
Saturday, December 7, 2013

By His Names He is Known

Jesus can be everything
To everyone, everywhere.
He lifts broken hearts to sing,
And fills us with light to share.

Each title Jesus holds
Does testify of Him;
With meanings to unfold
As to Him, we open.

Where does one begin
To share what He has done?
How He is a friend-
For all that He has won!

He is the Chosen One
Born to the virgin, Mary.
Heavenly Father's own Son
Bore all our pains, to carry.

He is the great Healer-
The Physician of our souls.
He is the great Teacher:
Yes, one reaps what one sows.

He, as our Exemplar
Did but the Father's will.
Perfect, He, our Savior
Commanded, "Peace be still."

He is the Scapegoat called forth
To be tried as the great I Am;
That our sins could be paid for
By Him, the Sacrificial Lamb.

He is the Corner and Capstone,
The Carpenter who prepares
A place, with the Father, called home;
While, here, He builds and repairs.

As our Counselor, He listens
And Mediates our prayers.
As our Advocate, in God's presence,
All of man's load, He bears.

He is the Good Shepherd, 
He calls for us by name.
Through prayer, His voice is heard.
Our safety is His aim.

He is the Light, the Life, the Way-
To the humble, who repent.
We have His gospel here today.
His priesthood keys have been sent.

As the Living Water and Bread,
He cleanses and sustains.
Where once, spiritually, we were dead,
He washes our sin's stains.

Where does one begin,
To show forth gratitude?
We're to be His friend-
To love, forgive, and be good.

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