by hand, 110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation. They are based on a set of rules composed by French Jesuits in 1595. Presumably they were copied out as part of an exercise in penmanship assigned by young Washington's schoolmaster. The first English translation of the French rules appeared in 1640, and are ascribed to Francis Hawkins the twelve-year-old son of a doctor.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The World is in Trouble

The world is in trouble
Filled with discord
Disasters have doubled
And we need the Lord

The heavens will shake
As well as the earth
God's people, awake!
And teach man his worth

For there is a promise:
The righteous will be spared
What sweet comfort, I find this!
As well as feel a duty to share

Our Father expects
Us to be righteous
To keep His commandments
Prayerfully, through Jesus

We need to be found virtuous
Regardless of where we station
It's our moral duty to spread happiness
Within families, communities, and nations

Our Path of Duty
Bishop Keith B. McMullin
Ensign, May 2010, 13

Celebrate America!

Those who went before
And sacrificed for us
We proudly remember
By serving each other, thus

Celebrate America!
You have a charitable heart
Reach up and stand up
And graciously impart

One Thousand is Not Just a Number

Each Sunday, the Santa Barbara Chapter of the Veterans For Peace is on the beach in front of well-known Stearns Wharf all day, interacting with the many tourists from all over the world through a project now called "Arlington West." Arlington West consists of a small white cross for every soldier killed in Iraq.

"1,000 Is Just a Number,
Till You See the Crosses"
For freedom, men now slumber
Come and feel how much this costs us

Civility In the Public Arena

In the public arena
It's an ambiguous task
To decide who is civil
And who's being an *ass

The language, the tone
The color of faces
Our character's shown
During political races

Civility is when
Opinions are spoken
With the playing field even
And minds laying open

As we separate issues
From factions or people
We debate and progress
And soar with the eagles

*as in the biblical meaning- donkey
Civility lecture tour at Salt Lake library Thursday night
By Amy Choate-Nielsen

Deseret News
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Incivility can be manifested "in the language, the tone, the shouting and the red faces and the malicious glee at someone else's discomfiture," said Alexander Morrison, executive director of the Alliance for Unity in Salt Lake City.

Determining what qualifies as civil or uncivil behavior in the public arena is an ambiguous task, said Republican Senate candidates Tim Bridgewater and Mike Lee...

Civility in separating issues from people when discussing differing opinions is a precursor to compromise and progress, and it's a necessity, Lee said.

But public protests and being involved are just as important, Bridgewater said.

"I think by and large the ability to protest is as American as apple pie and can be done very civilly," he said. "People must speak up."

But they must be careful about what they say, says BYU political science professor Kelly Patterson. More people are paying attention to politics these days because of more easily accessible media. The average person is turned off by shrill politics, he says.

Though it is essential for Americans to be involved and voice their opinions, there is one way to know if the discourse is civil, Patterson says.

"Follow the golden rule," he says. "That kind of internal restraint probably couldn't do much harm."

An Interview with Mitt Romney - 5/25/2010

There is nothing inevitable about decline
As it is now and ever has been a choice
The future of our country is ours to decide
Though doing what is right might stir up some noise

Let us be true to our American heritage
As we have faced challenging times before
This is what gives us the leading edge
As then our resolve for unity is reborn

We are a shining city on a hill
Though our example is not as bright as it could be
We have glorious works to fulfill
And must meet our problems head on...honestly

The American spirit is being rekindled
Through tea parties and community action
For we recognize that we have been swindled
And refuse to leave our future to the hands of a socialist faction

Who Will Dare to Leave their Comfort Zone

Who will dare to leave their comfort zone
And go after a way not passed before
To reach a potential that's now unknown
And find what truly breathes at the core

Each man has something alone to do
Which lies uniquely ahead to find
By stepping off the fishing boat, trusting God anew
There is hope, in Christ, to become what's been predesigned

Thank you Joel Osteen
and your soft spoken ministry
go to his site by click the above title
or read fox news interview where he
spoke kindly of Mitt Romney and accepting
Mormons as Christians
Pastor Osteen got a lot of persecution
from many religions for what he said.,3566,318054,00.html

God's Promises For You

Philippians 4:13

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Matthew 19:26

"Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible."

2 Timothy 3:16-17

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work."

Joshua 1:9

"This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pray for Your Family

Pray for your family
That you might be blessed
Spiritual harmony
Puts your mind at rest

Oft this inspires
Unto given words to say
Heavenly desires
Manifest as we pray

pondering Our Path of Duty
Bishop Keith B. McMullin
Ensign, May 2010, 13

Humbly and Sincerely

Humbly and sincerely
It is our duty to pray
Ever so desperately
We must be watchful each day

3 Nephi 18:18
Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.

Prayer is our Lifeline

Prayer is our lifeline
That we not drown
As through faith we find
We are safe and sound

When I Think of the Savior

When I think of the Savior
His hands outstretched towards me
I wish to tell my neighbors
How His love is comforting

Lest some day they will find out
I had kept the truth to myself
From the hilltops I'll rise and shout
Knowing the Spirit's there to help

Something rings familiar
To heart's in the right place
And some recent thoughts are similar
As though light's been shining their way to face

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We Have Very Positive Feelings

We have very positive feelings
Concerning the future of man
Despite the fact our earth is reeling
And Satan is abroad in the land

For the battle we fight is not of our own
As we go about saving the souls of men
Through the power of the priesthood order is shown
For accessing all the powers of heaven

It has never been easy to live the gospel
Even in Jesus' time this was so
Suffering and opposition comes to God's people
Thus, there are things each member should know:

Priesthood authority now lays planted nearly everywhere
We have quorums of Elders and High Priests world wide
Now is the time for it to be actively shared
Inside the homes where the members reside

Let the young and the old embrace one another
For the family is the order of heaven
Through the presiding authority vested in father
Comes that through which one day the world will leaven

Ye of the priesthood are called forth to stand
Even as Gideon's army... righteously in place
Given great glory, ye have the power of the lamb
Know who ye are and in faith work and embrace

Let no blessing be found wanting in each dwelling
Marshal all efforts to serve and magnify
Let every law, principle, and power... plant to swelling
As it is then, the work of the Father, ye glorify

The Power of the Priesthood
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign, May 2010, 7

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

During the Bombings of WWII

A story is told of the bombings of WWII
That amidst the destruction a war can do
A statue of Jesus was nearly destroyed
And how men went to work on it, in fact many hands joined

For the statue was their symbol of God's presence
Now more than ever they needed it for hope and existence
Experts were called to do the long work of repair
But, in the end, it was left a reminder to declare:

As before this city and the world this statue now stands
Let all read at the base and do as inscribed: "Ye are my hands."
An endless invitation to a city now restored
To learn of and do the needed work of the Lord

Thus, in this city, one greets with friendly handshakes
And when there's a need...the gift of hands reawakes
Let us, too, go forth and follow this city's example
That the hope of Christ might come to another to then sample

"You Are My Hands"
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, May 2010, 68

I Have Confidence in God

I have confidence that God's light shines down upon man
When we search within and shut out the world- thoughts inside us land
So who knows what hopeless problems we will solve
When we seek His hand and humble ourselves and become one, involved


I have confidence that He is watching over us
Who knows what wonders He'll lead us to find as we ask and seek
Then watch out world, for we are generous
As we help others we find what we've lost that makes this fine country

I believe in people
I believe in love
I believe in families
And God's help from above

Monday, May 24, 2010


The political world is astir
And public trust is waning
As economies falter
The hearts of men are raging

Where are the voices of moderation?
Who will balance these times of extremes?
What will calm all agitation?
As society unravels more at the seams

Anonymous and unsourced news...
The media favoring strife
Politicizing- dominating rules
Midst fractured community and family life

What has happened to virtues and manners?
That make for a peaceful coexistence
A civil society, for longevity, matters
And is founded on the character of its citizens

A healthy democracy is maintained
Through diverse means of equilibrium
A patchwork of competing interests
Helps set up an onward momentum

Ultimately, the fabric of a great land
Is based on the integrity of its people
For it's through this outward manifestation in man
That rigorous debates are based on righteous principles

Fidelity, charity, generosity
Are pathways of service and trust
Humility and responsibility
Help us interact civilly, thus

When a spirit of good will prompts our thinking
Efforts unite for problem solving
Ultimately these thoughts continue linking
Until gratifying results are evolving

The moral basis of civility
Is and has ever been the Golden Rule
The ethics of reciprocity
Works... as through pluralism we are schooled

Let us eliminate the weakness of one
Standing alone to find a solution
And combine efforts that things get done
As of cooperation there is no substitution

The Mormon Ethic of Civility
... News Room for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- 16 October 2009
"Echoing this mode of civil engagement, President Monson declared: “As a church we reach out not only to our own people but also to those people of goodwill throughout the world in that spirit of brotherhood which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.” Speaking of civility on a personal level, Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught Latter-day Saints how to respond to criticism: “Some people mistakenly think responses such as silence, meekness, forgiveness, and bearing humble testimony are passive or weak. But, to ‘love [our] enemies, bless them that curse [us], do good to them that hate [us], and pray for them which despitefully use [us], and persecute [us]’ (Matthew 5:44) takes faith, strength, and, most of all, Christian courage.”

click on the civility tag below and read more poems related to civility.  One links to George Washington...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lion Wind

A lionesque wind
Came to circle and howl
There to prey in the end
Upon a small space to prowl

With the strength of a pride
It tore an opening
And its mouth opened wide
For a sickening happening...

If all we know is storm
We'll not be prepared
As evil performs
Subtly aired

A New Gospel Teaching Imparts

A new gospel teaching imparts
Not to take away, but to add
Thus, nourishing our hearts
With sweet fruit, glorious to be had

woke to this in my head...
sometimes I am writing poetry in my sleep and it slips from me. This one I captured.

I Was in The Cinderella House

I was in the Cinderella house
And found seclusion on a tour
My husband romance was roused
Oh, desired object of my sweet ardor...

Like a princess... I felt adored
Romance and music filled my heart
Home is where the heart is- underscored
Here beauty did impart

Since then, he's given me a home for heavenly thoughts
Windows of height for seeking far to find it-
Through morning light where time does pause
To whisper warm and quiet

thoughts from lds writers blogck
about searching for a home of inspiration
and the Neuschwanstein Castle of course comes to mind for me...
but in truth I have all I need

I Have a Home Small and Cozy

I have a home small and cozy
With ceilings searching the sky
Its promising and rosy
Raise my thoughts up on high

A corner of the morning light
Filters into my bedroom
Filling me with thought's delight
As with a fresh mind there is room

Thursday, May 20, 2010


One man stands
While the other just sits
Though both yearns
One, alone, turns

Though both men sin
One, alone, repents
Patterns set in
And one finds hell
While the other seeks for help

My Understanding of What the Atonement Means

My understanding
Of what the atonement means
Is forever expanding
And enhancing... as light beams

Offering Himself a sacrifice for sin
He answered the ends of the law
With contrite spirits and hearts that let Him in
The atonement's meaning becomes all that more broad

He is my Savior and Redeemer. He is glorious!
Ever He communicates His love. He does this for me
He is forever the meaning of one who is gracious
No tongue can express thanks adequately

Through Him, I can overcome
The consequences of mistakes
Through Him, I can become
One who repents and forsakes

He administers a balance
Between justice and mercy
Ever there's blessings
Through covenant observings

He lights up my mind
With fountains of truth
Oh, the blessings I find
As His spirit more soothes

My reverance and gratitude
For the holy Prince of Peace
Has only just begun to imbued
Christ-like purity, white as fleece

Elder Richard G. Scott
He Lives! All Glory to His Name
Ensign, May 2010, 75

verb: suffuse with color
verb: fill, soak, or imbue totally
verb: spread or diffuse through

My Understanding of What the Atonement Means

My understanding
Of what the atonement means
Is forever expanding
And enhancing far beyond my dreams

Offering Himself a sacrifice for sin
He answered the ends of the law
With a contrie spirit and a heart that let's Him in
I know He'll prepare me to stand before God

He is my Savior and Redeemer. He is glorious!
Ever He communicates His love for me
Above all, His blessings are gracious
Of which my tongue cannot express thanks adequately

Through Him, I can overcome
The consequences of mistakes
Through Him, I can become
One who repents and forsakes

He administers a balance
Between justice and mercy
That if I live a life of obedience
There are covenants I'm observing

We Need to Beware of Satan's Hazards

We need to beware of Satan's hazards
As he attacks foundational standards
He would to create a world devoid
Of honor, virtue, and purity enjoyed

We need to seek for confidence in this life
Which comes of setting aside appetites-
Through doing that which does satisfy-
Heart felt prayers of faith that fortify!

Elder Richard G. Scott
He Lives! All Glory to His Name!
Ensign, May 2010, 77

Oft, I Try to Imagine

Oft, I try to imagine
All that Jesus Christ went through
Having divine character within
To walk on earth as a man would do

He, absolutely,
Was perfect in heart, soul, and mind
He, alone, suffered personally
Consequences of every kind

Viciousness, He endured
To both body and spirit
Then, without God's succor
He, all alone, surpassed life's limits

Elder Richard G. Scott
He Lives! All Glory to His Name
Ensign, May 2010, 75

Families- Gather Today and Teach Your Children

Families, gather today
And teach your children
Let them hear you pray
As you seek what lights from heaven

A nation is as good
As its citizens let
Strength lies in brotherhood
And we can do better yet

Let us start by believing
We are a nation under God
That, through Him, we are weaving
A fabric of beauty, bright for all

Breaking Through Unyielding Chains He Has Risen From the Dead

Breaking through unyielding chains
He has risen from the dead
With healing in His wings
A path opened. Homeward led

Our Father's plan of happiness
Has been made alive through Him
What peace and joy we've from this
As we keep His commandments

The scriptures ever teach
And become woven inside us
For His strength, let us reach
With broken hearts, let us trust

He the purest fountains of all
Balances justice and mercy
Glorious blessings are our proof
If we are lovingly searching

With hope to overcome
We obey laws of His stressing
Thus we repent ever gladsome
As, of His hands, we're confessing

May our reverence and gratitude
Be continually expanding
The atonement in us imbues,
Spiritually, for enhancing

Elder Richard G. Scott
He Lives! All Glory to His Name!
Ensign, May 2010, 75
Definitions of imbue:
verb: suffuse with color
verb: fill, soak, or imbue totally
verb: spread or diffuse through

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Line Was Drawn in the Sand

The line was drawn in the sand
By God... a long time ago
It is time to choose where we'll stand
A love for our country now must grow

The Savior alone can dig us out
Of this pit we have fallen into
Without a shadow of a doubt
To God's laws we must be more given unto

The Lord's footsteps show us the way
As, too, He carries us daily through strife
And we must work hard without delay
To protect our God given freedoms in life

There's a Delicate Balance in Caring for the Needy

There's a delicate balance
In caring for the needy,
Improving circumstance,
And not attracting the greedy

With government so large
Can they do this job for us?
As with handout takers charge
And who learns to be generous?

Is it selfish to be giving?
Can receiving hurt esteem?
We love whom we're serving
Givers and receivers are as a team

Let us restore charity
That God's love press more forward
For then we share equally
As to Him we aim our lives toward

Who from their heart says thank you
When it comes without a face
Who determines what to give, too
So varied the needs of the human race

Entitlements spawn claims,
Resentment, and even lawsuits
As we become one of many names
Without the "pass it forward" attitude

If we let government over tax us
We will not only be poorer for it
But charity will be replaced by justice
As desires to help become more foreign

Gratitude is the natural glue
That binds society together
For a pass it on chain begins anew
Each time we start a charitable endeavor

Faith, Hope, and ...Government?
Gary C. Lawrence
Meridian Magazine

"There are three problems when government becomes the source and conduit for charity:

Stunted national character
Diminished gratitude"

When a person receives help from a voluntary organization, he or she is more likely to perform an act of charity for someone else and a pass-it-on chain begins. When a person receives help from government, however, that’s the end of the chain reaction.

Gratitude is one of the natural glues that bind society together. If the glue goes, we go with it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Won't Be a Quitter

How many ways can I tell myself
"do not give up...."
Before I pray for help
Enough's enough!

As into new waters I was called to enter
I realized all that I am not
And determined to not be a quitter
To swim...I vowed to give it everything I've got

As into new waters, I accepted to enter
I pondered all that I am not... and sought a secluded spot
Determined through prayer to not be a quitter
I vowed to swim well and give it everything I've got

Treading new waters, I'm sustained, I enter
Humbled  in prayer...I give it more than I've got
To be found faithful and not be a quitter
I have started kneeling alone- quite a lot!

click on title to read:
Elder Walker teaches of prophet's example
By Mark Beck
Mormon Times
Sunday, May. 16, 2010
Elder Walker shared several stories demonstrating President Monson's devotion to his church callings, including his call at age 32 to be a mission president in Canada.

Quoting President Monson, Elder Walker said, "I hadn't been a missionary. I'd received no preparatory training for this important calling. I was young. I needed the help of the Lord. I went out behind the mission home and found a secluded spot in the trees where I could pray. I included in my prayer: I'll not be a quitter. I'll give it everything I've got."

As Though the Earth Groaned

As though the earth groaned
Under the bondage of sin
Everywhere the land moaned
And changed its face therein

Cities once high...bent low
Some dropped into the sea
All that was flat arose
This happened so quickly

It started with a storm
One as never before known
The first month on the fourth
To all people signs were shown

A prophet had said there would be darkness
For three days... when Jesus died
But no one anticipated they would witness
Destruction on every side

A great and terrible tempest arose
Creating massively shaking thunder
As around...lightening flashed to expose
The dividing of land all asunder

The city of Moroni sank into the sea
And all of its inhabitants were drowned
Another city took fire from lightening
As naught was heard but quaking sounds

Highways and roads were broken up
Buildings fell...unable to tremble with their weight
Many smooth places became rough
And people were crushed to a terrible fate

There were some carried away in a whirl wind
And wither they went man knew
Nor could they say where they themselves were
As even great rocks rent in twain and flew

All this took place in three hours
When suddenly..the noise and commotion stopped
Then...for a final display of God's powers
A thick vapor of darkness just dropped

All around there was not a glimmer
Nor could any light strike to be made
As dry wood would not catch fire
For three days this darkness cloaked and stayed

Midst mourning, howling, and weeping
That went on continually
The sun, moon, stars seemed to be sleeping
And naught went on habitually

In one place people were heard to say:
"If only we had chosen to repent!
Our loved ones would be here today...
For we killed the prophets God had sent!"

It came to pass while crying was heard
And the third day had finally ended
Among all, on this corner of the earth
The Lord's voice from the heavens descended

He spoke of the great cities destroyed
To end abominations before His face
How the devil laughed and His angels rejoiced
Because once fair sons and daughters were naught to embrace

The blood of Saints and Prophets would cry no more
He named cities the people had known and enjoyed
He spoke of iniquities that openly out poured
And the diverse ways they were now destroyed

For all who were spared...He invited
Them to repent, be converted, and come
To His arms of mercy extended
Promising them a new chance to become...

3 Nephi 8-9

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is True

The gospel of Jesus Christ is true
And God has a plan for each man to do
Come, find light and freedom to act
Where otherwise, the strength you lack

Come, ask questions and be taught
The Book of Mormon has words you have sought
Ponder it's messages inside your mind
And the things of will find

We live in a time where evil is swarming
Let our children's response be a clear warning
Let us be watchful and ever discerning
Concerning our children and what they are learning

When they react negatively to the Word
By showing a face hard as stone
While distancing themselves from what is heard
This is not the time to leave them alone

This is the time to love them and teach
By the power of the holy ghost
Let them know God's arms ever does reach
And when we're upset we need Him the most

When they speak words of hate to thrash out
Ever angry with their own problems
Teach them to have hope against all doubt
And let them know how you feel about God, often
my thoughts from pondering...

Elder David A. Bednar
Watching with All Perseverance
Ensign, June 2010, 40

Understood Spirit to Spirit

Understood spirit to spirit
The gospel exists for man
As one can see, feel, and hear it
... even an infant can understand

They so soon to the earth
Feel the peace that it brings
And recognize its worth
As familiarity rings

Parents, gather your wee ones
And let them taste of purity and love
Line upon line...not all at once
Testify to them with surety there of

Have them come with questions
And together search, ponder, and pray
Don't be afraid to make this confession:
You can't answer all that comes your way

Help them identify the spirit
That when they seriously choose the wrong
They'll recognize when they don't feel it
And choose to sing redemption's' song

Elder David A. Bednar
Watching with All Perseverance
Ensign, June 2010, 40

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When We Keep Hurt Feelings

When we keep hurt feelings
It's a burden that won't let
When we forgive there is healing
That frees us up to forget

Integrity is

Integrity is doing the right thing
at the right time
for the right reason
At any cost

While adhering to a code of conduct
that's eternal
and internal
Or else all is lost

For some things are worse than dying:
corrupting one's name,
spreading sin's flame,
and being spiritually flawed

Thus, we should find time for prayer
trusting in His kind care
sharing all that we bear
Becoming complete with God!

A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal
Or tolerate those who do
As to do so, there will be no appeal
Being expected to always be true

Jason Swensen
Elder Holland Addresses West Point Cadets
LDS Church News 5/7/2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Concerning this Land So Fine- Christopher Columbus

Concerning this land so fine
Our Lord unlocked my mind,
Sent me upon the sea,
And gave me fire for the deed

Those who heard of my enterprise
Understood not what called beyond the skies
They claimed me foolish, mocked, and laughed
But who can doubt the Holy Ghost marked my path?

thoughts from
“Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my enterprise called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me?” (Jacob Wasserman, Columbus: Don Quixote of the Seas [Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1930], pp. 19?20).

Leave a Trail of Genius 1

Leave a trail of genius
Wherever you may go
Come to know your purpose
A light inside to grow

Leave a trail of genius
As near sleep you jot that note
Words that awake inside, thus
Remain to install and quote

thoughts from reading:
Leave a Trail of Genius...inspired by the Marriott notepad
click on the title to go directly to-
By Nichole Giles

A Sole Survivor of Circumstance

A sole survivor of circumstance
Gives hope to our existance
For his life is a miracle
As are ours all
8-year-old Ruben van Assouw

What Treasure Can We Lay Upon the Earth?

What treasure can we lay upon the earth
And claim we truly, humbly need?
Perhaps none save that given at birth
The precious cap we call the knee

Matthew 6: 19-21
19Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

My Response to Pornography

My response to a woman searching for eternal healing
Due to her husbands vice of pornography and the turmoil they're feeling

For you:
I would say "stay"- unless you lose your mental health
Family, as a progressive treasure, is our greatest wealth

I would say "go"- but beware of what cankers the soul
And the need to stay clean yourself...that your children heal whole

For him:
Imagine your daughter grown up and living rebellious
Sharing her body... is repentance worth it? I say "YES!"

Imagine your fine son growing almost to a man
And patterning after you... what would you have at his hand?

click on the title to go directly...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The War in Heaven Continues

Moral agency
Righteous unity
We cannot compromise
We must be wise

found a great site

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Bible and the Book of Mormon

The Bible and the Book of Mormon
Contain the everlasting gospel
Witnessing that God's love for man
Sheds forth unto all lands and people

Two sticks sweetly fashioned
As holy writ from prophets' hands
Have joined together as companions
Tools for man to understand

Two records of man's journeys
Through the lonely wilderness
Unto promised lands for turning
To find Zion and happiness

John the Revelator saw an angel
Fly in the midst of heaven
Having the everlasting gospel
In our day preparations are given

Surely the Lord will do nothing
Save He reveal it first to His prophets
With signs and wonders forth coming
Of future events...the ancients foretold of this

Long ago when the Savior stated
"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold"
He spoke of other nations who waited
Watching... for blessed events to unfold

Our story begins with prophecies
Foretelling the birth of Christ
In a land far across the seas
Who awaited signs up in the skies

The believers, how they prayed
As the scoffers tried to trap them
Sentences for death were to be made
If the events did not happen

A set day was assigned
That would put an end to doubt
To either side, men aligned
Then, the miracle came about

The new star appeared
The unbelievers fell as though dead
How the righteous cheered
Seeing what the prophets had said

But, too soon, these wondrous signs
Became all but forgotten, hence
So quick to sin one finds
They turned to war and wickedness

Then, seeking much for deliverance
Some called upon God all anew
They worked to serve with diligence
And found their enemies were subdued

They built up many cities
And others they repaired
Through restored abilities
For the Lord's coming they prepared

To the unrighteous, speaking with authority
Nephi, a prophet, made many angry
Preaching repentance...but without popularity
Angels ministered to him daily

Then once again as foretold by prophets
The signs of Christ's crucifixion came to pass
Attested by storms and earthquakes
The reality of Him... hit strong and fast

The whole face of the land was changed
Mountains were raised and cities sank
For three days darkness ranged
In remorse, survivors shrank

Knowing this could have been prevented
In mourning people were heard to say,
"If only we had repented
Before this great and terrible day!"

If only we had not stoned the prophets
If only we had not cast them out
Their lesson now was obvious
For their loved ones, they called about

Then a voice was heard by all
They became very still
"Come unto me," came the call
Repent that I may heal"

After they heard the voice
They gathered to the temple
Seeking rejoice
They came repentant and humble

Again a voice was heard
Heavenly Father announced the Son
They clung to every word
From the heavens they saw descending, one...

Christ in America
President N. Eldon Tanner
Ensign, May 1975, 34

Nourish the Tender Lambs

Nourish the faith of others
Especially the tender lambs
In truth, love one another
Seeking the Lord's voice, be His hands

Forewarn of the wolves
Speak oft of hidden dangers
One loves as one behooves
Of the spirit, be not a stranger

Invite to safety and rest
Offering living waters that sustain
Testify how you've been blessed
And how to become spotless from sin's stains

We can help the Lord take the lambs
Into the arms of our Father
With care we can be His voice and hands
Spiritually nourishing another

Helping Feed the Savior's Lambs
President Henry B. Eyring
Friend, April 2010, 2

Dad- Happy Father's Day

Dad- Happy Father's Day
Thank you for all that you do
May these words in a small way
Express my gratitude

You are solid strength to me
Being ever responsible
Through your example, I see
The impossible is still possible

Please leave comments of what you would like to see in a tribute to the Father...I would love to write a poem for you...

I Can See You Have Been Stung

I can see you have been stung
By Satan, inside his web
You must heal and be unstrung
The question's...not "how?" but "when?"

There Was a Test in the Spirit World

There was a test
In the spirit world
Ending peace and rest
As words were hurled

1/3 of heaven
Forever failed
God's plan was given
And they rebelled

Before we were born
We were all taught
Heaven became torn
As a war was fought

We stood by our Savior
Without any doubt
While Satan lost all favor
And to earth, was cast out

Now, knowing us as we truly are
He has an unseen advantage over us
To tempt and try...he is never far
Yet... we've helps to be morally courageous

The greatest being the Atonement
Given through the works of Jesus Christ
With His Spirit, if we are repentant
We'll be led unto eternal life

The scriptures are our guide
As we read them with the Holy Ghost
Too, as faith and prayer is applied
We receive what we need the most

Communication with God helps banish fear
Such that our hearts fill with faith and love
As through the priesthood protection nears
Come of our Father in Heaven above

Then, even if we are cast into a deep pit
By evil hands that would to destroy
Still, shining for us, is the Holy Spirit
Our greatest blessing, on earth, to enjoy

Moral Courage
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, March 2010, 5

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord
Even when it's hard
Be of one accord
Re-align and discard

What we want for happiness
Is oft a righteous desire
Yet, it takes time to come to pass
Thus, don't let your faith expire

Every adversity
Trial, sadness, or wearying ache
Is but for our humility
A path the Lord would have us take

Born of two opposing sources
There's refinement through a test
1. That a growth of faith in us courses
2. Or an we've sinned or transgressed

2. Know you've a brighter life in store
And a bishop is a friend with keys
To the repentant there is a door
With healing and peace to receive

The narrow way will open
As you admit the mistakes
Miracles will happen
A contrite spirit is what it takes

1. Seek out help and do not fear
The way will shine as a window
Ever strive to have the spirit near
Be grateful, serve, trust, and know

Learn to have faith and conviction
For the abundant growth it will lend
Be patient in all afflictions
Know there shall be many unto the end

D&C 24:8 Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.

Prov. 3:11–12 My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction:
12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Elder Richard G. Scott
Trust in the Lord
Ensign, November 1995, 16

Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (see Prov. 3:11–12). He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain.

I testify that when the Lord closes one important door in your life, He shows His continuing love and compassion by opening many other compensating doors through your exercise of faith. He will place in your path packets of spiritual sunlight to brighten your way. They often come after the trial has been the greatest, as evidence of the compassion and love of an all-knowing Father. They point the way to greater happiness, more understanding, and strengthen your determination to accept and be obedient to His will.

Recently a great leader, suffering from physical handicaps that come with advancing age, said, “I am glad I have what I have.” It is wisdom to open the windows of happiness by recognizing your abundant blessings.

Don’t let the workings of adversity totally absorb your life. Try to understand what you can. Act where you are able; then let the matter rest with the Lord for a period while you give to others in worthy ways before you take on appropriate concern again.

Please learn that as you wrestle with a challenge and feel sadness because of it, you can simultaneously have peace and rejoicing. Yes, pain, disappointment, frustration, and anguish can be temporary scenes played out on the stage of life. Behind them there can be a background of peace and the positive assurance that a loving Father will keep His promises. You can qualify for those promises by a determination to accept His will, by understanding the plan of happiness, by receiving all of the ordinances, and by keeping the covenants made to assure their fulfillment.

The Lord’s plan is to exalt you to live with Him and be greatly blessed. The rate at which you qualify is generally set by your capacity to mature, to grow, to love, and to give of yourself. He is preparing you to be a god. You cannot understand fully what that means, yet, He knows. As you trust Him, seek and follow His will, you will receive blessings that your finite mind cannot understand here on earth. Your Father in Heaven and His Holy Son know better than you what brings happiness. They have given you the plan of happiness. As you understand and follow it, happiness will be your blessing. As you willingly obey, receive, and honor the ordinances and covenants of that holy plan, you can have the greatest measure of satisfaction in this life. Yes, even times of overpowering happiness. You will prepare yourself for an eternity of glorious life with your loved ones who qualify for that kingdom.

I know the principles that we have discussed are true. They have been tested in the crucible of personal experience. To recognize the hand of the Lord in your life and to accept His will without complaint is a beginning. That decision does not immediately eliminate the struggles that will come for your growth. But I witness that it is the best way there is for you to find strength and understanding. It will free you from the dead ends of your own reasoning. It will allow your life to become a productive, meaningful experience, when otherwise you may not know how to go on (see D&C 24:8).

I testify that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. I witness that the Savior gave His life for your happiness. I know Him. He understands your every need. I positively know that as you accept Their will without complaint, They will bless and sustain you. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Life is Full of Challenges

Life is full of challenges
In one continual flow
Oft this burden changes
As, in patience, we kneel low

The Virtue of Heavenly Patience

“Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.”
Thomas S. Monson, “Patience, a Heavenly Virtue,” Ensign, Sept. 2002, 2

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Who Know

There is eternal influence and power in motherhood
When mothers know who they are and make covenants
Fearlessly, they teach their children of all that's good
That they might rise up strong, courageous, and valiant

Mothers who know desire and bear children
They being the greatest jewels upon the earth
Considering each as a blessing from heaven
They teach well of their value and worth

Mothers who know honor sacred ordinances
And renew their covenants with reverence
Pointing children towards eternity, each advances
Knowing all the while good grooming makes a difference

Mothers who know cultivate, care for, and make grow
While maintaining a temple like orderly home
Thus creating a climate for spiritual and temporal growth
Where organization, patience, love, and work are known

Mothers who know are leaders who plan
For missions, temple marriages, and education
In equal partnerships with their husbands
They're selective of what they do and where they station

Mothers who know labor continually
To prepare the rising generation
Come find laughter, song, and reading habitually
And stand strong with her immovable nation

There is eternal influence in motherhood. Mothers who know bear children,
honor sacred ordinances and covenants, are nurturers, leaders, teachers, who do less, and stand strong and immovable

Latter-day Saint women should be the very best in the world at upholding, nurturing, and protecting families. I have every confidence that our women will do this and will come to be known as mothers who "knew" (Alma 56:48). In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Mothers Who Know
Julie B. Beck
Relief Society General President

nurture- cultivate, care for, and make grow

Saturday, May 8, 2010

On a Hill

On a hill
Along the wayside
Law fulfilled
Christ was crucified

On a cross
Between those who stole
Naught was lost
He redeemed each soul

His alone
He the perfect lamb
Did atone
As the great I Am

Come and see
He who lives again
All who'll be His friend

Share your light
Upon the hilltops
Shed forth sight
For His worthy cause

Give your heart
As one who submits
Love imparts
Shown through His Spirit

Take His name
And His crust of bread
The price paid
Come. Drink. And be fed

E'er believe
He will come again
On earth's eve
Our Lord will descend

To that land
He lived as a man
He will stand
With prints on His hands

Pondering the site of Gogotha
situated between two roads that
enter Jerusalem- to be a visible
reminder to citizens of the
penalty for breaking laws...

Inherently Remarkable

Inherently remarkable
All women...embrace this day
You do a work that's unshakable
Shaping and molding the future always

Ever be righteous
That blessings might shower
Born with a purpose
You've potential and power

thoughts from
click on title to go directly
Happy Mother's Day!

The Remarkable Women of God

Neal A. Maxwell, “The Women of God,” Ensign, May 1978, 10

Divinely determined, in another place and time
Men were given the priesthood and leadership line
Paralleling, then, with an influence for good
The role of mothering was given to womanhood

Both foreordained before foundations of the world
Certain women were given tasks for history unfurled
Divine design brought Mary as the mother of Jesus;
And a woman to retrieve Moses hidden in the bullrush

Their's to demonstrate how a baby is a blessing
With love and promise in the purest form expressing
A mother, Lucy Mack influenced a whole dispensation
While Ruth's love for Naomi taught of loyalty's obligation

God, with His perfect regard for women, insists that we give care
Unto the lonely widows who teach us of sacrifice and giving
One, with her last meal and oil, gave it all to Elijah, trusting there...
As, too, the widow's mite exemplifies the principle of  tithing

Imagine Elisabeth, with a babe within to carry
A promise to her fulfilled, though she was beyond in age
Then to know why as her fetus, leapt in recognition of Mary!
This, the greatest sign of anticipation recorded on any page!

Does it not tell us, too, of their intrinsic intelligence
When at the horrid crucifixion scene: the Lord at Calvary
Women suffered in sorrow, extending their love hence
And offered themselves in presence, their lingering... a litany

Keeping hope...filled with spiritual sensitivity
Too, they came to prepare the torn body of Christ
Mary Magdalena kept herself near, in proximity
And witnessed His resurrection, the risen hope of life

Is it no wonder God placed His trust in women
Known to forget their sorrows that comfort might be shown
Thus it is for women to bear and care for God's children
As... their compassionate service seems by instincts to be known

Rocking a child...gently, she knows the world's won't pass her by
For she is holding tomorrow's future tightly in her arms
Throughout the world, comes the shaping sounds of lullabies
And the soothing call for peacemaking that sweetly disarms

As women of Zion, they know their bodies are not their own
Thus, they refuse to make the sacred womb a dark fetal tomb
Ever shaping society by having hearts and hands at home
Thus the beauty of the earth is truly theirs to bloom

Those without husbands or children, or even both
Still know that God loves them,  they are noble and great
That mortality is but a season of trial, learning, and growth,
And that in the eternity those special blessings await

Eternal partners, as equals are supportive...sealed  together
In the temple...before the veil and the altar, the bond becomes clear
Of our regal homecoming, to our eternal Father.... and mother
She, too, makes preparations... planning sights and sounds we'll hear

Thoughts from:

Neal A. Maxwell
The Women of God
Ensign, May 1978, 10

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our Nation was Founded

Our nation was founded
Upon righteous principles and thought
As outcry was sounded
The battle for freedom was fought

With this sense of community
Each man rose to the call
And in the name of unity
Sacrificed to give his all

How could one prosper
When taxes don’t support
Only fairness is proper
When ruled from own courts

Now as a country
Do we value our roots?
Do we strive to agree?
And resolve all disputes?

Perhaps what is needed
Is a return to God
For when He is heeded
Opportunities are broad

The blessing pour about
Upon homes and neighbors
And there is little doubt
That we gain from our labors

America must be reborn
And treasure liberty
Through a vote for reform
Unto righteous dignity

You Are the Softness

You are the softness of the day
When the weather is just right
Your love brightens up my way
Causing me to feel warm and bright

You are that place where the sun does meet
And sparkle upon the shore
You are all that's warm to greet
You are my mom for ever more

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No One Can Avoid Calamity

No one can avoid calamity
As it comes, both, to the rich and the poor
Thus we must strive for ability
While drawing nigh unto the Lord

With so many things to do with our time
Who would not benefit from His light
He sustains us with insight even when we're tired
If we seek His will, we will know if our paths be right

With personal revelation, one can prioritize
And navigate life with confidence
Thus keeping commitments and family ties
As we're bathed in His help midst turbulence

And Upon the Handmaids in Those Days Will I Pour Out My Spirit"
Julie B. Beck
Ensign, May 2010

Welcome to the Sisterhood

Welcome to the sisterhood
Where charity never fails
Cultivating what is good
Our faith in God prevails

Welcome to a sacred trust, a guiding light,
A system of watchcare,
A place to serve and gain insight
These are some of what we share

Our path of success stretches forth
Strengthening the home
For that which cometh of the Lord
Gives us peace, joy, certainty, and hope

And Upon the Handmaids in Those Days Will I Pour Out My Spirit
Julie B. Beck
Ensign, May 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wake Up America

Wake up America
And see where you are strong
You're the brightest hope of
Righting all that's wrong

What a shame it would be
If your light became dim
Not just for liberty
But, the service that you give

With your worldly power gone
So too your influence for good
What then of freedom's song
And foundations of brotherhood?

Rise again, America!
Renew the valiant fight
A resurgent beacon to the world
A champion of truth and right

'Keep up,' young adults told
By D. Ryan Efros
Church News contributor
Published: Saturday, April 24, 2010
click on title to go directly

my husband wrote the last verse....

Elder L. Tom Perry speaking to the youth of Las Vegas
"Unless this nation wakes up and realizes (its strength) and stands up for it, then we will lose it," he said, "and what a shame that will be- not because of the worldly power that will be lost, but because of the service that will be lost to other nations."

Wake Up - America

Wake up America
And see where you are strong
You're the brightest hope of
Righting all that's wrong

What a shame it would be
If your light became dim
Not just for liberty
But, the service that you give

With your worldly power gone
And influence for good
What of freedom's song
And foundations of brotherhood

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Service is the Antidote

Service is the antidote
For individualism and amorality
Thus saving us from what corrodes
The family and society

When we are centered on Christ
And serve our fellowmen
We have a standard of light
And know what to do about it!

The highest and best reason for service
Is out of a concerned desire to show love
Ever trusting the Lord...filled with purpose
This is what a follower of Christ is made of

Choose ye this day
To serve the Lord
In all ye do and say
Heed always His word

Thoughts from reading

Service can cancel amorality, selfishness,
Elder Dallin H. Oaks says at BYU Women's Conference
By Marianne Holman
LDS Church News
Friday, April 30, 2010

Life is So Much Like a Garden

Life is so much like a garden
Made beautiful through doing what's best
If our works are good till our days are done
The resurrection will be a sweet harvest

Let's apply the spirit to all of our actions
And with all our heart, mind, and might, trust Jesus
Believing, let's avoid doubt and worldly distractions
And implore the Lord to work His purposes through us

We should be doers of the word...
Rather than just hearers
Into action, we should be stirred
Knowing salvation nearers

Pondering Sister Kristen Oaks words at
BYU's Women's Conference
By Marianne Holman
LDS Church News
Friday, April 30, 2010

Deep Beauty Springs from Virtue

A deep beauty springs from virtue
It can't appear in any other way
It's a glow that shows what we do
Wear, think, honor, and in faith say

Sparkling like jewels... are the eyes
As of impurities there's not a trace
And joy radiates...though, hard, life tries
Virtue makes for a beautiful face

Elaine S. Dalton
Remember Who You Are
Ensign, May 2010,

The Son of a King was a Young Man

The son of a king was a young man
When he was kidnapped by evil men
He was tested morally for a half year
Then, to the throne, he could not be heir

But with an unshakable knowledge of his purpose
He would not do a single vile thing
Thus a "why not?" from the captors did surface
Which was answered with, "I cannot, for I was born to be king!"

'I have always loved the story of the son of King Louis XVI of France because he had an unshakable knowledge of his identity. As a young man, he was kidnapped by evil men who had dethroned his father, the king. These men knew that if they could destroy him morally, he would not be heir to the throne. For six months they subjected him to every vile thing life had to offer, and yet he never yielded under pressure. This puzzled his captors, and after doing everything they could think of, they asked him why he had such great moral strength. His reply was simple. He said, “I cannot do what you ask, for I was born to be a king.”12 '

12. See Vaughn J. Featherstone, “The King’s Son,” New Era, Nov. 1975, 35

From Brazil to Bountiful

From Brazil to Bountiful
Banners are being unfurled
Golden and beautiful
Truly...out of this world

On paths laid for progress
We have risen to the call
Climbing mountains to witness
To virtue we give our all

Together we have shared many choice spiritual moments. We have borne testimony in camps around campfires, in chapels, and in firesides. We have been warmed by the fire of our faith. We have climbed mountains and unfurled golden banners—from Brazil to Bountiful—signifying the commitment deep within our hearts to remain virtuous and to always be worthy to enter the temple. We have prayed, read the Book of Mormon, and smiled every day, and together with our mothers, grandmothers, and leaders, we are working on our Personal Progress. And we have only just begun!

Young women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, remember who you are! You are elect. You are daughters of God. You cannot be a generation of young women who are content to fit in. You must have the courage to stand out, to “arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations.”10 The world would have you believe that you are not significant—that you are out of fashion and out of touch. The world calls to you with unrelenting, noisy voices to “live it up,” “try everything,” “experiment and be happy.” Conversely, the Holy Ghost whispers and the Lord invites you to “walk in the paths of virtue,” “lay aside the things of this world,” “and cleave unto [your] covenants.”11

Doctrine and Covenants 25:2, 10, 13.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Confidence and Beauty

Confidence and beauty
Shines brightly upon your face
When you know and do your duty
And present your self with grace

Elaine S. Dalton
Remember Who You Are!
Ensign, May 2010, 120–23

There is no more beautiful sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the Spirit, who is confident and courageous because she is virtuous.

There Is No More Beautiful Sight

There is no more beautiful sight
Than a young woman glowing with light
Who is confident and courageous
Simply because she is virtuous

Elaine S. Dalton
Remember Who You Are!
Ensign, May 2010, 120–23

There is no more beautiful sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the Spirit, who is confident and courageous because she is virtuous.

We Have Only Just Begun

We have only just begun
To understand who we are
We've a testimony of the Son
And shine golden, like a star

In the premortal realm
We defended Father's plan
And prepared for now to help
Thus we've confidence we can

We can make a difference
And stand out among the crowd
With God's love bright'ning our countenance
We're preparing to become endowed

When we look into a mirror
We see beauty deep with virtue
Glowing with light and Spirit
Feeling atoned for and of value

We repent oft to be clean
Unto radiance, we turn around
Ever born to be a queen
Righteousness is our crown

Elaine S. Dalton
Remember Who You Are!
Ensign, May 2010, 120–23

There is no more beautiful sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the Spirit, who is confident and courageous because she is virtuous.

There is no more beautiful sight
Than a young woman glowing with light
Who is confident and courageous
Simply because she is virtuous

The world places so much emphasis on physical attractiveness and would have you believe that you are to look like the elusive model on the cover of a magazine. The Lord would tell you that you are each uniquely beautiful. When you are virtuous, chaste, and morally clean, your inner beauty glows in your eyes and in your face. My grandfather used to say, “If you live close to God and His infinite grace—you won’t have to tell, it will show in your face.” (author unknown) When you are worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, you are confident and your inner beauty shines brightly. And so “let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and … the Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion.” Doctrine and Covenants 121:45–46.

Confidence and beauty
Shines brightly upon your face
When you know and do your duty
And present your self with grace

We have been taught that “the gift of the Holy Ghost … quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections. … It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features.” Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology, 10th ed. (1965), 101; emphasis added.

We Are the Freedom Fighters

We are the freedom fighters
In righteousness we're to stand
For truths, we must reach higher
If we are to understand

Let history now be retold
Unto heroes for our day
With purpose we must be bold
And shine brighter, come what may