
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There's a Delicate Balance in Caring for the Needy

There's a delicate balance
In caring for the needy,
Improving circumstance,
And not attracting the greedy

With government so large
Can they do this job for us?
As with handout takers charge
And who learns to be generous?

Is it selfish to be giving?
Can receiving hurt esteem?
We love whom we're serving
Givers and receivers are as a team

Let us restore charity
That God's love press more forward
For then we share equally
As to Him we aim our lives toward

Who from their heart says thank you
When it comes without a face
Who determines what to give, too
So varied the needs of the human race

Entitlements spawn claims,
Resentment, and even lawsuits
As we become one of many names
Without the "pass it forward" attitude

If we let government over tax us
We will not only be poorer for it
But charity will be replaced by justice
As desires to help become more foreign

Gratitude is the natural glue
That binds society together
For a pass it on chain begins anew
Each time we start a charitable endeavor

Faith, Hope, and ...Government?
Gary C. Lawrence
Meridian Magazine

"There are three problems when government becomes the source and conduit for charity:

Stunted national character
Diminished gratitude"

When a person receives help from a voluntary organization, he or she is more likely to perform an act of charity for someone else and a pass-it-on chain begins. When a person receives help from government, however, that’s the end of the chain reaction.

Gratitude is one of the natural glues that bind society together. If the glue goes, we go with it.

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