
Thursday, May 13, 2010

There Was a Test in the Spirit World

There was a test
In the spirit world
Ending peace and rest
As words were hurled

1/3 of heaven
Forever failed
God's plan was given
And they rebelled

Before we were born
We were all taught
Heaven became torn
As a war was fought

We stood by our Savior
Without any doubt
While Satan lost all favor
And to earth, was cast out

Now, knowing us as we truly are
He has an unseen advantage over us
To tempt and try...he is never far
Yet... we've helps to be morally courageous

The greatest being the Atonement
Given through the works of Jesus Christ
With His Spirit, if we are repentant
We'll be led unto eternal life

The scriptures are our guide
As we read them with the Holy Ghost
Too, as faith and prayer is applied
We receive what we need the most

Communication with God helps banish fear
Such that our hearts fill with faith and love
As through the priesthood protection nears
Come of our Father in Heaven above

Then, even if we are cast into a deep pit
By evil hands that would to destroy
Still, shining for us, is the Holy Spirit
Our greatest blessing, on earth, to enjoy

Moral Courage
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, March 2010, 5

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