
Thursday, May 27, 2010

We Have Very Positive Feelings

We have very positive feelings
Concerning the future of man
Despite the fact our earth is reeling
And Satan is abroad in the land

For the battle we fight is not of our own
As we go about saving the souls of men
Through the power of the priesthood order is shown
For accessing all the powers of heaven

It has never been easy to live the gospel
Even in Jesus' time this was so
Suffering and opposition comes to God's people
Thus, there are things each member should know:

Priesthood authority now lays planted nearly everywhere
We have quorums of Elders and High Priests world wide
Now is the time for it to be actively shared
Inside the homes where the members reside

Let the young and the old embrace one another
For the family is the order of heaven
Through the presiding authority vested in father
Comes that through which one day the world will leaven

Ye of the priesthood are called forth to stand
Even as Gideon's army... righteously in place
Given great glory, ye have the power of the lamb
Know who ye are and in faith work and embrace

Let no blessing be found wanting in each dwelling
Marshal all efforts to serve and magnify
Let every law, principle, and power... plant to swelling
As it is then, the work of the Father, ye glorify

The Power of the Priesthood
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign, May 2010, 7

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