
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meridian Magazine - Jewish Activists Seek New Access to Temple Mount - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

Here, the greatest lesson was taught
Of our Heavenly father's love
In similitude, Issac's life was sought
To teach of His Son, thereof

As Abraham prepared
To sacrifice his son
He was faithful, yet scared
Doing what should be done

Then, just at the moment
The knife would slit the throat
An angel spoke, who'd sent
A ram as a scapegoat

The only human life
God would ever require
Would be of Jesus Christ
His only begotten, sire

Perfect in every way
This would grieve God on high
To redeem man this day
As His son would comply

Meridian Magazine - Jewish Activists Seek New Access to Temple Mount - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

  1. Dome of the Rock & Palm | Israel News Report
    Nov 29, 2013 · The Dome of the Rock sits at the Temple Mount ... over the rock where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac and where Solomon built the Jewish ...

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