
Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Remarkable Women of God

Neal A. Maxwell, “The Women of God,” Ensign, May 1978, 10

Divinely determined, in another place and time
Men were given the priesthood and leadership line
Paralleling, then, with an influence for good
The role of mothering was given to womanhood

Both foreordained before foundations of the world
Certain women were given tasks for history unfurled
Divine design brought Mary as the mother of Jesus;
And a woman to retrieve Moses hidden in the bullrush

Their's to demonstrate how a baby is a blessing
With love and promise in the purest form expressing
A mother, Lucy Mack influenced a whole dispensation
While Ruth's love for Naomi taught of loyalty's obligation

God, with His perfect regard for women, insists that we give care
Unto the lonely widows who teach us of sacrifice and giving
One, with her last meal and oil, gave it all to Elijah, trusting there...
As, too, the widow's mite exemplifies the principle of  tithing

Imagine Elisabeth, with a babe within to carry
A promise to her fulfilled, though she was beyond in age
Then to know why as her fetus, leapt in recognition of Mary!
This, the greatest sign of anticipation recorded on any page!

Does it not tell us, too, of their intrinsic intelligence
When at the horrid crucifixion scene: the Lord at Calvary
Women suffered in sorrow, extending their love hence
And offered themselves in presence, their lingering... a litany

Keeping hope...filled with spiritual sensitivity
Too, they came to prepare the torn body of Christ
Mary Magdalena kept herself near, in proximity
And witnessed His resurrection, the risen hope of life

Is it no wonder God placed His trust in women
Known to forget their sorrows that comfort might be shown
Thus it is for women to bear and care for God's children
As... their compassionate service seems by instincts to be known

Rocking a child...gently, she knows the world's won't pass her by
For she is holding tomorrow's future tightly in her arms
Throughout the world, comes the shaping sounds of lullabies
And the soothing call for peacemaking that sweetly disarms

As women of Zion, they know their bodies are not their own
Thus, they refuse to make the sacred womb a dark fetal tomb
Ever shaping society by having hearts and hands at home
Thus the beauty of the earth is truly theirs to bloom

Those without husbands or children, or even both
Still know that God loves them,  they are noble and great
That mortality is but a season of trial, learning, and growth,
And that in the eternity those special blessings await

Eternal partners, as equals are supportive...sealed  together
In the temple...before the veil and the altar, the bond becomes clear
Of our regal homecoming, to our eternal Father.... and mother
She, too, makes preparations... planning sights and sounds we'll hear

Thoughts from:

Neal A. Maxwell
The Women of God
Ensign, May 1978, 10

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