
Monday, May 17, 2010

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is True

The gospel of Jesus Christ is true
And God has a plan for each man to do
Come, find light and freedom to act
Where otherwise, the strength you lack

Come, ask questions and be taught
The Book of Mormon has words you have sought
Ponder it's messages inside your mind
And the things of will find

We live in a time where evil is swarming
Let our children's response be a clear warning
Let us be watchful and ever discerning
Concerning our children and what they are learning

When they react negatively to the Word
By showing a face hard as stone
While distancing themselves from what is heard
This is not the time to leave them alone

This is the time to love them and teach
By the power of the holy ghost
Let them know God's arms ever does reach
And when we're upset we need Him the most

When they speak words of hate to thrash out
Ever angry with their own problems
Teach them to have hope against all doubt
And let them know how you feel about God, often
my thoughts from pondering...

Elder David A. Bednar
Watching with All Perseverance
Ensign, June 2010, 40

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