
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


We can journey to Bethlehem
As did the shepherds long ago
In faith,with tender thoughts within
Let's seek and to the Lord then go

Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolve for a New Year - The Spoken Word

With the new year we reach a little harder
And resolve to take ourselves bit by bit farther
Where we can grow and become more
Of what we should be through the Lord

Isn't it a Marvel?

Isn't it a marvel- 
That He hears us when we pray?
He avails Himself to all
As the Light, the Life, the Way!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Blessings Shine

Like the sun
Fills the day, full
Blessing s come
To the faithful

Do you ever have days where you see blessings shining upon you? This has been an amazing season in our family. Where the spirit has been felt in abundance. That is the abundant life!
  13 Yea, even more abundantly, which abundance is multiplied unto them through the amanifestations of the Spirit.

Midst it All There is Christ

Midst iniquity, strife,
Wars, and tribulation
We  can know the peace of Christ
Wherever we may station

Find some solitude, look to God and live
In faith, unto joy where there is light
Realize there is much you alone can give
And be a source of truth and insight

Maybe 2014 should be the year I learn 
to really feel joy
to really connect with others
to really enjoy living in this body I have been given
to give myself freedom in simplicity
to turn more to relationships than to electronics

There is Peace

There is peace
That comes from Christ
Midst life's fast pace
Warmth does arrize

Feel it flow
And fill your breast
Love to know
For peace and rest

I remember someone saying General Conference is boring.  I long for it. And return to it for the feelings that come...and the peace!

Christmas Goodwill

May peace and goodwill
Distill upon this earth
May this day be tranquil
In honor of His birth

Why Christmas?

Christmas is a day for family
for souls to come unto Christ
To turn to our children, happily
And put magic in their eyes

Christmas is a time for remembering
His message of peace and goodwill
That in man's affairs, He is governing
Through His light that shines, sweet and still

Christmas is a time for expressing love
And for the sharing of our gifts 
For turning hearts to God above
To feel pure love that uplifts

I am so thankful for the abundance of videos about the birth of the Savior and for the matchless record in the scriptures of this remarkable day.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Flood Good

Flood good
Over evil
Show love
To all people

Be kind
Seek, find
What is pleasing


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pride is a Facade

Pride is a facade
A wall put in place
To hide us from God
As sins we embrace

Out in the open
The Savior was born
Before the Heavens
Let us, Him, adore

Come Let Us Adore Him
Elder Bruce D Porter
Dec Ensign 2013

Isn't it a marvel- 
That He hears us when we pray?
He avails Himself to all
As the Light, the Life, the Way!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Freeing our Hearts to Our King

In the meridian of time, for the Jews
Midst subjication, murder, and tyranny
They searched prophecies for signs of good news
And grew anxious for the birth of their King

But, He was born to a family- quite common
Who had the burden of labor to bear
How could teachings of forgiveness and love help them?
Threat was a palpable feeling in the air

Because of the occupation over the land
They wanted someone to bring to them justice
To free them from the present scourge at hand
Instead of hope, they saw trouble from Jesus

Still, He taught those with eyes to see and ears to hear
In the common language....parables to understand
He reached humble hearts and God's ways were made clear
It was faith and good works- that would free this promised land

To look to the world- the arms of the flesh
Only causes battles for power to rage on
Treasonously, they put Him to death
By crucifixion which was heinously long!

He was put to death by them and for them
His compassion and love was expressed
He prayed that they would be forgiven
As, through Him, all mankind would be blessed

Now at this season where we give and receive
And teach our children the wonders of His birth
May we gather with loved ones this Christmas Eve
And seek for the Babe with our hearts, for rebirth

May we hold in our hearts pure charity
And seek to forgive and be forgiven
May we let Him teach us with clarity
His great Sermon on the Mount, once given

May we be as a child and humbly submit
To all that our Father requires
Obey His commandments and recommit
To serve Him who freely inspires

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Beauty is Found in Strength

Beauty is found in strength
Of knowing who you are
Of having faith to strain
So Heaven's not that far

We were talking about how important it is to know you are a daughter of God and to have healthy self-esteem.

Jesus is the Great Physician

Jesus is the great physician
With the healing balm
Without making an incision
He soothes souls to calm

You Have a Beautiful Heart

You have a beautiful heart
Your eyes see ...your ears hear
You are watchful to do your part
You have the Spirit near

I just read a beautiful poem about seeing someone cry and wanting to reach out ... 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do Something and Improve

Do something and improve
And allow others to also
Trust the spirit to move
And touch your mind and heart to know

Climb Upwards

Climb upwards
In a tall spiral
Up towards
God all the while

Paint a Picture in Your Mind

Paint a picture in your mind
Of the life you hope to live
All the joy you want to find
From the heart you have to give

Paint a Picture

Paint a picture
In your mind
Of the Savior
There to find

Paint a picture
In your heart
Of the Savior
To impart

The Song Sang in Me

The song sang in me
And carried me along
I was sorrowing
Till faith made me strong

The Lord is Heard

Reading, listening
Living by His word.
Serving, confessing
Yes, the Lord is heard

Drips of Poison

Drip, drip, drip
Comes poison to the soul
Trip, trip, trip
Our virtue is not whole

Satan Waits with a Backup Plan

Always, with a backup plan
Satan waits by the fence
Those who rise to straddle can
NOT discern the difference

Stand on Higher Ground

Stand on higher ground
To lift another up.
Through Christ, strength is found,
When you have not enough.

Confound the Wise

Confound the wise
Through the smallest means.
Grow, though life tries,
Show your smile beams

Exercise Faith

Exercise faith
Lead by example
It will feel great will sample

The Call from Galilee

From the Sea of Galilee
Comes the Lord's own call to feed His lambs
Even to leave the ninety nine
For the lost one in the wilderlands

Share Your Gift

Share the gift
Which you now hold
Care, uplift
Let love unfold

The Spirit Enters In

The Spirit enters in
I feel His warmth within

Salt of the Earth

You are the salt of the Earth
Shimmering in the Light
You are of unique worth
And add flavor to all life

A Peace of Soul

Feeling a peace of soul
I fell asleep at once
I was no longer sad
So freed from what I was

One asked me, "were you bored?"
"Never!" was my reply.
"I was soothed by the Lord.
I tell you, He heard my cry!"

"He answered me this day.
From my sins, I could rest.
I'd turned another way
With His spirit in my breast!"

Peaceful Slumber

Feeling peace in my soul
I fell asleep all at once
Through Christ, I felt whole
So freed of deep cares and wants

The Recommend in Ashes

The man and his home burned to the ground
Soon ashes were all that were left
But, in the midst, beauty was found
From the covenants he made and kept

A charred wallet...unveiled insight
Recommending Him to the Lord
Remarkably, a paper- white!
Reminding all, he was adored

His New Sheep

This sheep was new...
And quite set in his ways.
The shepherd knew
And tied him for days.

For good or bad
This creature of habit
Had to choose and
The stake was loosed from him

That night, the sheep came
In from the pasture, green
Each was called for by name
But the new sheep was not seen

The shepherd found him
And told him he was free.
The tether was rid, then
This for the sheep to see

The shepherd rejoiced
That the new sheep stayed
And heeded his voice
He called, the sheep obeyed!

The Stick

A quality stick was found
And neatly smoothed all around
The laws of God were then engraved
To remind me, here they were saved

I cannot pick up but one end
For the laws of God do not bend
It's all or none.  I must repent
And hold it through the atonement.

Engrave and Engage

Engrave each covenant
With Jesus Christ
Upon you heart and
Live in His light

Think on His word
Act in His name
Help Him be heard
Learn and engage

The Engraving

Here lies upon my heart
My covenants with the Lord
My promises, my part
Of laws I have adored.

Engraved, they are deep-
A sacred part of me.
Honored, I safekeep
This opportunity

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

He Wants To

He wants to live within us,
To strengthen, and empower
To minister unto rest,
While teachings sweetly shower

  1. Jesus Christ Is the Way
    More than anything else, God wants to help us through this life and bless us with eternal life in the next. He sends His Spirit to offer us this help.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

If Not me- Who?

If not me, who?
If not now, when?
I've much to do
I will not bend

For God and family
I'll raise my voice
And sing happily
Of all that's choice

Meridian Magazine
Who is My Enemy?

If a Man Die- Shall He Live Again?

If a man die
Shall he live again?
Or shall he just lie?
Is this the end?

Now, what do you suppose?
Do you know Jesus Christ?
In surety, He arose
To give us all new life

This victory was made
He atoned for us
Overcoming death in days
He resurrected, thus

Full of life and breath...
What was required He kept
He opened the gates of death
And awoke those who slept

Now is a time to prepare
For that great and dreadful day
When at our past we'll stare
And confess- He is the Way

He offers us peace and rest
If we repent and turn
To Him- How we are blessed!
So listen well... and learn!

The Victory over Death
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Ensign, Apr 1997, 2     If a man die, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14)

We Have a Duty to Do

We declare, we've a duty to do
Our part of a promise to keep
In service we vow and seek for anew
The Lord's own, now floundering sheep

Which one is but a sleeping giant
A leader for great things to come
For the wayward- a shoulder to cry on
A symbol of what we can become

The Atonement is real
To be seen all around
To lift us , to heal
That hope might abound

Let friendships be made
To spark this remembrance
Then don't let it fade
Through neglect, sin, or distance

The Husband and Wife

The husband and wife
Honor each other
Through patience they thrive
Working together

Frustration and anger
Must not accuse
For there lies the danger
As words oft abuse

They have not made a brief contract
To be quickly absolved
But, with the Lord, there's a covenant
And promises are involved

No matter the differences
If both will turn to the Lord
There'll be rich experiences
Only virtue can afford

Husbands and wives must work together to face challenges and choose to respond with patience and love rather than frustration or anger.

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty... a welcoming mother
Promises adoption from lands of another
And raising her torch to light the long way
She teaches at her island the honored pledge to say

She lifts up her lamp
Beside the golden door
Here, tyranny stops
And liberty pours

Come of many
To unite as one
This, our country
Through God was won

Her eternal vigilance
Shines a bright example
Let us follow and enhance
Freedoms that we sample

Let the bald eagle
Fly high above her
As clasped in its talon
Peace remains through power

The Woman: A Vessel- A Symbol of Christ

The woman:  a vessel, a symbol of Christ
Physically bears and prepares to give birth 
Through her comes water, blood, spirit- new life
Spiritually of Him, how we need His rebirth!

He offers His body, His heart, His soul
Nothing of Him is superficial
He gave everything to make us whole
Ever... He has proved we are special

Pondering Whitney Permann's (Mercy River) insightful comments read at: Diapers!/mail/InboxLight.aspx?n=1816231929!n=1006030860&fid=1&fav=1&mid=7733b6bc-6856-11e1-a2ed-00215ad96b9a&fv=1

Feelings Come

Feelings come
Always with a thought
Think... become
Grateful, filled, and taught

Big Enough

Oh that I had a heart
Big enough to hold
Life's lessons that impart
And how they unfold

Read this tender story of a mother who is chronically ill and a sweet son who is making sense of it.

Happiness of Heart

Happiness of heart
Is a reflection
Of light that imparts
From God's direction

Like a Gerbil in a Wheel

Like a gerbil in a wheel
I ran and got nowhere
Then, too exhausted to feel
I really did not care

But, all this cycling must end
As I go round and round
A new path to comprehend
Where freedom can be found

Midst all this commotion
I stopped dead in my tracks
And reeled in chaotic motion
Fearing major setbacks

Then, when things settled down
I found a place to rest
I resolved to not doubt
And for change I was blessed

Like a Zombie

Like a zombie, I just sat
And put off going to bed
With no energy to chat
My nighttime prayers went unsaid

Warm Your House with Love

Warm your house with love
Put some logs on the fire
With the flames, look up
Believe, dream, and inspire

Adopt a Theme to Live by

Adopt a theme to live by
One that will get you through each day
That in all things may apply
And help you maintain your faith

My Heart is So Full

My heart is so full
When our families meet
To share the gospel
Would make this date complete

I Felt My Faith Grow So Much

I felt my faith grow so much
I thought it might pierce the sky
That Heaven, I could touch
And that angels were nearby

God's Instrument

We are God's instrument
For answering another's prayer
The needs of the moment
Are opportunities to show care

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Daily Consumption

I've started on a journey
To live by the holy word
With energy for burning
Each step uplifts me forward

God's word, I consume, daily
As one not be consumed by food
I now walk without failing
And my feet spring with gratitude

Friday, December 13, 2013

NO Energy

With no energy to spare
I hung my head and wept
So heavy with despair
For the strength I'd not kept

Then, in this crumpled state
I thought that I must pray
The peace I felt was great!
Like a lost soul who'd been saved!

Let His Words Become a Part of You

Let His words become a part of you
Pray and feel Him near
Continually, He can speak anew
Open your heart and hear

Monday, December 9, 2013

2013 Christmas Devotional- In the Spirit May We All Take a Trip to Bethlehem

In Spirit, may we all
Take the trip to Bethlehem
And warm our hearts with awe
At all we have been given

Let the bright star guide us
To where the promised baby lay
God's gift to us, Jesus
Let us witness, this holy day

Let us be touched anew
With tender feelings from this night
And our covenants renew
To carry and share of His light

Offering for sampling
His kindness, gentleness,
Hope, love, understanding...
His light of holiness

May hearts soften, forgive,
And more kindly reach out
To where those in need live
Who, in some way go without

May Jesus reshape our thinking
He lived and died for us
May there be more time for giving
May we share of Him, thus

Thoughts from President Thomas S. Monson's words

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Window Nativity to the Past

Story of Christmas - an infographic Click to learn more about the story of Christmas.

This window nativity to the past
Has a glorious story to share
Of a light from Heaven that cast
Down, upon the Christ child found there

Is there such a thing as a one week advent calendar?  This would be great for that!  What would be behind the pictures?  Love... Truth ...Light...Wisdom...Faith...Assurance...Wonder...Praise????????????

Here are My Burdens Lord

Here are my burdens, Lord
I have brought them all
I kneel amongst this load
In need, weak and small

Help me to cast a portion
That I can walk anew
Help me re-position
So I can serve you too

The major overhaul
Began with mighty prayer
To then receive a call
With lessons great to share

Anyone else buried in a house filled to the brim? My husband and I are changing our ways one room at a time.  We are empty 'nesters' holding on to things our minimalist children don't want. Inbetween this I am thinning a 1" stack of papers with starts of poems...

Pouring Love and Kindness

Let us pour forth more love
And kindness unto all
Show them we are part of
Our Savior's last days call

Let us pour love on our neighbors
Our acquaintances and friends
Let us serve and pay them favors
And express the love the Lord sends

I love the definitions of favor!
  1. Definition of favor (n)

    Bing Dictionary
    1. kind act: an act of kindness performed or granted out of goodwill
    2. approving attitude: an approving, friendly, or supportive attitude
    3. preference: preferential treatment shown to somebody
    Synonyms: good turn · errand · kindness · courtesy · service · indulgence

You Are a Beam of Sunshine

You are a beam of sunshine
A sweet smile in bloom
A prayer whispered so fine
You brighten up the room

Have you ever known people who just brighten the world with their smile, their words, their prayers?


A few weeks ago
On a cold dark winter's night
The stars seemed aglow
Millions, beautiful and bright

I turned to read again
With great wonder and awe
About the creation
What Moses learned from God

There are worlds without number!
Created by the Son
Each through His priesthood order
For God's purposed, done

Hubble scientists say
We are but one galaxy
Of billions far away
All for His work and glory

To fathom that He knows me
And waits for my return
Helps me ponder where I'm going
And for what do I yearn?

I am a part of all that I see
The light which I fell
From God there is no hiding
I know He is real

I want to please Him
And tell others, too
He is the reason
I smile anew

  1. “This Is My Work and Glory” - general-conference; General Conference; ... A few weeks ago, on a cold, dark winter’s night, my wife, ... so large and so vast are God’s creations.
  2. I found the beginnings of this poem and finished it only to find that I had completed it and published it a while ago. How long has it been since you saw a night sky filled with stars?  I was at my parents and it was so cold I didn't last long! No shooting stars for me!

Against the Backdrop I Wondered- Who Am I?

Against the backdrop
Of a black sky
A shooting star shot
And burst to die

I pondered the earth
Small in this vast
And of my own worth,
Future, and past

I felt timelessness
And marveled more
In how I've been blessed
To know the Lord

Pondering an article that stated with all the big cities we are missing the stars and the connection with the bigger picture of life.

  1. Shooting stars are dying stars? - Yahoo …
    • Resolved · 
    • Last updated: Oct 11, 2010 · 
    • 7 posts · 
    • First post: Oct 11, 2010
    Oct 11, 2010 · Best Answer: Shooting starts are not actually stars, they are meteorites, fragments of space rock that glow when they enter our atmosphere and start to ...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

By His Names He is Known

Jesus can be everything
To everyone, everywhere.
He lifts broken hearts to sing,
And fills us with light to share.

Each title Jesus holds
Does testify of Him;
With meanings to unfold
As to Him, we open.

Where does one begin
To share what He has done?
How He is a friend-
For all that He has won!

He is the Chosen One
Born to the virgin, Mary.
Heavenly Father's own Son
Bore all our pains, to carry.

He is the great Healer-
The Physician of our souls.
He is the great Teacher:
Yes, one reaps what one sows.

He, as our Exemplar
Did but the Father's will.
Perfect, He, our Savior
Commanded, "Peace be still."

He is the Scapegoat called forth
To be tried as the great I Am;
That our sins could be paid for
By Him, the Sacrificial Lamb.

He is the Corner and Capstone,
The Carpenter who prepares
A place, with the Father, called home;
While, here, He builds and repairs.

As our Counselor, He listens
And Mediates our prayers.
As our Advocate, in God's presence,
All of man's load, He bears.

He is the Good Shepherd, 
He calls for us by name.
Through prayer, His voice is heard.
Our safety is His aim.

He is the Light, the Life, the Way-
To the humble, who repent.
We have His gospel here today.
His priesthood keys have been sent.

As the Living Water and Bread,
He cleanses and sustains.
Where once, spiritually, we were dead,
He washes our sin's stains.

Where does one begin,
To show forth gratitude?
We're to be His friend-
To love, forgive, and be good.

Christmas Lights

How grey winter is
Until the lights come on.
Made bright with Christmas
They are warm to look upon

click on this link to see time-lapse of the lights coming on at Temple Square, Salt Lake City.

Where Shall I Begin?

Jesus means so much to me 
Where shall I begin?
To describe that you might see
How He is my friend!

Long ago, my first prayer
Was a wish in a tunnel
I placed myself in His care
My life a fearful puzzle

Why do my boyfriends all feel to drink
As unfaithful company?
From this, myself, I had learned to shrink
And I would not date any!

I felt more than I heard
I would meet someone quite grand
My first prayer was answered
On Monday, I met His man!

He was more than I could believe
He was my path to God!
There were covenants I could receive
My loneliness was gone!

But, a day came that was a test
Would I stay true, all alone?
I did not help his man be his best...
Unfaithfulness was made known!

Could I stand on my own two feet?
I had much to learn!
It would not be an easy feat
For what did I yearn?

After a long and bumpy road
That at times was but dark
I learned the dearest thing to hold
Is the Lord in my heart!

And with my heart grown quite warm
I came to know the Lord
I grew to trust in His arm
And to read from His Word

My life has not been perfect
But He has been with me still
My prideful path to reject
To surrender to His will

In belief of my own worth
Mercifully... like a dream
A new romance came to birth
Like a king has met his queen!

The first kiss, shall I tell?
Was after we made our vows
This our covenant as well
With the Lord who endows

Put the Lord first, before your face
Trust in His will and timing
For, great things will be put in place
From Him all love comes, shining

Jesus is My Guiding Light

Jesus is my guiding light
In all ways He helps me see
Even in the darkest night
I know He is there for me!

Jesus is my one True Hope

Jesus is my one true hope
He warms my heart to sing
I want everyone to know
He means so much to me

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Glimmer of Hope

God will assist us in our labors
To be a light unto our neighbors
A wave, a smile, a "welcome to our home"
Offers Christ's light with a glimmer of hope

One Plants the Seed

One plants the seed
Another shares Christ's light
One fills a need
And a faith becomes bright

Step up to the Plate

Step up to the plate
Before it's too late
Share the gospel truths
As the Spirit moves

It is ours to find
Members of all kinds
Young, old, rich, and poor
Each one Christ paid for

These are They

These are they
Who are grateful
Those who say,
"I am thankful!"

Get Over It

Get over it
With gratitude
Love will uplift
As we see the good

A Perfect Soul

A perfect soul
In an imperfect body
Has but one role
To receive from everybody

Have you ever wondered if some spirits were so wonderful that all they needed to do to progress on Earth was to gain a body?

Stand Strong in the Lord

Stand strong
In the Lord
Right wrongs
Through His Word

And obey
For always

I Know the Church is True

I know the church is true
Through the test of time
As I hold on and trust
God's will becomes mine

Fan the Flame of Faith

Fan the flame of faith
That it continually grow
That, trials, you may face
With the light of Christ, aglow

The Church is True

The church is true
Despite its members
It is a school
To convert sinners

When Comments Come

When comments come
And questions rise
Don't be undone
Where's the surprise?

When comments come
And questions rise
Pray for wisdom
To make you wise

The Thorn of Contention

The thorn of contention
Hurts our progress
Each painful connection
Adds weight and stress

Meridian Magazine - Jewish Activists Seek New Access to Temple Mount - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

Here, the greatest lesson was taught
Of our Heavenly father's love
In similitude, Issac's life was sought
To teach of His Son, thereof

As Abraham prepared
To sacrifice his son
He was faithful, yet scared
Doing what should be done

Then, just at the moment
The knife would slit the throat
An angel spoke, who'd sent
A ram as a scapegoat

The only human life
God would ever require
Would be of Jesus Christ
His only begotten, sire

Perfect in every way
This would grieve God on high
To redeem man this day
As His son would comply

Meridian Magazine - Jewish Activists Seek New Access to Temple Mount - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

  1. Dome of the Rock & Palm | Israel News Report
    Nov 29, 2013 · The Dome of the Rock sits at the Temple Mount ... over the rock where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac and where Solomon built the Jewish ...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Keeping Hope Alive

Silent Night

If you want to keep hope alive
You must not let go of it yourself
You must leave the ninety and nine
And rescue that one in need of help

Monday, December 2, 2013

Be Not Left Behind

Be not left behind
With the words you hold.
There is more to find-
Good news to unfold.

A record was saved
To bring to us light.
Of things that were said
By Jesus the Christ.

Great prophets were taught
And lessons were learned.
Then, through pride, they lost
That for which they yearned.

A righteous civilization
Soon wasted away!
For our education
We've their words today.

We Are Christians

We are Christians
We follow Christ
We serve missions
To share His light

Sunday, December 1, 2013

His Spirit Walked to Find Me

His Spirit walked to find me
Like in the days of old
To be His missionary
His gospel to unfold

It does my heart and spirit
Great good to follow Him
To preach to those who'll hear it
He is the path to Heaven

Honestly, I love fast and testimony meeting.  These words were from someone I esteem to be one of the churches best missionaries.  She spreads love.  His love! Warm and inviting.

A Hopeless Cause

I pray that his mind might open
And receive keen insight
Direction from Heaven
To turn this land aright

I didn't get to say a word to Harry Reid.  But I did shake his hand at church today.  He has so much power and we are in need.  If he followed the churches standards we'd be okay.  Self-reliance, government as public servants like King Benjamin, individual accountability, belief in the family, and real leadership like Moroni- without padding pockets and paying favors. We don't need any Coriantumer's that is for sure.

Mother Earth

The Earth received her breath of life
As it spun in and out of light.
Her land, a mass, a solid ground
Became fertile, life soon was found.

As it is from life, that new life flows
The Earth is alive, her wisdom grows.
Thus, from her dust we came to be.
Yes, she provides for her offspring.

Water wells to quench her thirst.
Just like mankind, she is two-thirds.
Her inner core bellows with fire.
Her energy flows to inspire.

She testifies of Jesus Christ.
Her beauty shines with His pure light.
Every living thing is a sign
Of her creator by design.

Then, when Adam and Eve fell
She groaned at the weight and fell too!
For with Satan, here to dwell
There is much more work for her to do.

For as temptations tempt and try,
The innocent cry out in pain.
And she, too, with us does cry.
Then... one day, how she did rain!

She immersed her whole self
In Christ's own living water;
And promised her all to help
God, our Heavenly Father.

Thus, she quakes at His command,
And her mighty oceans heave,
Her lofty mountains fall or stand,
And His love does never leave.

Her spirit is all aglow,
As from space, she is seen.
For a sign, she sought to know
When will come her King?

Then the star, at last appeared!
And touched her very soul.
Soon angels sang and heaven neared.
It was then she felt whole.

Christ taught of her beauty-
How she pointed to Him!
She grew in her duty
Miraculously, often!

Then, His blood covered her.
She was sick, nigh unto death.
When He died, she shuddered.
Perhaps, she held her breath?

Then, she received his body-
So torn, and bruised, and spent.
Her burden...was too heavy-
From  her, life also, went.

Darkness covered all the Earth.
She reeled and lost control.
This, for her, by far the worst
Part of her lonely role.

But, then, something happened-
He arose, breathing again.
The Holy Ghost... hers for sampling-
God had sent to her a friend!

Jesus came and went,
Preaching to her isles.
Blessings too were sent.
She was filled with smiles.

But, the day came- He left,
And one by one the righteous, too.
In darkness she was kept.
Just to live, seemed all she could do.

Then, one day, some came to treasure
Christ's records which she held.
Oh how this gave her such great pleasure;
And hope within her swelled.

Many sought for religious freedom.
This, she would provide!
They wanted to receive wisdom,
In Zion to reside.

A young farmer prayed to know
Which of the churches were true.
First, Lucifer tried to show.
The boy prayed, light burst through...

God the Father and His Son!
Their warmth, the Earth now felt!
Her restoration was begun.
She thought that she would melt!

One by one there were temples-
Heaven was coming to Earth!
For every land and people,
There were sealings for rebirth.

As for good and evil, people yearn
She's in a constant state of change.
She hopes and waits for the Lord's return.
When she'll be relieved of Satan's chains!

The weight of the wicked people
Causes her to lose her strength.
The world grows ripe with evil
While less and less she hears, "thanks".

She has enough and to spare!
And yet there is greed, hate, and envy.
Pride seems to be everywhere,
As the hearts of men go empty.

Still the church, grows of God
And lights her as never before.
This helps her to give her all,
While anticipating the Lord.

After watching Glenn Beck's The Man in the Moon, I thought about the Earth and how it is a living thing.  I read many scriptures and struggled how I would write this.  One Sunday I thought about the Earth receiving the blood the Savior spilled.  How horrible that must have been!  This thought stayed with me for a week and then the next Sunday morning, the whole story came to me except for a few edits. It was an amazing experience!  I hope it stirs someone to think as I did and that new thoughts might settle in the heart to feel joy in the blessing of Mother Earth!

I Came to Myself

With all my friends wasted
I came unto myself
Of what I'd once tasted
That made my heart so swell:
Love, peace, family, home,
And the Savior's light.
His glorious hope,
And sage strength in life!

To, then, stand on higher ground
Where there is peace,
Where the gospel is found,
And where love does please.
Look, friends
See where I now stand?
Pain ends
Come and understand!

He Sees Us Through Trials- Not Around

Christ our King
Sees us through
Strength anew

Saturday, November 30, 2013

So it Is

So it is that time passes
From bitter lessons that impart
Healing comes from trespasses
As the worst of feelings depart

When hearing "I'm sorry!"
Is simply not enough
Stay the path of harming
Look forward and look up

For, for every sin and distress
Christ was raised before God and man
Torn and worn in nakedness
He forgave. He the great I AM

The Timing of the Lord

killing jesus bill o reilly

Thankfully King Herod
Was the last one to hear
That the new born babe,
Long promised of, lay near

At day eight He was circumcised
In the way of the Jews
At day forty He was recognized
And Herod heard not the news

It was when the wise men
Came bearing gifts for this king
That he learned what grieved him
For naught for him did they bring

King Herod was just hours late
When he killed children on that day
Warned in a dream, they did not wait
The holy family'd left right away

The timing of the Lord
Teaches faith and uplifts
The escape, they could afford
Due to the wise men's gifts

Prayer is the Promised Source of Help

Prayer is the promised source of help,

When you want to improve your life.

Self control comes and emotional health,

As you confront stress with God's light.

Then, not depleted in a state of alarm,

Those outbursts and binges become less.

You are saved from doing yourself more harm,

For prayer does both enrich and bless.

Moment of reflection: People turn to prayer 'as a coping response to the high demands in life' and are rewarded with increased strength and ability to resist temptation, researchers said

Read more:
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Friday, November 29, 2013

Confirming Truth

No one should have the burden
Of knowing everything
Let truth speak to your bosom
Then, see what prayer will bring

Hospital for Sinners

The church is true
Despite all of its members
Here is the truth:
It's a hospital for sinners

  1. Quote by Abigail Van Buren: The church is a hospital for ...
    Abigail Van Buren — ‘The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.’

For Help

We put our limitations first
Knowing ourselves and our worst
We acknowledge that we are weak
And in prayer, for help, we seek
Then our burdens are made light
We are reminded of our best
And we no longer feel to fight
As it is through love we are blessed

A Glimmer of Hope

A glimmer of hope
Almost raised me from the dead
So buried, alone...
Till, to the Lord, I was led!

Keep Your Ears Open

Keep your ears open
And your mouth shut
You just might know, then
Trouble's next stunt

Be Bold

Be bold
Say what you believe
Don't fold
Speak up, let light lead

Just state
"This is truth. I know!"
Don't wait
You have faith to show

Stay on the Lord's Side

Stay on the Lord's side
You will win every time
For then, you've insight
To see through what does try


Regroup, reset,
That peace be set
Before your eyes

  1. For Peace at Home by Elder Richard G. Scott | Conference Talks!

  2. Many voices from the world in which we live tell us we should live at a frantic pace. There is always more to do and more to accomplish. Yet deep inside each of us is a need to have a place of refuge where peace and serenity prevail, a place where we can reset, regroup, and reenergize to prepare for future pressures.”

Live in His Light

Do as the Savior would
Live in His light
Christ centered, see the good
Through Him made bright

A Church Still Stood

The warning scared
The scope, the breadth
No one was spared
From looking at death

Those who could, ran
For the hills, high
"Grab what you can!"
No one asked why

The water came
Then it rose more
Buildings were claimed
As the waves tore

There was no choice
To swim or sink
Each made no noise
Too numb to think

Hands were held up
In the swift swell
What floats will help
Each to himself

Then, the course stayed
Soon they could stand!
These were the saved
In a wet land

Now to survive...
What did they need?
Help would arrive
First, who did bleed?

A church still stood
They could get dry
They'd gratitude
They did not die

Some sang the hymns
While others prayed
Faith did not dim
And here they stayed

They would rebuild
On higher ground
Hope in them filled
They had been found

Be Rich in Contentment

Be grateful. Be rich
In contentment
Recognize that which
From God is sent

Offer up one tenth
Of all that you gain
Giving thanks often
For what you obtain

The Windows of Heaven
"A subtle but significant blessing we receive is the spiritual gift of gratitude that enables our appreciation for what we have to constrain desires for what we want. A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment."
—David A. Bednar, "The Windows of Heaven"
Topics: Gratitude

Comfort Quilt


Oh what comfort
One quilt can give
Soft warmth offers
New hope to live

From loving hands
To the destitute
From those who can
Comes comfort's rescue

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

This is meekness-
To do the Father's will
Without 'meanness'
His message to instill
The call to repentance
The pricking of the heart
To right one's own conscience
A change of course to start

The Happy Home

I live in a happy home
Where God's Spirit dwells
Where each one is filled with hope
And gratitude swells

Sister Esplin said some children don’t have the “ideal family” with a father and a mother living together, but “when we live the gospel in whatever circumstance we may be in, we can be happy.” 
As long as families live the principles found in the proclamation on the family things will work out, she said. “There is always hope.”

Leaders Say 2014 Primary Theme Teaches "Families Are Forever"

  By Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News assistant editor
  • 27 NOVEMBER 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Selfless Grace

A man born of a "sinful curse"
Was well rejected from the start
Blind...his parents were thought much worse
But the Lord knew of their good hearts

One day He walked near the sightless man
And put clay to what was useless there
He showed the blind man his value and
The cleansing water reflected his pure care

For... the first thing that he gazed upon
Was his own happy shimmering face
The miracle attracted quite a throng
This because of Christ's selfless grace

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Grateful Trust

A prayerful life
Is our key to light
Which brightens us
With grateful trust

Eternal Pleasure

Selfishness- the cause of sin
Is but the smaller picture
Be thankful, and live to serve
This brings eternal pleasure

SAVIOR OF THE WORLD, California Citrus Heights Stake

Make your home beautiful
Like a cloth carefully sewn
From all sides let it be full
Of faithfulness you've shown

Let naught a flaw be hidden
But corrected, to restitch
Doing as the Lord biddeth
That your life be full and rich

In Agony He Fulfilled His Mission


In agony He knelt and wept
For God's commandments that weren't kept
Man's careless sins both large and small
Our precious Lord redeemed them all

His loving sacrifice divine
Absolved men's sin- yes, yours and mine
The earth received each drop He spilled
His sacred mission was fulfilled

Pondering the sacrament meeting and He Died the Great Redeemer Died
I started writing and Rick finished it.  ( I only wrote one line about the earth...)
It was a beautiful and bonding experience!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Flying with Love

My mom shared such an inspiring story of the family flying a kite for Betty who was dying of cancer.  I thought I would share my thoughts.  God bless.

The kite went high and danced about. 
It brought her joy to see them out. 
She knew they flew it just for her. 
A tender moment to offer. 
It lifted her spirit to see it soar. 
To wonder on life and look up once more.  
The sky was full of light, the breeze- fresh air.  
And the tender mercy of God was there! 

National Day of Prayer to Strengthen the Fight Against Pornography


In the fight against pornography
For inspiration, we pray
To help both those who are struggling
And those who are suffering this day

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Every Man May Improve

Every man may improve
Talents given to share
Even an hundred fold, proof
God's unseen hand is there

"And all this for the benefit of the church of the living God, that every man may improve upon his talent, that every man may gain other talents, yea, even an hundred fold, to be cast into the Lord’s storehouse, to become the common property of the whole church—Every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God."

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Closer You Look the Less You See

The closer  you are
The less you will see
A call takes you far...
You miss FAMILY!

Call Faith Near

Do not fear
Faith is light
Call it near

Struggling to Know What to DO

Ofttimes while struggling
To know what to do
I fast and start seeking
The scriptures anew

I leave a page open
And wonder what I've found
Then, I find quite often
New thoughts linger around


There are times when I ask
"What would God have me know?"
And though much time may pass
Impressions build and grow

A Sense of Humor

A sense of humor
Is an escape valve
From the most bitter
Feelings you may have

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jesus Teaches that We Must Become as Little Children

Become as a little child
Acceptable for Heaven
Be humble, teachable, mild
Without offense given

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gift to the Savior

mormon lds ideas

Starting today, I will pray
And reach out to just 'one'
To share the Lord's love this way-
As my gift to the Son

Put Your Trust in the Lord
"We are simply asking all members to pray, knowing that if every member, young and old, will reach out to just 'one' between now and Christmas, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what a wonderful gift to the Savior."
—M. Russell Ballard, "Put Your Trust in the Lord"
Topics: work of salvation

Thursday, November 14, 2013

See Others as They May Become - Thomas S. Monson - October 2012 General ...

There is nothing in this world
That can bring more happiness
And comfort than to know God's word
Has born a special witness
Labor long that it may stay
Ever strong and deep within
Think of others in this way
And share what you've been given
There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth. Although to varying degrees, I believe every man or young man here tonight has a testimony. If you feel that you do not yet have the depth of testimony you would wish, I admonish you to work to achieve such a testimony. If it is strong and deep, labor to keep it that way. How blessed we are to have a knowledge of the truth.

We have the responsibility to look at our friends, our associates, our neighbors this way. Again, we have the responsibility to see individuals not as they are but rather as they can become. I would plead with you to think of them in this way.

Brethren, the Lord told us something about the importance of this priesthood that we hold. He told us that we receive it with an oath and a covenant. He gave unto us the instruction that we must be faithful and true in all that we receive, and that we have the responsibility to keep this covenant even unto the end. And then all that the Father has shall be given unto us.

Her Smile Lives on Still

Struggling to overcome 
She slipped beyond the veil
Her loss has been profound
But her smile lives on still

Brothers and sisters, six months ago as we met together in our general conference, my sweet wife, Frances, lay in the hospital, having suffered a devastating fall just a few days earlier. In May, after weeks of valiantly struggling to overcome her injuries, she slipped into eternity. Her loss has been profound. She and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple on October 7, 1948. Tomorrow would have been our 65th wedding anniversary. She was the love of my life, my trusted confidant, and my closest friend. To say that I miss her does not begin to convey the depth of my feelings.

“I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee”

  October 2013 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Abolitionists

The abolitionists
Are fully aware
Child trafficking exists
Almost everywhere

Monsters conspire new ways to take
Innocence... at any cost
The young are used in films they make
But, soon they will get caught!

Children, we did not know...
Nor did we hear you pray
But, now we do and so
We'll fund your rescue today

America, the Dream Goes On - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

God bless America 
as the land of the free.  
We need a miracle 
to keep our liberty.

Great finale with the eagle!  I have never heard this song. Love it! Having had our parks closed for a time makes me appreciate them all the more.
Maybe this song can stir patriotism. Please share it with a friend.  

Monday, November 11, 2013


After ten years in jail
For but his belief
When his faith almost failed
Hope came of release

A Christian cellmate...
A name that he knew...
Friends... it is not too late!
His ill health helped, too!

Fifteen years in all
Till he was set free
This was a miracle
The church his family...

He started a new life
To live without fear
Sustained in Christ's light
And was full of good cheer

He learned patience in trial
Hope's influence is great
Receiving help all the while
Yes! Great things await

Then, was it by chance?
That a cousin found him
A changed circumstance
His father's days grew thin

Could he come say goodbye?
His father now sought truth
For Christianity, a sign
Tito's coming was his proof!

The father who once had claimed
His son was dead in his home
Was no longer ashamed
But sought to know his son's hope!

  1. LDS Living - My Name Used to Be Muhammad: One Man's …
    But The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that these things ... I chose Tito, the Italian ... Mohammed was guided and wrote things so …12375
  2. He changed his name to Tito (Italian version for Titus)-Titus was an early Christian leader, a companion of Paul the Apostle, mentioned in several of the Pauline epistles. He is believed to be a gentile converted by Paul to Christianity and, according to tradition, was consecrated by him as Bishop of the Island of Crete. Titus brought a fundraising letter from Paul to Corinth, to collect for the poor in Jerusalem. Later, on Crete, Titus appointed presbyters in every city and remained there into his old age, dying in the city of Candia (modern Heraklion).[1]