
Monday, July 18, 2011

Pioneers Worked Together

The pioneers worked together
Valuing what each had to offer
As a new found sister or brother
To pray with, serve, and succor

May we strive to minimize
What could cause contention
See others through our Savior's eyes
As a treasured family extention

Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Be like pioneers, learn to work together
July 17, 2011
By Marianne Holman, LDS Church News

"With the complex issues facing our families and our friends, our citizens, our state, our neighbors, our nation, the world, may we remember pioneers of an earlier day who persevered against injustice, misunderstanding, some intolerance, occasional bigotry, occasional racism, against differences of custom and traditions and faith, who labored against all of that to carve out for us, their descendants, the wonderful day and the marvelous miraculous time in which we live," Elder Holland said. "We owe the same pioneering, persevering legacy to our children and our children's children."

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