
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forget Me Not

A very small flower in a garden of many
Waited all day to be named
Feeling insignificant, it would take any
Quite forgotten, it felt so ashamed

The sun had set, light would not last
In despair, it cried from its low place
“Forget-Me-Not” …someone walked past
stopped, looked down, and parted a space

There in the shadows the blue flower stood
Hidden by the foliage of a buttercup
"Ah," He said, “You have finally understood
You have worth and limited time to speak up”

“In your sweet plea… you have named yourself
The weakness of your size none shall forget
For we all need to be noticed and are in need of help
From you, the least, we learn great things come if we let!”

“This is the first of five lessons I want to share
Things we all need to remember
One for each petal you so beautifully wear
As I wish happiness for each flower member”

“The second desire comes of my heart
As I recognize talents and gifts
Sacrifices are many but the best impart
A stirring of love that uplifts”

“The third to hold to is found all around
And is easily thought less of
That is finding joy in all that surrounds
The greatness of life is love

The fourth is so easy to overlook
As we each have so much to do
But we should focus on the “why?” as we look
Up…for warmth and bright light too

The fifth is the hope of what is to come
The potential that lies within
The knowledge of what we each can become...
We are much more than this life we are in

Sweet little blue Forget-Me-Not
You're the symbol for what we should learn
If we are to grow, these five things should be sought
And from them we should never turn

Forget Me NOT

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