
Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Singing Revolution-歌唱革命(民主党全委会贴)-爱沙尼亚-part01

the truth of war- there are some strongly disturbing images in this video

A nation held in bondage
How should one fight back?
When pushed up to the edge
Patiently wait for the crack

What have you been taught?
What did your fathers know?
Hope within must be sought
For freedom's light to show

The courage then to act
Must override each fear
Voices must attract
And full faith must appear

Then filled with new purpose
Knowing it is right
Avail yourself to service
And sing out with all your might

.....In Estonia...
It was the thinkers
That were the first to go
But... truth still lingers
And can spread to grow

The truth is this simple-
Under God's laws we can't go wrong
Getting along- we are "the people"
With unity to be strong

A land that once was choice
Must search their fathers out
And recapture each voice
Of what we are about

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long. in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Exodus 20:12

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