
Monday, December 9, 2013

2013 Christmas Devotional- In the Spirit May We All Take a Trip to Bethlehem

In Spirit, may we all
Take the trip to Bethlehem
And warm our hearts with awe
At all we have been given

Let the bright star guide us
To where the promised baby lay
God's gift to us, Jesus
Let us witness, this holy day

Let us be touched anew
With tender feelings from this night
And our covenants renew
To carry and share of His light

Offering for sampling
His kindness, gentleness,
Hope, love, understanding...
His light of holiness

May hearts soften, forgive,
And more kindly reach out
To where those in need live
Who, in some way go without

May Jesus reshape our thinking
He lived and died for us
May there be more time for giving
May we share of Him, thus

Thoughts from President Thomas S. Monson's words

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