
Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Bible and the Book of Mormon

The Bible and the Book of Mormon
Contain the everlasting gospel
Witnessing that God's love for man
Sheds forth unto all lands and people

Two sticks sweetly fashioned
As holy writ from prophets' hands
Have joined together as companions
Tools for man to understand

Two records of man's journeys
Through the lonely wilderness
Unto promised lands for turning
To find Zion and happiness

John the Revelator saw an angel
Fly in the midst of heaven
Having the everlasting gospel
In our day preparations are given

Surely the Lord will do nothing
Save He reveal it first to His prophets
With signs and wonders forth coming
Of future events...the ancients foretold of this

Long ago when the Savior stated
"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold"
He spoke of other nations who waited
Watching... for blessed events to unfold

Our story begins with prophecies
Foretelling the birth of Christ
In a land far across the seas
Who awaited signs up in the skies

The believers, how they prayed
As the scoffers tried to trap them
Sentences for death were to be made
If the events did not happen

A set day was assigned
That would put an end to doubt
To either side, men aligned
Then, the miracle came about

The new star appeared
The unbelievers fell as though dead
How the righteous cheered
Seeing what the prophets had said

But, too soon, these wondrous signs
Became all but forgotten, hence
So quick to sin one finds
They turned to war and wickedness

Then, seeking much for deliverance
Some called upon God all anew
They worked to serve with diligence
And found their enemies were subdued

They built up many cities
And others they repaired
Through restored abilities
For the Lord's coming they prepared

To the unrighteous, speaking with authority
Nephi, a prophet, made many angry
Preaching repentance...but without popularity
Angels ministered to him daily

Then once again as foretold by prophets
The signs of Christ's crucifixion came to pass
Attested by storms and earthquakes
The reality of Him... hit strong and fast

The whole face of the land was changed
Mountains were raised and cities sank
For three days darkness ranged
In remorse, survivors shrank

Knowing this could have been prevented
In mourning people were heard to say,
"If only we had repented
Before this great and terrible day!"

If only we had not stoned the prophets
If only we had not cast them out
Their lesson now was obvious
For their loved ones, they called about

Then a voice was heard by all
They became very still
"Come unto me," came the call
Repent that I may heal"

After they heard the voice
They gathered to the temple
Seeking rejoice
They came repentant and humble

Again a voice was heard
Heavenly Father announced the Son
They clung to every word
From the heavens they saw descending, one...

Christ in America
President N. Eldon Tanner
Ensign, May 1975, 34

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