Always remember
For what gifts are given
In us does slumber
Light which comes of heaven
Spiritually we are offspring
Of our Father above
He who gives life to all things
Would we seek His gifts of love
Gifts of the Spirit come to us
In the form of pure intelligence
Transferred through the Holy Ghost
They enlighten combined existence
For brightened skills and abilities
He opens our eyes of understanding
Thus, one of the greatest tragedies
Is when we recognize naught what He is handing
We ought not to judge ourselves
By what is outwardly seen
Oft gifts are found as one delves
As then the Spirit helps us grow keen
Each gift is designed to help us transform
And while some lead to wealth, power, and position
There are more subtler forms
Like the ability to discern and make wise decisions
Bazaleel could work with metals, wood, and stone
King Solomon was granted wisdom to understand
Enoch saw not with the natural eye alone
And we've, also, at least one... valuable and grand
Ever we are learning to define Godly traits
As we weep, care for others, and are more patient
Thus receiving a glimpse of what for us awaits
Through the gifts of the Spirit's administration
Jesus received a fullness of God's glory
Possessing truth, knowledge, and power
And... we too can be quickened with bits of glory
To one day be joint heirs with Christ in that hour
For severally and according to God's will
We can receive gifts come by the Spirit of Christ
To instill faith, heal, testify, and perform miracles
Even to speak or interpret languages of all kinds
Let us seek gifts to benefit God's kingdom
Coveting earnestly in the name of Christ
Let us have faith, hope, and charity, even
Desiring to do good...filled with promise and delight
covet earnestly- 1cor 12:31,
at least one gift- D&C 46:11-17
faith, hope, charity D&C 46:20-23
spiritual gifts are available through the manifestation of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them Moroni 10:8
Bezaleel Ex 31:1-5
King Solomon 1Kings 3:5-15
Enoch Moses 6:36
Lane Johnson
How to Receive Spiritual Gifts
Ensign, Dec 1975, 46
Marvin J. Ashton
There are Many Gifts
Ensign, Nov 1987, 20
Relief Society General Presidency
Seeking the Best Gifts
Ensign, Jan 1997, 55
I enjoyed your poem. I was very spiritual and enlightening. God bless you and your endeavors spreading the word of truth. I am a gospel poet as well