
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lions of our Day

Great danger lies in turning your back
On known lions who would to attack
As you were smiling and enjoying your day
They plotted how to get you as prey....

One crept low the other lept
And then you were pinned for a bite
But because of the prayers so often kept
You had the strength and continued to fight

Much blood was lost till helpers came
And pried you out of those jaws
Great lessons were learned with miracles named
Along with a greater respect for God's laws

Miracles saved Mormon missionary mauled by lions, father says
Published: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:07 p.m. MDT By Jared Page, Deseret News

Prayers are being called for
That is what we'll do
As the word spreads more
Miracles will too

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