
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Who Know

There is eternal influence and power in motherhood
When mothers know who they are and make covenants
Fearlessly, they teach their children of all that's good
That they might rise up strong, courageous, and valiant

Mothers who know desire and bear children
They being the greatest jewels upon the earth
Considering each as a blessing from heaven
They teach well of their value and worth

Mothers who know honor sacred ordinances
And renew their covenants with reverence
Pointing children towards eternity, each advances
Knowing all the while good grooming makes a difference

Mothers who know cultivate, care for, and make grow
While maintaining a temple like orderly home
Thus creating a climate for spiritual and temporal growth
Where organization, patience, love, and work are known

Mothers who know are leaders who plan
For missions, temple marriages, and education
In equal partnerships with their husbands
They're selective of what they do and where they station

Mothers who know labor continually
To prepare the rising generation
Come find laughter, song, and reading habitually
And stand strong with her immovable nation

There is eternal influence in motherhood. Mothers who know bear children,
honor sacred ordinances and covenants, are nurturers, leaders, teachers, who do less, and stand strong and immovable

Latter-day Saint women should be the very best in the world at upholding, nurturing, and protecting families. I have every confidence that our women will do this and will come to be known as mothers who "knew" (Alma 56:48). In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Mothers Who Know
Julie B. Beck
Relief Society General President

nurture- cultivate, care for, and make grow

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