
Monday, May 3, 2010

Wake Up America

Wake up America
And see where you are strong
You're the brightest hope of
Righting all that's wrong

What a shame it would be
If your light became dim
Not just for liberty
But, the service that you give

With your worldly power gone
So too your influence for good
What then of freedom's song
And foundations of brotherhood?

Rise again, America!
Renew the valiant fight
A resurgent beacon to the world
A champion of truth and right

'Keep up,' young adults told
By D. Ryan Efros
Church News contributor
Published: Saturday, April 24, 2010
click on title to go directly

my husband wrote the last verse....

Elder L. Tom Perry speaking to the youth of Las Vegas
"Unless this nation wakes up and realizes (its strength) and stands up for it, then we will lose it," he said, "and what a shame that will be- not because of the worldly power that will be lost, but because of the service that will be lost to other nations."

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