
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Breaking Through Unyielding Chains He Has Risen From the Dead

Breaking through unyielding chains
He has risen from the dead
With healing in His wings
A path opened. Homeward led

Our Father's plan of happiness
Has been made alive through Him
What peace and joy we've from this
As we keep His commandments

The scriptures ever teach
And become woven inside us
For His strength, let us reach
With broken hearts, let us trust

He the purest fountains of all
Balances justice and mercy
Glorious blessings are our proof
If we are lovingly searching

With hope to overcome
We obey laws of His stressing
Thus we repent ever gladsome
As, of His hands, we're confessing

May our reverence and gratitude
Be continually expanding
The atonement in us imbues,
Spiritually, for enhancing

Elder Richard G. Scott
He Lives! All Glory to His Name!
Ensign, May 2010, 75
Definitions of imbue:
verb: suffuse with color
verb: fill, soak, or imbue totally
verb: spread or diffuse through

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