
Saturday, December 31, 2011

There's a Path Bright and Clean

There's a path bright and clean
That through faith is seen.
It's through prayer, you find your way
And the Holy Ghost helps you stay.

Where the path ends, there's a glimpse
To humble souls in need
The love of God is within reach
As you search, ponder, and heed

Safety from Disaster

The covenants that we make
Save us from disaster.
When we repent and forsake,
We become closer to our Master.

My Honor is my Power

My honor is my power
Over supervision
Living the commandments
Is life's best decision

Doctrine and Covenants 29:36
 36 And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the adevil—for, behold, the bdevil was before Adam, for he crebelled against me, saying, Give me thine dhonor, which is my epower; and also a fthird part of the ghosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their hagency;

Honor | Define Honor at

honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor. 2. a source of credit or distinction: to be an honor to one's family. 3. high respect, as for ...

good name/ reputation

Prayer is the Passport

Prayer is the passport,
To direction and peace.
When we are in need of comfort,
Our prayers ought to increase.

Be Your Best Self
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, May 2009, 68

Repent in the Pornography Battle

Repent now and confess.
Make yourself an open book.
Of such you must address-
For it harms each time you look!

Be the one who gets things done.
Keep yourself from being idle.
It's through Christ freedom is won-
In the pornography battle.

Pornography Has no Place in the Heart

Sin closes doors for secrecy
And places a wall around the heart.
Do not succumb to this depravity-
It is always better to never start! 

I will give place no more ,
To the enemy of my soul.
I have so much more to live for-
Eternity is my goal!

Place no More for the Enemy of My Soul May 2010, Ensign Elder Jeffrey R Holland May the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep our love and our marriages, our society and our souls, as pure as they were meant to be.

Hold on Tight as a Babe Would

Hold on tight as a babe would,
To the scriptures ever good.
Be a light in this dark world;
In deed, love, and gratitude.

Stay on the Path * Rosemary M. Wixom
* October 2010 General Conference
...’s arms, Kate reached out and caught hold of her mother’s finger. It was... ...if little Kate were saying, “If I hold on, will you help me stay on the path back to my Heavenly Father?...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them

Never ever forget
Who you really are
Christ will help if you let
You have purpose to go far

If Today were My Last

If today were my last
What would I do?
Let this day simply pass
Telling all, "I love you!"

Jesus is the Answer

Jesus is the answer
To ALL of life's "what if's?"
When facing a disaster,
It is faith that uplifts.

Trust in Him always,
Working for your future.
Knowing it's prayer that pays,
Let Him be your tutor.

And when everything goes wrong
Trust in HIM all the same.
It's through faith you will be strong,
In His sacred name.

An Answer for Every "what if?"
Michael D. Woodbury
Ensign, Dec 2011, 8

What Think Ye of Christ?

What think ye of Christ,
Why and how often
He is the source of light
and for feelings that soften

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Christmas Star- Book of Mormon

When Jesus Christ was born
There arose above a star;
Such that none could ignor
What had been prophecy, thus far.

This night was as bright as day.
God's son was upon the Earth!
In the most miraculous way-
Of a virgin... for a humble birth.

Thus so in a foreign land
As believers were to be destroyed;
Their night was made bright and
This saved them.. they doubly rejoiced.

But many hearts stood still,
Unwilling to let Him in.
Lacking faith they could not feel,
They being prone to sin within.

Then... came the sign at His death-
The whole earth realed to and fro.
Resurrected Jesus would come to them!
To those who would live, see, feel, and know.

So great the tempest and storm,
For hours light could not be seen!
Then God's voice announced the Lord
And He descended as though a dream.

With priesthood He set up His church.
Mosaic laws were put to rest.
He healed them and gave them time to search
In their hearts, how they had been so blessed.

He only stayed so long
As to have a record made-
To help them to be strong...
That their faithfulness would not fade.

All could not be written though-
As even babes were given words to say.
So wonderous His love to know,
For generations, peace came from that day.

Now...still the story does not end,
As we have their written account;
And again He will descend-
As signs all around will mount.

Who has eyes to see?
And in their heart has room?
In faith, we all must seek
And let His love inside us bloom.

The time has been made full-
Soon He will come again to earth;
To forever reign and rule
That all might know rebirth.

Let us look towards this day-
With hope that is made bright.
Though the world in sin may sway,
In Christ, all will be made right.

The Book of Mormon message,
A second testimony of Christ,
(Made by those on this continent)
Shares forth, to the world, His light

The Christmas Wish

May the Christmas star
Shine above each home
Remind us who we are
And that by God we are known

May Great Blessings

May great blessings
Fall upon you
Answering questions
Leading anew

Leave a Trail of Genius 2

Leave a trail of genius
Wherever you may go
There's a light inside each
That is meant to grow

Share the light with others
Brightly to be seen
For of such delivers
Hope from which to dream

Leave a trail of genius
Wherever you may go
Come to know your purpose
Set love inside to glow

Let the clouds depart
And bright thoughts align
That wisdom may impart
To tingle down your spine...

With goodness as the sign

What's Done is Done

What's done is done
You've had your fun
It's time to come clean
You son of a gun

A family group effort...
discussing a relative
who got arrested

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Advent Candles

Four advent candles
Center on Jesus Christ
The last lit- each one handles
And testifies of light

Purple ever royal
Is for hope, love, and joy
Peace ever loyal
Is pink- sweet to enjoy

In the center this is white
Pure like the babe
Each holds up this light
And it's brightness is weighed

True Happiness Grows

True happiness grows
Through selfless service
Through forgiving those
Who have hurt us

I'll make the first move
And confess my part
I want to make room
For the Lord in my heart

true happiness = feeling the spirit

Why is it Hard?

Why is it hard
To admit a mistake?
To repent and discard
Bad habits we make?

Ever it's sweet
To change for the good
And honesty meet
Doing as we should

For the new year
And Jesus Christ
Let one change appear
May we each try!

Forgive and forget
And let the past go
That gratitude project
And happiness grow

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Candle

Christmas is a twinkling candle
Dancing before one's eyes
Giving light and warmth to handle
Rekindling love that binds

Virtue of Innocence

Through tears I saw virtue
As girls gathered to sing
About the babe and virgin
Oh, what innocence can bring

Calling all With Ears to Hear

Calling all with ears to hear
Religious freedom is in need of you!
This humble right that we share
Can become a thing we once knew

Appreciate honesty, integrity, morality
Desire to serve your fellow man
Promote the "Golden Rule" respectfully
Unite all the religions you can
Elder Quentin L. Cook urges 'restoration of morality'
Published: Friday, Dec. 16, 2011
By Marianne Holman, LDS Church News

Warm Your Heart This Christmas

Warm your heart this Christmas
And give of yourself
Be Christ's Light to witness....
Someone can use the help

When Jesus Christ Was Born

When Jesus Christ was born
There arose a star
It's brightness to inform
God's son was not far

A night as bright as day
Twas a miracle to see
The Life, the Light, the Way
God's love for you and me

It warmed the heart with joy
Shepherds thrilled to see Him there
This spotless baby boy
God's greatest gift was here!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Christmas Star Book of Mormon

A painting of a new star over Bethlehem at night.
When Jesus Christ was born
There arose above a star
Such that none could ignore
The promised babe was not far

This night was as bright as day
God's son was upon the Earth!
In the most miraculous way
Of a virgin... and most humble birth

Thus, so, in a foreign land
As believers were to be destroyed
Their night was made bright and
They were saved and doubly rejoiced

But many hearts stood still
Unwilling to let Him in
Lacking faith they could not feel
They being prone to sin within

Then... came the sign at His death
The whole earth reeled to and fro
Resurrected, Jesus would come to them!
To those who would live, see, feel, and know

So great the tempest and storm
For hours light could not be seen
Then God's voice announced the Lord
And He descended as though a dream

With priesthood, He set up His church
Mosaic laws were put to rest
He healed them and gave them time to search
In their hearts, how they had been blessed

He only stayed so long
As to have a record made
To help them to be strong
That their faithfulness would not fade

All could not be written though
As even babes were given words to say
So wonderous His love to know,
For generations, peace came from that day

Now...still the story does not end
As we have their written account
And again He will descend
As signs all around will mount

Who has pure eyes to see?
And in their heart has room?
In faith, we all must seek
And let love inside us bloom

The time has been made full
Soon He will come again to earth
To forever reign and rule
That all might know rebirth

Let us look towards this day
With hope, that is made bright
Though the world in sin may sway
In Christ, all will be made right

When Jesus Christ was born
There arose above a star
For all of the world to see
A beautiful sign to inform
Mankind both near and far
Of the fulfillment of prophecy

The night was as bright as day
This miracle had occurred!
God's son was upon the Earth!
It was a delight to pray
To let each voice be heard
With wonder at His birth

But many hearts stood still
Unwilling to let Him in
Though the sign had been foretold
Lacking faith they could not feel
They being prone to murmur within
But more would later unfold...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Am the Christmas Spirit

I am the Christmas Spirit
I enter what's not a home
I seek to lift and cheer all
And let them know they are known

Where the dying and imprisoned oft dwell
You may find me there
Preparing souls... time will only tell
Who will hear what I have to share

Where there is poverty, pain, and sorrow
I am there to lift
Offering the hope of tomorrow
And a path up from where they have slipped

I am those lights that flicker
Where power does not reach
Causing eyes to grow brighter
From the words that I teach

I am that fruit filled basket
That leaves one feeling fed
My eyes are upon each casket
And upon each prayer that is said

Yes I know life will get better
Ever so beyond the veil
I warm souls like a sweater
And cause love in all to swell

There is but just one thing
I am in need of hands
To carry what I bring
So that the weary understands

In Search of the Christmas Spirit
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, December 1987

Losing our Way is Easy

Losing our way is easy
When we wander and veer off
Especially if we start drinking
And not doing what we ought

To return, there is a way
It involves but small things
The first of which is to pray
For the comfort that this brings

Not always does one see
They are lost or where to go
This takes humility
And experience, to know

Then one recognizes the call
Of a still and small voice
Available to all
It makes the heart rejoice

Oh, the comfort then shown
On the path that is sound
Oh, the joy of being known
And of truly being found

Lost and Found
Adam C. Olson
Ensign, December 2011

Seek for and Follow Christ

Seek for and follow Christ
As a companion always
Assist others, be a light
Turn your thoughts to His ways

The Christmas Spirit
Will then stay near
Not just for this season
But for all year

Ensign December, 1987
In Search of the Christmas Spirit
President Thomas S. Monson

"As we seek Christ, as we find Him, as we follow Him, we shall have the Christmas spirit, not for one fleeting day each year, but as a companion always. We shall learn to forget ourselves. We shall turn our thoughts to the greater benefit of others."1

Friday, December 9, 2011

When You Smile at Me by Rick Miller

When you smile at me like you did today
My heart lights up inside.
All troubles flee and the cares go ‘way –
I’m so blessed that you’re my bride!

You’re more beautiful than the day we met,
And more so every year.
Our love is something we’ll never regret.
How I cherish you, my dear.

Rick Miller

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prepare Your Heart For Christmas

Prepare your heart for Christmas
Search for warmth and song
His peace and light will fill us
As our meekness becomes strong

What can we give away?
To fill another's need
For whom can we pray?
Letting His pure light lead

To prepare my heart for Christmas
I search for warmth and song
His peace and light does witness
As my meekness becomes strong

What can I give away?
To fill another's need
For whom can I pray?
What prompting can I heed?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jesus is Ever Near

Jesus is ever near
So be of good cheer
He is coming soon
Pray and stay in tune

Monday, December 5, 2011

Debt Howls- Who Will Free Us?

Debt howls around one's wearied head
With great jowls demanding to be fed
Only one can rescue now, He the Master
Can lead us to safety, from disaster

Yet, the trail is long, rocky at best
Patience is required and doubt will test
Higher and higher the load becomes less
As the windows of heaven open up oft to bless

Freedom does not come all at once
But there is joy in the simple wants
Faith and humility makes us much stronger
Fasting and praying... budgets hold on longer

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them

Let not your heart fail
Midst timultuous times
Trust all will be well
As to faith one aligns

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas to do List

Light the eyes of children
Put laughter on their lips
Lift their hearts to heaven
Their joy- life's richest gift

A Bright Shining Star
2010 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
December 5, 2010

Let the Christmas Star Shine Brightly

Let the Christmas Star shine brightly
Upon your home this year
Gather your family around nightly
And feel the Spirit near

A Bright Shining Star
2010 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
December 5, 2010

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Peace on the Earth

Peace on the Earth
Can be found today
If we humbly search
God's laws show the way

This is the Way

Step on the sacred grounds
Where the holy temple lay
Feel God's love that surrounds
Towards heaven, this is the way

When You Take Off the Badge

When you take off the badge
Your mission call does not end
No matter what your age
You've the gospel to help send

Be Thankful for each Trial

Be thankful for each trial
That settles in to stay
Being humble all the while
Strength comes no other way

Called to be your Teacher

Called to be your teacher
What is it I can share
To start, I am eager
To show you that I care

The Lord Uses a Scale

The Lord uses a scale
Different than we know
To measure and tell
The worth of a soul

We each have a purpose
Wonderful and grand
A talent for service
Wherever we may stand

Some walk in marble halls
With richness to impart
Others- in stable stalls
Give too, from the heart

God loves the humble
The prayerful and meek
For they spread His gospel
As they're given words to speak

You Matter to Him
President Dieter F Uchtdorf

Outwardly Manifest What's in Your Heart

Outwardly manifest
What's in your heart- display
Serve the Lord, do your best
His light will show the way

Quiet Dignity

You've quiet dignity
Elegance and grace
So filled with charity
Your smile's an embrace

You've confidence to speak
With charity also
Humbly as one meek
You present what you know

Respect is what you give
Helping others stand up tall
Offering perspective
You're a leader to us all

This is not me.
I oft speak before thinking and have to slow down.
My house is chaos and I am forever seeking....
Perhaps that is why I write?
Hope you have been blessed to know
someone like this and can share...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Say Not in Grief

Say not in grief
My love is no more
But hold to belief
In the living Lord

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Tears Testify

Our tears testify of the love
Felt at the passing of this son
Sent now to Heaven above
To continue on his mission

Faith, forgiveness urged at funeral services for missionaries killed in Texas accident- Joseph Walker Desert News
Elder Nelson- "Our tears testify of our love for this wonderful, exemplary elder," Elder Nelson said. "Your Redeemer knows exactly how you feel."

The Bible and the Book of Mormon

The Bible and the Book of Mormon are now woven together
For enlightenment, they have become one in our hands
As you pore into one you are drawn into the other
Fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy now forever stands

Elder Boyd K. Packer, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said that the Bible and the Book of Mormon “are now woven together in such a way that as you pore over one you are drawn to the other; as you learn from one you are enlightened by the other. They are indeed one in our hands. Ezekiel’s prophecy [in Ezekiel 37:15–19] now stands fulfilled” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, 53). Boyd K. Packer, “Scriptures,” Ensign, Nov. 1982, 51

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Book of Mormon Story

What the Book of Mormon has done for me- the most
Is fill me with the love of God come of the Holy Ghost
Old Testament prophets have left great marks on me
Having laid a foundation... filled with fond memories
The Book of Mormon adds to this, making my life complete
The Spirit I feel inside is ever sweet to greet

Starting around 600 BC, in Jerusalem
A prophet left the city, taking his family with him
Obediently, this they did by way of God's command
Later, then, they sailed to their own promised land
Generations of records were compiled by one of the last
A prophet named Mormon helps us learn from the past

God continues to speak to His people today
Still requiring of us that we obey and pray
Prophets testify of the Savior- His suffering for man
As a second witness He came to the Book of Mormon's land
The words offer us comfort and peace unto good cheer
Truly to the Americas, He did appear!

sorry this is not very good poetry- but the video is excellent!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Standing on the Side of Love

Standing on the side of love
In the absence of fear
I place my trust in God above
And feel His Spirit near

In all the Annals of History

In all the annals of history
Jesus is the only one
Who could know sin and misery
Perfectly... to atone

If you could take all that is grand
Of all the days the earth has known
You'd have one speck of a glimpse at hand
Of the perfection it took to atone

This is the one truth most worth knowing
He is peace and security
He can lift us from our burdens- growing
Unto salvation with purity

In life it is expected
That we will all fall to Satan's lure
We came here to be tested,
To find our Savior, repent, and endure

To appease the demands of justice
He stands both willing and able
To extend mercy as we trust Him
And become a covenant people

The One Truth Worth Knowing
President Boyd K. Packer click on post title to go directly to

There is a Mediator, a Redeemer who stands both willing and able to appease the demands of justice and extend mercy to those who are penitent

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pause and Remember

We pause to remember
Solemnly with pride
Our American heroes
Who now live and have died

We owe these men and women
Our respect and admiration
We give thanks for each veteran
For their service to this nation

Mitt Romney
Today, Veterans Day, we pause to remember - and to take solemn pride in -
America’s heroes. We owe the men and women who have served in our armed forces our respect, our admiration, and our eternal gratitude.

We Who in Freedom Live Today

We who live in freedom today
Remember those so brave
Who believe in the American way
Our sovereign rights to save

The greatest act that one can do
Is to do what's hard, but right
To face their fears and enemies too
And be steadfast in the fight

If we were ever to forget
Life's lessons would be gone
But a patriot's heart will never let
The lapse of freedom's song

Thus in the season where colors fall
And families gather near
Let us also pay tribute to honor's call
And thank our veterans dear

Dear veterans how we thank you
And we need you still today!
Help us remember and renew
Our pledge under God always

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When I was a Little Boy

When I was a little boy
I was bored in school
I disturbed class to annoy
Thinking it was cool

For when the teacher said, "enough!"
Through the office came my reward
In their efforts to be tough
They sent me home to be bored

But my mom was a teacher
At another school
And each day she would share
Lessons of the golden rule

This was a public class
And the Bible was a friend
For the lessons taught us fast-
Goodness wins in the end

Yet, I continued my ways
In the days before detention
To my mother's class always
Enjoying that attention

Then one day...she said, "enough!"
And put me in a Christian School
They lacked "authority"... it was tough
Though I was young, I could not be fooled

I learned about lip service
And that was when I changed my ways
I rose to a higher purpose
And will do so for the rest of my days!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Chasing all the wrong things
I sought to fulfill my dreams
But no lasting peace was tasted
And oh the time I have wasted

Someone Tried

Someone tried
To destroy my name
Claiming I'd
Do what would bring me shame

My daughter had her Facebook hijacked and they deleted pictures and made rude propositions in her name...Unfortunately she suspects a few old friends. They would have to know her email password as well. The new definition of mean girls- use what they know about you to make you look bad.

You Stepped in Drama

You stepped in drama
Get yourself out
Let it be a comma
To goodness about

Become a Light for all to See

Become a light for all to see
Illuminate what comes of Christ
Read, study, pray...consistently
Radiate love... and do what's right

Become a beacon of righteousness
Testify of all that you feel
Help others know of God's existence
That the windows of heaven are real

President Thomas S. Monson
Become a Light for All to See click post's title to go directly to Our Prophet Speaks Today

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Eternal Marriage Centers on Christ

The eternal marriage centers on Christ
From that crowning celestial moment
When the kneeling couple pledge their lives
To the new and everlasting covenant

Spiritual Eyes Ears and Voices

Spiritual eyes see afar
Into the distance
Unto a guiding star
Through perseverance

Spiritual ears hear the sound
Of the trumpet's call
Clear warnings are found
Lest a family fall

Spiritual voices speak
And testify of light
Discernment for the meek
Making knowledge bright

Pondering Elder Bednar
Ensign May 2010
"I bear witness that parents who consistently read and talk about the Book of Mormon with their children, who share testimony spontaneously with their children, and who invite children as gospel learners to act and not merely be acted upon will be blessed with eyes that can see afar off (see Moses 6:27) and with ears that can hear the sound of the trumpet (see Ezekiel 33:2–16). The spiritual discernment and inspiration you will receive from the combination of these three holy habits will enable you to stand as watchmen on the tower for your families—“watching . . . with all perseverance” (Ephesians 6:18)—to the blessing of your immediate family and your future posterity. I so promise and testify in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Treasure to Hold

I have a treasure that I hold
A pearl of great price
Discovered from the days of old
It shines before my eyes

Its reflection is so clear
It helps me to see
All in life that is dear
Including me

Matthew 13:46
Who, when he had found one pearl of great price,
went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

A treasure to behold
A pearl of great price
A gift from days of old
Does shine before faith's eyes

Do the Right Thing

Do the right thing
Without delay
Rescue and bring
The lost home today

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time,
without Delay by Elder José L. Alonso

Friday, October 28, 2011

Moonbeams and Orchids

As elusive as a moonbeam
And fragile as an orchid
A testimony can brightly beam
Or wilt much that we forget

Light comes to the mind
Warmly... the bosom burns
Doubt is left behind
Spiritually one learns

Personal Revelation and Testimony by Sister Barbara Thompson

President Harold B. Lee: “Testimony is as elusive as a moonbeam; it’s as fragile as an orchid; you have to recapture it every morning of your life,”

I have joined a book club for general conference-----

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Wake-up Call

Let that wake-up call
Stir you to action
Whether great or small
Serve with compassion

As you give up a crust
To help someone in need
You receive so much
Gratitude indeed

You cannot give a crust to the Lord
without receiving a loaf in return -
Marion G Romney

Keep up the Good Work

Keep up the good work-
The best is yet to come-
You have to stretch much
To grow and become

Joseph Smith is like Paul

Joseph Smith is like Paul
He helped God's kingdom grow
Once he received his call
He taught that others might know

Plant a Seed in Your Heart

Plant a seed in your heart
And do not cast it out
For conversion to impart
Keep charity about

Lay aside all your pride
Give of yourself and grow
What is truth you must decide
Then share of what you know

Let nothing hold you back
From seeking the Lord out
When darkness attacks
Do not give in to doubt

Alma 32

Saturday, October 22, 2011

As a Friend

The scriptures take on new meaning
As we read them again and again
We discover truths while reading
For they speak to us as a friend

Let us mark them and treasure
Each precious thing that we learn
Let us ponder and then measure
Our eternal hopes for which we yearn

The Power of Scripture
Elder Richard G. Scott
Ensign, November 2011

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Amidst wars and rumors of wars
Clear vision fails in the commotion
Lean to all the Lord offers
Press forward with faith and much devotion

Spread your wings high and far
Soaring as you should
Remembering who you are
Seek for all that is good

Counsel to Youth
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign, November 2011

All at once our future was uncertain. We did not know what was ahead. Would we live to get married and have a family?

Today there are “wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth [is] in commotion.”4 You, our youth, may feel uncertainty and insecurity in your lives. I want to counsel you and teach you and give you a warning about some things to do and some things not to do.

Satan Seeks

Satan seeks to control
Our minds and actions
To confuse our role
And create distractions

But safety is assured
As we remember who we are
Precious beyond measure
We've wise counsel to take us far

Happiness is found
When we do not despair
But let the spirit abound
Holding to the rod with care

Counsel to Youth
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign November 2011

"You are precious beyond measure....
We know from the scriptures that there was a war in heaven and that Lucifer rebelled and, with his followers, “was cast out into the earth.”2 He is determined to disrupt our Heavenly Father’s plan and seeks to control the minds and actions of all. This influence is spiritual, and he “is abroad in the land.”3

"But despite the opposition, trials, and temptations, you need not fail or fear."

What Think Ye of Jesus Christ?

What think ye of Jesus Christ?
The master of salvation
The creator of our lives
Who saved man from death's station

Thursday, October 20, 2011

To Fail is to Give Up

To fail is to give up
When you're overcome and stuck
Whenever one stops trying
The will within starts dying

- Beethoven
- Thomas Edison
- Albert Einstein
- James Earl Jones
- Helen Keller
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Woodrow Wilson
- Stephen Hawking
- Susan B. Anthony
- Gen. George Patton
- Marie Curie
- Benjamin Franklin
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Walt Disney
- Winston Churchill
- Isaac Newton
- F. W. Woolworth
- Henry Ford
- Louis Pastuer
- Louisa May Alcott
- Christopher Columbus
- and the moms and dads of the world

Miley Cyrus mormon spoof 2

How does one discern
What is really true?
As to God we turn
The Spirit speaks anew

Forget You Parody (Mormon) For the Strength of Youth

A singing revolution
Is helping youth be strong
To avoid sin's pollution
Clearly, showing what is wrong

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We Have a Spark of Eternal Fire

We have a spark of eternal fire
Burning within each breast
To know our Heavenly Father we desire
To serve Him and be blessed

You Matter to Him
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God. While against the backdrop of infinite creation we may appear to be nothing, we have a spark of eternal fire burning within our breast. We have the incomprehensible promise of exaltation—worlds without end—within our grasp. And it is God’s great desire to help us reach it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Pleasing Word of God

The pleasing word of God
Heals the wounded soul
Refining us as gold
It does both warn us and console

Jacob 2

8 And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul.

9 Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul that I should be constrained, because of the strict commandment which I have received from God, to admonish you according to your crimes, to enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God have daggers placed to pierce their souls and wound their delicate minds.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Packets of Light

Studying the scriptures is like
Opening up packets of light
No two messages are found alike
As what inspires improves sight

Memorizing what illuminates
Allows us to put light up in store
As the Holy Ghost communicates,
We ponder... then we are given more

The Power of Scriptures
Richard G Scott
Ensign, Nov 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Deep Within the Chambers of the Heart

Deep within the chambers
of a meek and contrite heart
There comes strength as one labors
To teach the gospel and impart

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strands of Light

Like gathering strands of light
Our testimonies can grow bright
Helping us all the more see
Whatsoever is good and praise worthy

Articles of Faith
13.We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul "we believe all things, we hope all things," we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praise worthy, we seek after these things.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Differences Are As Salt

Differences are as
Little specks of salt
Promising to last
Adding flavor by default

I believe our differences are the little pinches of salt that can make the marriage seem more flavorful.
-LDS Apostle James E. Faust
 Wedding gift idea- seasalt grinder

Oct. 2011 World Report: LA World Affairs Council

Without God, moral values decline
As laws and situations define
Let us be bridge builders and restore
Faith, hope, and trust in the Lord

As we travel from here and there
Let us speak highly of what's good
Ever with a glad message to share
Serving man and God- as we should

We Don't Need to Redefine America

We don’t need to redefine America
But return to its truths, self evident
The constitution was indeed a miracle
Putting policy where it is best spent

Promoting the general welfare, hence
While granting freedoms equally to all
Providing for the common defense
Responding to liberty’s call

The American Republic, once great
Ought not become a socialist state
Freeing industry improves the employment rate
We must act before it is too late!

Green jobs, stimulus packages, entitlements
Must be a thing of the past
Giving power back to local governments
Returned to the people at last

click on the title to read Tom McClintock's speech
California: A Morality Tale in Three Parts

The following is a speech delivered to the
Council on National Policy on September 30, 2011....

Friday, October 7, 2011

What Has Jesus Done For Me?

What has Jesus done for me?
One asked...while not wanting to see
But the words were said, I gave them much thought
Knowing the answer for each must be sought-

He created this earth and added for us light
As our Exemplar, He then came and did all that is right
He suffered our pains and sins, then was sentenced to death
And because of Him we will rise again through His living breath

Ever selfless up to and through His darkest hour
He gave us commandments, the priesthood, and sealing power
While humbly He listens to and attends to every prayer
Such that when we need Him, He is always there

To those in the dark who have lost their way
There is oh so much more I would like to say
May the Holy Ghost teach to you all of the rest
As you seek for it, in righteousness, truly you will be blessed

Teachings of Jesus
Dallin H. Oaks
Ensign, November 2011

Thank you Danielle for your email. I love to put thoughts to poetry. It touches me that you have read some. I hope to get better as the years go by. Sometimes I think I will stop. But, writing has become a very close friend... and I miss it deeply- five days was a long time this week.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Let NOt a Day

Let not a day
Go by without
Taking time to pray
With faith about

Freely He gives
To those who ask
Through Christ who lives
And bears... as we task


God is a name
To use with care
Not to profane
But cry out in prayer

We Become

We become
So much more
When we work as one
With the Lord

Thoughts from listening to Relief Society ... on BYUtv during half time Sunday Conference

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Simply Look Up

Simply look up
When you are weighed down
Life's seems extra tough
When all you see is the ground

When you're burdened by life
Don't look down but look up
And remember the Lord
And how full is your cup

Grind to the Dust

Let us grind to the dust
What is a waste of time
And replace it with what leads us
To a place sublime

Pondering conference...

Quick to Kneel

Let us be as quick to kneel
As we are to text
Let us seek for and feel
What leaves us warmly blessed

Elder Ian S. Andern?
thoughts from conference

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

United as One

United as one...
It can be done
Standing side by side-
If we all decide

To the young from the old
Let freedom be told
From the old to the young
The journey's begun

Agreeing to disagree
From sea to shining sea
Let us build on what is good
Humbly with gratitude

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forget Me Not

A very small flower in a garden of many
Waited all day to be named
Feeling insignificant, it would take any
Quite forgotten, it felt so ashamed

The sun had set, light would not last
In despair, it cried from its low place
“Forget-Me-Not” …someone walked past
stopped, looked down, and parted a space

There in the shadows the blue flower stood
Hidden by the foliage of a buttercup
"Ah," He said, “You have finally understood
You have worth and limited time to speak up”

“In your sweet plea… you have named yourself
The weakness of your size none shall forget
For we all need to be noticed and are in need of help
From you, the least, we learn great things come if we let!”

“This is the first of five lessons I want to share
Things we all need to remember
One for each petal you so beautifully wear
As I wish happiness for each flower member”

“The second desire comes of my heart
As I recognize talents and gifts
Sacrifices are many but the best impart
A stirring of love that uplifts”

“The third to hold to is found all around
And is easily thought less of
That is finding joy in all that surrounds
The greatness of life is love

The fourth is so easy to overlook
As we each have so much to do
But we should focus on the “why?” as we look
Up…for warmth and bright light too

The fifth is the hope of what is to come
The potential that lies within
The knowledge of what we each can become...
We are much more than this life we are in

Sweet little blue Forget-Me-Not
You're the symbol for what we should learn
If we are to grow, these five things should be sought
And from them we should never turn

Forget Me NOT

Our Prophet

Our prophet reaches each heart
Reminds us of who we are
And brings God's words to impart

Our prophet helps us grow,
Feel, hear, see, and know
The path that we're to go

Friday, September 23, 2011


At every stage of your life
You are never alone
For the climb, He offers light are known

No matter what you've done
Or even continue to do
He turns His back on none
If it's anyone it is you

It is time to turn around
And be renewed in Christ
To stand upon higher ground
Making covenants is the price

He awaits to uplift
And lighten each load
He knows we are prone to drift
From the straight and narrow road

His...the path of happiness
You will not want to miss
He has a plan for each of us
Keep going...through Christ-you deserve this

Thank you Al Fox- you inspire us
To be happy

Parents You Are the Second Witness

You are the second witness
For your child to know what's true
And your job will never finish
As they will always look to you

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Body as a Temple

This body, as a temple,
Houses my spirit inside
Where for God's holy people
The Holy Ghost may reside

Be Ye As God's Building

Be ye as God's building
Anchored upon Christ
With the structure yielding
Faith and hope and light

Thomas S. Monson

“Tabernacles and temples are built with more than stone and mortar, wood and glass. Particularly is this true when we speak of the temple described by the Apostle Paul: ‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?’ (1 Corinthians 3:16.) Such temples are built with faith and fasting. They are built with service and sacrifice. They are built with trials and testimonies.” (Live the Good Life [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1988], 17.)

There is So Much to Do

There is so much to do yet
In faith, I must not fret
Turning to God through service
I will build upon my purpose

In Meekness Fear and Trembling

In meekness, fear, and trembling
We speak God's words found humbling
And with power they are believed
Unto growth through light received

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard
Such blessings come of the Word
To the seeker it filters deep
Unto the heart for safe watch keep

Pondering 1 Corinthians 2:3

And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kate Smith introduces God Bless America

Today, let us pray for America
The land of the free
That still we may know the miracle
Of living happily

A Desire to Come Unto Jesus

A desire
To come unto Jesus
Will inspire...
As faith works within us

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Truth will Stand

Truth will stand
And endure
Through righteous living
As the cure

thoughts from Elder Dallin H. Oaks
CES fireside
Truth and Tolerance
September 11, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baptism- Know You Are Never Alone

Know you are never alone
That by the Savior you are known
You've entered the gate to heaven
The greatest gift to man given

Now worthy men will confirm
You a member of His church
For yourself you can learn
As through the Holy Ghost you search

Heavenly Father Touches our Lives

Heavenly Father
Touches our lives
Through the Holy Ghost, order,
And the light of Christ

The bosom burns,
The eyes see,
Hearts feel again
We are happy!

Words are given
The mind receives
Blessings are granted
As one believes

That God's grace be more upon us
May we do that which is right
Keep our covenants and trust
Each day will shed forth new light

The Master's Favorite Color

The Master's favorite color
Truly must be light
As it brilliantly contains
Every color for delight

Light lets color show
And reflect the very best
Both cool and warm to know
Through the rainbow we are blessed

Now what about dark black?
How he loves this too
As it absorbs the light
And enhances it best too

Thus in the heavens we see
In both the day and night
The sun, moon, and stars find glory
As the dark contrasts with light

Official Google Blog: Ten years later

Official Google Blog: Ten years later
To let the past not teach
Would be terribly wrong
God is within reach
And America can be strong

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Finding Hope - 10th Anniversary of 9/11

A 911 Survivor

911 began as a beautiful day
The sky was blue, perfectly so
With a job for 3 months, I was on my way!
When the plane hit I was among the first to know

I was on the 85th floor working about
The building swayed and then it snapped back
There was nothing but smoke, the elevator was blown out
I was to learn later we had been attacked

We found some stairs, it was a long way down
There was an explosion when I got outside
I just kept moving, following the crowd
When a cloud engulfed, I found shelter inside

The building was gone! My floor was nowhere!
At first I felt blessed... a survivor
Then depressed...when sleep came- I longed to stay there
Desperately I needed my Savior

Some say after 911 that there is no God
But that’s when I found Him... no doubt
My life changed, I sought to be with my family a lot
Through Him, from despair, I was shown the way out

I found a new life reading the scriptures
Where I would bury myself evermore
Christ the healer could make me whole, I was made sure
Awaked to the purpose- of what life is for

The Savior suffered children to come unto Him
And I wanted to bring mine to Him also
We now read together feeling hearts soften
As a family of believers we serve Him and know...

God is there to those who have faith to search
Blessing us... unto gratitude
For my wife, kids, Bishop, and members of the church
I thank you! I was in pain and you understood

From long commutes... from a lifestyle that smothers
To life that’s worth living... and the time to bless others

Read more about V. Guzman
Whom I don't know but am grateful for!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Asked God

Suffering so...

I asked God
And He said no
For how else
Was I to grow?

September 11 On Faith

Surge of Faith

The nine eleven tragedy
Brought us together,as a nation of faith
Feeling the need to be steady
We found God in a remarkable way

Lost Moral Footing

But by nature we are foolishly vain
And we have lost our moral footing
Doing that which causes one pain
As it is God's commandments we are forgetting

The Key

The key to our happiness
Is found in excellent behavior
As that is when we are blessed
Following the path of the Savior

President Monson, Other Religious Leaders Share Thoughts on 9/11 Anniversary

Waiting on the Road to Damascus

There once was a man named Saul
Who treated the Saints angrily
Till the Lord caused Him to fall
Asking, "Why persecutest thou me?"

Who now waits for such a sign
Delaying covenants to enter?
To the seeker there is much to find
And belief must be at one's center

Belief Comes One Step at a Time

One single piece of the gospel
May not make sense, viewed all alone
But like unto a large puzzle
When grouped together much more is shown

The grand beauty in the end
Shows what at first was missed
Oft the Savior had been a friend
Quietly... gently... unnoticed

Hearken and Heed

The things of the Spirit oft come
As a whisper given to heed
Perhaps to attend to the one
Who humbly prayed...deeply in need

The whisperings will quickly fade
If not heeded or tended to
Our choices must be heavenly weighed-
What is it the Lord would have us do?


Through answering another's cries
We oft answer the needs of our own
Lifting scales from our spiritual eyes
The windows of heaven become shown


We have a glad message to share-
The great blessing of Jesus Christ
In the right time and place to declare
Through Him all things are made bright

Our Road to Damascus

Oft we're like Saul, living in doubt...
Waiting on the road to Damascus
May our countenance shine more about
As we heed the bright call of Jesus

Waiting on the Road to Damascus
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, May 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Merciful Loving Father

Our Merciful, loving Father
Has not forsaken us
Through General Conference
His words teach, prompt, guide, and bless

He has raised up prophets
To lead us back to Him
We will find direction
If we seek but to listen

Sometimes the message remains
And seems unchanged from before
But its through the fundamentals one gains
What we have come to the Earth for

Even a small child can be taught
And feel the spirit in word and song
Inspiration can be sought
And impressions can be strong

Come to conference with a question
Struggle with it in your mind
Like a Liahona a message
Will be just what you need to find

General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Ensign, September 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Close to My Heart

Once I am in a seat
I know a prayer will start
I let my two arms meet
Close up to my heart

If it becomes my turn
I will speak of how I feel
Prayer is a time to learn
Heavenly Father's love is real

Monday, September 5, 2011

Grandma's Hand Shadows

Grandma's hands cast shadows
Playfully at night
Upon the wall she shows
Stories that delight

Two flying black birds
A hippopotamus
Goosey goosey gander
And a clown can laugh with us

The stronger the light beam
The clearer the image will be
On a white wall it is best seen
And that traveling moth is not me!

Thinking about the Little Book of Hand Shadows
by Phila H. Webb and Jane Corby first published in 1927!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Being Called the Mormon Church

Being called the Mormon Church
Is not at all accurate
We are the Savior's Saints
Reserved for this latter date

A man named Mormon was a prophet
In the Americas a long time ago
And his writings hold a promise
Of its truthfulness each man can know

There to become nearer to Christ
For it is a second witness of Him
The Book of Mormon changes lives
As one feels the Spirit within

Thoughts from reading
Guided by the Holy Spirit
President Boyd K. Packer
Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints
Ensign, May 2011, pg 30

Two Witnesses of Creation

In science we come to know
Through careful observation
In religion this is also so
By experimentation

Like unto our vision
Come of two eyes
Gaining perception
For depth to apprise

In the study of creation
For the how, when, who, and why
Through independent relation
Two viewpoints witness and certify

Every spot of light in space
Is a galaxy with a hundred billion stars
Recquiring greater thought in place
The immensity of light to find is ours

Too, the reach for our Father in heaven
Comes through effort and prayer
Oft, by which more light is given
As warm evidence of His care

A Pulsar's Hand

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The sand mixed with the ocean spray
Making faces gritty
A very tiny price to pay
To splash and play all giddy

Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Too Frequently

All too frequently
The short end of the stick
Goes to the family
As demands become thick

Always at the center
Should be Jesus Christ
Our pivot point and lever
To balance out our lives

Make Your Home Like the Temple

Make your home
Like the temple
Where love is shown
That all might sample


Celestial parentage
Over and over
To honor family... pledge

A duty of the Priesthood is to Fill the Temple

A duty of the priesthood
Is to fill the temple doors
To extend gratitude
That exquisitely pours

Let each Stake Conference
Culminate in the temple
To really make a difference
In uniting all its people

Come find in the temple
The Lord's healing hand
Offering the balm of Gilead
And light to understand

Come stand in His Holy place
Where there is oil for light
Find His alter of lace
And remember covenants bright

Pondering our Green Valley Stake Conference

Peace of Presence

Peace of presence
Comes to each
Who know and sense
What life does teach

Who surrender
Unto God's will
Finding the splendor
Of peace that is still

Let the Temple Go Through You

Let the temple go through you
And apply its healing balm
Though your problems be not few
The Holy Spirit will lift and calm

Your countenance will shine
Through this sacrifice
It will be a glorious time
Uplifted by Jesus Christ

Don't go through the temple -- let it go through you
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010
Kristine Frederickson
Deseret News

We Are God's Offspring

We are God's offspring
Of His spirit, we are
To know...what a blessing
We were made to journey far

We Are the Offspring of God

We are the offspring of God
Spiritually we can know
That from Him we have gone
As, still, His light in us does show

For in Him we live,
Move, and have our being
All we have, He gives
Through light, ours for seeing

As joint heirs with Christ
Our Elder Brother, our sibling
We might have eternal life
If we hold to His truths descending

Pondering Acts 17 and Romans 8

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Lord Has Set His Hand

The Lord has set His hand
For the spreading of His Word
Through the priesthood grand
The voice of God is heard

Each worthy young man
Who accepts His call
Preaches to a given land
Calling repentance unto all

Bringing others to Christ
To prepare for His return
Changing peoples lives
For the laying of hands to yearn

Preparing the World for the Second Coming
Elder Neil L. Andersen
Ensign, May 2011, 49

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I shall not Quake

I shall not quake
Or be deceived
But reawake
To all I've received

Oh troubled mind
Be no more
But, redefine
What life is for

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dreams Call

Dreams call
From a place
Beyond all
Beyond space

Pieces come
And naught makes sense
Till we become
Quite patient

Fill Your Thoughts

Fill your thoughts
With gratitude
Giving thanks
As you should
For all that is good

Sunday, August 21, 2011

BYU’s State-of-the-Art Broadcasting Building Dedicated

BYU’s State-of-the-Art Broadcasting Building Dedicated
Broadcasting at its best
Serves as a light on a hill
Such that families are blessed
Through the good news instilled

“The Lord’s plan is to advance ever more rapidly His word and His works,” he said. “These buildings have been built to take advantage of the wonderful and miraculous technology that will allow the university and Church to reach the hearts and minds of members and friends across the world.”

Elders Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard—all apostles and members of BYU’s Board of Trustees—as well as Elders Paul V. Johnson, Richard G. Maynes, and Lynne G. Robbins of the First Quorum of the Seventy were all in attendance.

BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson, a member of the Seventy, conducted the dedication and began by commenting on the history of BYU Broadcasting and the important role technology plays in taking BYU’s message to all the world.

President Eyring recalled President Spencer W. Kimball’s words from 1974: “Just think what can be accomplished when we broadcast our message in many languages over numerous radio stations, large and small, around the world, and millions of good people listening on their transistors are being indoctrinated with the truth.”

“If our technology does not improve the lives of others and help bring them home to Him, we have missed the mark,” President Eyring said, emphasizing that these new buildings will help others bring the gospel message to people throughout the world.

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, along with officials from BYU, broke ground for the Broadcasting Building on May 7, 2009.

On that day, he spoke of using BYU Broadcasting to “draw those who are seeking to know the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ” and to change “the spirit and attitude of the world.”

Laying to Recover

Laying to recover
In a hospital bed
My child came to wonder
And this is what she said

Aunt Cheryl, she is here
And so is Grandpa Brown
And standing up quite near
Is Jimmy tall now to look down

For nearly an hour
She spoke of the deceased
Then sleep overpowered
As my wonder increased

That angels visit each room
The next morning she explained
Offering God's love in bloom
Comforting their pain

May I as God's child
Witness this also
As one accepting and mild
To see and hear and know

Pondering The Atonement Covers All Pain
Elder Kent F. Richards
Ensign, May 2011, 17

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stand Up Tall and Vote

Stand up tall and vote
With your pocketbook
From wise sources quote
Think for yourself and look

Think what unity can do
What would you to protect?
What issues do you value?
What issues do you protest?

Be someone that is civil
Speak gently and be firm
As a citizen of free people
You've no cause to squirm

It is not a hate crime to have a voice
Nor is it against the law
Expect tolerance, rejoice
In liberty come of God

Tolerance - permit me to disapprove
squirm- The need to wiggle to get free because I feel uncomfortable-
I will not apologize for or feel humiliation or embarrassment for what I believe to be true.

Diversity and Strength of Mormon Women Highlighted in New Relief Society Book

Diversity and Strength of Mormon Women Highlighted in New Relief Society Book

With tears streaming down my face
I marvel- what's been given me
A book to search through and embrace
That's uplifting and strengthening

I am never alone
To complete each role
In womanhood I am shown
What I need to be whole

We need it Sister Beck. Sometimes
it is so hard to hold it all together.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love is a Fragile Thing

Love is a fragile thing
Tender to the touch
Timid at first... budding
Gentle feelings blush

"How Do I Love Thee?" - Jeffrey R. Holland 15, 2000 – " .... Love is a fragile thing, and some elements in life can try to break it. Much damage can be done if we are not in tender hands, caring hands. ..."

"Marriage relationships can be enriched by better communication. One important way is to pray together. This will resolve many of the differences, if there are any, between the couple before sleep comes. I do not mean to overemphasize differences, but they are real, and make things interesting. Our differences are the little pinches of salt which can make the marriage seem sweeter. We communicate in a thousand ways, such as a smile, a brush of the hair, a gentle touch, and remembering each day to say 'I love you' and the husband to say 'You're beautiful.' Some other important words to say, when appropriate, are 'I'm sorry.' Listening is excellent communication."
--President James E. Faust, "The Enriching of Marriage," Ensign, Nov. 1977, 9

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2081 Full HD Movie Online Part 1 / 10

Everyone was equal
Forget potential

Something to watch twice before you pick up on the little truths. Somebody has to stay extraordinary to keep control. Somebody has to think overtime to keep people from thinking and wanting a better life. Who does this sound like?

The Law of Moses

The law of Moses
Was to foreshadow
The coming of Jesus
And His light to show

Mosiah 16: 13-15
And now, ought ye not to tremble and repent of your sins, and remember that only in and through Christ ye can be saved?
Therefore, if ye teach the law of Moses, also teach that it is a shadow of those things which are to come—
Teach them that redemption cometh through Christ the Lord, who is the very Eternal Father. Amen.

The Sting of Death

The sting of death
Has been swallowed up in Christ
For immortal breath
And eternal life

It's a matter of choice
And accountability
The repentant will rejoice
In immortality

Mosiah 16:8
But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.

The Only One

Christ was the only one
Who got it all right
To perfectly atone
And serve as a light

Presidents, Rulers, and Kings
Grant religious freedoms today
For the righteousness this brings
Oh, then the good things we do and say

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Whatever the Lord commands
We are to speak
To all nations and lands
As one meek

The words then given
Straight and true
Are as a rod from heaven
Teaching us anew

Look into each face
Speak to the soul
Through time and space
Each... once knew of their role

Jeremiah 1

Monday, August 15, 2011

How Do I Love Thee? True Love From the Start

True love from the start
Is a gift from heaven
Charity of the heart
Selflessly given

Let this remain so
Seeing but the best
That your love might grow
Forever to be blessed

Thoughts from
Elder Jeffrey R. Hollan
How Do I Love Thee?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Give Me Liberty

Give me liberty or give me death
I must say to my dying breath
Given to pursue what lies within
I must also stay clear from sin

Life is dear and peace is sweet
My conscience is there, warm to meet
Thus in the face of slavery
Having faith gives me bravery

And with this courage to act and do
I will know strength till my days are through
Following light come from above
For a life that's filled with God and love

Thoughts from the famous saying of Patrick Henry: “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

Saturday, August 13, 2011

When We Do What is Right

When we do what is right
We're led to pastures that are green
Where there's living water and light,
And safety to dream

The Singing Revolution-歌唱革命(民主党全委会贴)-爱沙尼亚-part01

the truth of war- there are some strongly disturbing images in this video

A nation held in bondage
How should one fight back?
When pushed up to the edge
Patiently wait for the crack

What have you been taught?
What did your fathers know?
Hope within must be sought
For freedom's light to show

The courage then to act
Must override each fear
Voices must attract
And full faith must appear

Then filled with new purpose
Knowing it is right
Avail yourself to service
And sing out with all your might

.....In Estonia...
It was the thinkers
That were the first to go
But... truth still lingers
And can spread to grow

The truth is this simple-
Under God's laws we can't go wrong
Getting along- we are "the people"
With unity to be strong

A land that once was choice
Must search their fathers out
And recapture each voice
Of what we are about

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long. in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Exodus 20:12

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Movie Set to Help Portray Life of Jesus Christ

New Movie Set to Help Portray Life of Jesus Christ

The Church of Jesus Christ
Of the Latter-Day
Has brought back to life
Jerusalem- to portray
Jesus in the Holy land
Helping us better understand

“Ultimately, the goal is to create a body of work that we can draw from that absolutely speaks to every aspect of Jesus’ life,” said Uibel.

The First Fruits of Repentance

The first fruits of repentance
Are purifyingly sweet
Through the keeping of covenants
The Holy Ghost is there to greet

Moroni 8:25
The first fruits of repentance is baptism

Mesa bookstore owner finds rare 1779 hymnal

Mesa bookstore owner finds rare 1779 hymnal

Keeping memories
Through a church hymnal
1799 still rings
With hymns to sample

Hold on to a piece of the past
Let it fill the air
Make a memory to last
From what Great Grandma left to share

Helen Schlie is a great poet among many other things and at the age of 88 runs a wonderful rare finds Book Store. In the article she says:
"This is really more than a bookstore. It is literally a place where people change their lives."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Build on What you Know

Build on what you know
Let it gather, let it grow
Train your eyes to really see
Focus well. Set yourself free

Let your brain wrap around it
You'll be better for this habit
Be one given to reason more
Choosing well what you would to store

Asking questions: How? and Why?
Logically reasoning to apply
Knowing facts is not enough
For one must be trained in love

Giving service, sharing light
Finding purpose, doing what's right
There is much to do and see
As part of God's family

I Am Here to Learn

I'll not be found asleep
When it becomes my turn
This promise I will keep-
I am here to learn

Nor will I be found visiting
And distracting all my friends
I will turn my head for listening
For the pattern that this lends

Meridian Magazine - “The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy” - Page 3 - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

Meridian Magazine - “The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy” - Page 3 - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

Why not speak of the Atonement?
The miracle of sacrifice
How we can be reconciled unto Him
And feel His Spirit testify

Why not speak of the resurrection?
And of the world that is to come
Then as one given to introspection
Why not share what, for you, the Lord has done

Declare, preach, proclaim, reveal, manifest
Jacob 4: 11Wherefore, beloved brethren, be reconciled unto him through the atonement of Christ, his Only Begotten Son, and ye may obtain a resurrection, according to the power of the resurrection which is in Christ, and be presented as the first-fruits of Christ unto God, having faith, and obtained a good hope of glory in him before he manifesteth himself in the flesh.

12And now, beloved, marvel not that I tell you these things; for why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him, as to attain to the knowledge of a resurrection and the world to come?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Little Angels

The adventure of their children at play
Turned into a tragedy that day
Suddenly the sound of laughter was hushed
Paramedics were called as loved ones rushed

But the rescue attempts were all in vain
What could be said to soften the pain?
Save the thought that now their sweet children
Could lead them from on high- to God in heaven

Still, to this day their laughter can be heard
And the questions of death are answered
We each have a purpose, indeed life does go on
May this belief serve us when loved ones are gone

At the funeral of five little girls that died one day in 1998:
President Monson spoke of the comfort and sealing powers found in temples, and said that these "little angels" can lead those who have the faith to follow them, even to heaven.

Church News
5 Girls who died are "little angels"
By Gerry Avant and Julie A Dockstader
Satuday, August 15, 1998

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Prayer for Families

May our homes be havens of peace,
Truth, spirituality, and love
Help our stance for goodness increase
We pray of Thee, Dear Father above

Pondering August 2011 Ensign
President Thomas S Monson's message

"Inasmuch as the family unit is under attack in the world today, and many things long held sacred are ridiculed, we ask Thee, our Father, to...

Bring Heaven Closer

I bring heaven closer
As, with love, I fill my life
To strife I find closure
When my day is full of Light

Pondering August Ensign
Message from President Thomas S Monson

In This Day

In this day
Of uncertainty
It is good, I say
My family still loves me

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

That Problem to Solve

That problem to solve
Begging for attention
Ought not to replace love
And the sharing of affection

Share your burden well
That it might be prayed over
Let inspiration swell
Till normalcy recover

Love at Home—Counsel from Our Prophet
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, August 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011


Before I was afflicted
I had gone astray
Thinking I'd been restricted
I went another way

The bands of the wicked
How then they robbed me
In haste my steps quickened
To where I'd loved Thee

Psalms 119

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pride Breaks Every Promise

Pride breaks every promise
Only Jesus keeps them all
We are blessed when we are humble
And heed our own unique call

Blessed Are Ye
Finding Your Unique Call
Chris Huston


Passionately take one big step back
As with your love you move forward
Let the Light of Christ keep you both on track
Being genuine and straightforward

Rub noses and let your eyes dance
With this Light that shines inside
Feel the joy of heaven's expanse
Let peace within you reside

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Between Your Ears- The Brain

Between your ears
Lies a wondrous brain
It commands and steers
All paths to gain

A memory bank
Of all that lies about
To process and think
And figure things out

Inspired by my grand daughter
recalling of when she asked for a
calculator in class and the
teacher said- the best one was
between her ears.

Friday, July 29, 2011

We are Here to Learn!

We are here to learn
We are here to learn
Our eyes, and lips and fingers move
It is always our turn

Always we repeat
Always we repeat
This is how we store what's new
The eyes, lips, and brain compete

Moving the body is fun
Moving the body is fun
We set our heart pumping again
We stretch, jump, sit, we're done

Before us lies a meal
Before us lies a meal
We are hungry for new knowledge
The minds' a space to fill

We always have to look
We always have to look
Searching for the next big bite
What did the teacher cook?

I was teaching in my sleep...
to the tune
The Farmer in the Dell

Fear and Dire Situation

Fear and dire situation
Led to the awful needs
Bringing out the worst in them
The Donner Party deeds

Having seen the Donner Party
_____(he) led the late company
The handcarts were loaded with food
To share as an entire group

Starvation looked them in the face
Soon, the journey became a race
The Winter was setting in
Could they conquer and win?

Along the trail some died
Frozen side by side
Starving in the snow
With their hope still aglow

The rescue was like a dream
Through the snow they saw the team
Now fed they must walk on
To Zion it would not be long

Thoughts from seeing 17 Miracles.
The man leading the hand cart company
had been in the Battalion and
had seen the awful remains
of the Donner Party. The last
thing he wanted was for the
group to run out of food
and then...

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Just like the moon
Promises phase
From fullness of bloom
To a need to be remade

German proverb which says, “Promises are like the full moon. If they are not kept at once, they diminish day by day”

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley Funeral - 9 of 9

Until we meet again
I will never forget
You, my eternal friend
For my heart won't let

Hold It to Own

All that you've seen
Felt, heard, and known
Can fade like a dream
If you don't hold it to own

Write down what you know
Speak often to share
Your witness will grow
As you hold it with care

Sunday, July 24, 2011

With Tears and Sorrow

With tears and sorrow
I write to you
Look to tomorrow
And think what you do

Your heart hard like ice
Can thaw and swell
Look to Jesus Christ
Then all can be well

Surrender, let go
Send love inside
New feelings will flow
To dwell and reside

You are invited
To a rebirth
Come be delighted
And feel your own worth

Drop all your weapons
Your need to control
Send prayers to the heavens
Let love fill you whole

This is a call
For those who wish to harm
Put down that cankered wall
And feel the safety of God's arm

I Do Not Know

I do not know what heaven is like
But I have seen the veil grow thin
For both the young and old alike
And it was sweet for them

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do NOT Let Stress Define You

Do not let stress define
Who you are, who you will be
It is meant to refine
One, for what's heavenly

Oh, then the prayers you'll know
Searching to be freed
Inward strength will show
As you let the Savior lead

Each varied test we're given
Is, but, an opportunity
To know our Father in Heaven
In the fire of adversity

Righteous Desires

Righteous desires
Never shift with the wind
As in us each fires
Like a heartfelt unwavering friend

Each choice we make, thus leads
Us along in some small way
Either closer to our dreams
Or distantly away

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Ensign, May 2011, 42

Our Pioneer Heritage

Our heritage
Came of sacrifice
Through faith and courage
For a better life

Preserved to labor
They carved, for us, a trail
A path to the Savior
Where "all is well"

Let us do the same
For our children's children
In our Lord's name
Let us persevere for them

persevered against injustice, misunderstanding, some intolerance, occasional bigotry, occasional racism, against differences of custom and traditions and faith, [and] labored against all of that to carve out for us, their descendants, the wonderful day and the marvelous miraculous time in which we live

Elder Holland said. “We owe the same pioneering, persevering legacy to our children and our children’s children.”

Elder Holland spoke at the Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days Devotional at the Dee Events Center at Weber State University on July 17, 2011, and encouraged individuals to work together while respecting and emulating their diverse pioneer heritage in their communities today.

“People working together are more successful, more prosperous and much more happy than neighborhoods or ethnic groups or religious faiths that are suspicious of one another, threatened by one another, and all too often hostile, even violent, toward one another,” he said.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I Tasted Heaven Last Night

I tasted heaven last night
My children were happy and bright
There was naught a single fight
As we were stressfree for delight

A minnie vacation
In a friend's pool
A rare occasion
Making summer cool

Refreshed... then we went to work
To clean our own house and be
A home with one of life's best perk-
A place for inviting company

The miracle of water
Is refreshing to enjoy
Helping us go much farther
To make our home a place of joy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Each Thing has a Place

Without things in place
One must scramble
Time becomes a race
As things travel

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pioneers Worked Together

The pioneers worked together
Valuing what each had to offer
As a new found sister or brother
To pray with, serve, and succor

May we strive to minimize
What could cause contention
See others through our Savior's eyes
As a treasured family extention

Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Be like pioneers, learn to work together
July 17, 2011
By Marianne Holman, LDS Church News

"With the complex issues facing our families and our friends, our citizens, our state, our neighbors, our nation, the world, may we remember pioneers of an earlier day who persevered against injustice, misunderstanding, some intolerance, occasional bigotry, occasional racism, against differences of custom and traditions and faith, who labored against all of that to carve out for us, their descendants, the wonderful day and the marvelous miraculous time in which we live," Elder Holland said. "We owe the same pioneering, persevering legacy to our children and our children's children."

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Just as stragedies in war
Make excuses to battle
So too in divorce
Is there deceit and betrayal

Instinct and survival
Ever fight in the mind
The natural man to call
And selfishly design

Contention is stirred
To create an excuse
With anger rehearsed
These mind games abuse

The Holy Ghost

Dear Holy Ghost
I pray for Thee
To the utmost
As one pleading

Where else can I turn
And know what to do
Feel my soul burn
And a witness anew

For Good

For good, our nature's change
When we accept His call
We renew our pledge
To consecrate our all

That which we have
Has come from above
What best could we give?
Than offer it with love

Of what we accept
Let there be prayer
That this promise be kept
Through blessings to share

Each Call We are Given

Each call we are given
Lies just beyond us
To be partnered with heaven
Finding then the strength, thus

The Lord Governs the Earth

The Lord governs the earth:
He moves mountains like rams
Causes valleys to birth
And skips hills like lambs

The Lord governs the sea
And turns rocks into water
Wherever He be
There is a path to the Father

Psalm 114:4-6
The Lord Governs the Earth

A Circle of Friends

A circle of friends
Adds to the family
For the support it lends
Yes...most happily

Lions of our Day

Great danger lies in turning your back
On known lions who would to attack
As you were smiling and enjoying your day
They plotted how to get you as prey....

One crept low the other lept
And then you were pinned for a bite
But because of the prayers so often kept
You had the strength and continued to fight

Much blood was lost till helpers came
And pried you out of those jaws
Great lessons were learned with miracles named
Along with a greater respect for God's laws

Miracles saved Mormon missionary mauled by lions, father says
Published: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:07 p.m. MDT By Jared Page, Deseret News

Prayers are being called for
That is what we'll do
As the word spreads more
Miracles will too

Saturday, July 16, 2011

As it Was in the Beginning

As it was in the beginning
So it will be in the end
Jesus will come again
To the Jews and befriend

Friday, July 15, 2011

How Quickly We Forget

How quickly we forget
Acts of kind service
Sacrifices given
And the strength found in purpose


What lies
A way?

For me
To grow
To see
To know

A friend
A smile
To talk
A while

A door
A knock
A path
To walk

A place
Called home
A space
That's known

A plan
For rest
To expand
The best

My hope
To be

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Currency

Our currency
Near and abroad
Since its infancy
Has placed trust in God

I Prayed all Night

I prayed all night
Confused of what to do
Which path was right?
I wish I new

No answer came
I feared to choose alone
Exploring each outcome
Naught was made known

Just before dawn
In total meekness
I surrendered to God
And felt warm sweetness

The Lord Omnipotent
Hears and answers prayers
From Him love is sent
To know that He cares

Trusting what I felt
I chose the better way
Giving thanks as I knelt
That confusion had melted away

The outcome now not for me
I went forward in faith
Letting the Spirit lead
Through the unknown to embrace

Become As a Child
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, May 2006