Of each ailments of man- He knows how they feel
But, though not limited, His span. Faith is left for us to heal
May we learn of Him who is most worthy to trust
May we follow Him, who is our Savior, even Jesus
With His yoke upon us, may our burdens be made light
For He has healed the sick and lame; and He has restored sight
One way or another, each man becomes inadequate
When faced with afflictions, we wish that they would quit
Whether our sicknesses are spiritual or mental
Or emotional or more, He has healed them all
For by His hands the deaf did hear and the blind did see
Those withered were restored even those with leprosy
He knows us to each hair, for He has born our anguish
He paid the price for sin and it's for Him that we languish
For He carries our burdens by giving us more patience
Or understanding or strength for growth and experience
Each man, lest He fall to despair where it's hard to endure
Must be healed while heavy laden- unto faith that is made sure
We can come unto Christ, take His yoke and be perfected
By the power of the Atonement, He'll cleanse what is infected
Dallin H. Oaks
Liahona, Nov 2006, 6-9
He Heals the Heavy Laden
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