
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Little Angels

The adventure of their children at play
Turned into a tragedy that day
Suddenly the sound of laughter was hushed
Paramedics were called as loved ones rushed

But the rescue attempts were all in vain
What could be said to soften the pain?
Save the thought that now their sweet children
Could lead them from on high- to God in heaven

Still, to this day their laughter can be heard
And the questions of death are answered
We each have a purpose, indeed life does go on
May this belief serve us when loved ones are gone

At the funeral of five little girls that died one day in 1998:
President Monson spoke of the comfort and sealing powers found in temples, and said that these "little angels" can lead those who have the faith to follow them, even to heaven.

Church News
5 Girls who died are "little angels"
By Gerry Avant and Julie A Dockstader
Satuday, August 15, 1998

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