
Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Book of Mormon Story

What the Book of Mormon has done for me- the most
Is fill me with the love of God come of the Holy Ghost
Old Testament prophets have left great marks on me
Having laid a foundation... filled with fond memories
The Book of Mormon adds to this, making my life complete
The Spirit I feel inside is ever sweet to greet

Starting around 600 BC, in Jerusalem
A prophet left the city, taking his family with him
Obediently, this they did by way of God's command
Later, then, they sailed to their own promised land
Generations of records were compiled by one of the last
A prophet named Mormon helps us learn from the past

God continues to speak to His people today
Still requiring of us that we obey and pray
Prophets testify of the Savior- His suffering for man
As a second witness He came to the Book of Mormon's land
The words offer us comfort and peace unto good cheer
Truly to the Americas, He did appear!

sorry this is not very good poetry- but the video is excellent!

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