
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In the Workshop of our Daily Lives

In the workshop of our daily lives
Good habits are developed
Being the reward as one strives
In goodness well enveloped

Good thoughts, actions, and deeds
Are oft fashioned in the uneventful
Like the one who forgives another's misdeeds
And turns a cheek to one that's vengeful

For evil tendencies are destructive
And degrade ourselves and others
On how to behave God has been instructive
Teaching, goldenly, we are to love our brothers

In all situations and whenever we can
We ought to restore goodness to its place
Watching foremost our conduct before man
Believing that bad habits can be replaced

The Lord can and will make us equal to this task
If we humbly petition Him in prayer
Covenanting with Him to do as He asks
And believing He is always there

Making no excuse or allowance
We aim for faith, honesty, and uprightness
Knowing, of God, we've spiritual endowments
Inspiring us toward the reward of brightness

I chanced a rare encounter 
With the Cara T. Character...
She being delightful in every way
Was genuine, caring, honest and kind
She stood out in body, spirit, and mind
And I remember her to this day

Delbert L. Stapley
Good Habits Develop Good Character
Ensign, Nov 1974, 20

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Treasures in My Heart

Thieves cannot break nor steal
The treasures in my heart
For all that I love and feel
Came from heaven at the start

On one hand, I can count
The treasures where my heart is
No earthly thing could mount
Or be exchanged for all of this

1. Relationships
Nothing in the world can compare
To the joy of having a true friend,
As your deepest feelings you can share
While helping each other be the best in the end

2. School
I love how learning adheres
From the work ethic to the mark of achievement
I love the opportunity to grow and be among peers
And above all that feeling of accomplishment

3. Goals
I love having goals to succeed
My challenges- I like to attack
Having visions, this is what I need
As well as the feeling of mastering a task

4. Faith
Everything is possible with faith
This gives me meaning and purpose
In deed and truth, Christ is the Way
To be like Him I devote my life to service

5. My Life
I love seeing the good as I daily strive
And in choosing to find humor in the trial
In Christ, I love feeling alive
As He alone helps me go that extra mile

These five things I hold dear to my heart
They are indeed what I most treasure
These are what I hope heaven will impart
For they give me my greatest pleasure

Matthew 6:21 for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also
based on a talk given in sacrament meeting...I will get his name next week-oops

When I Look Up and Out Skyward

When I look up and out skyward
And think of death's calling
I see it as moving forward
Unto a realm exalting

What of me will I take?
As all that I have, I will leave
The relationships that God helps me shape
That's what I treasure most, I believe

Wisdom and experience
Won't mean a thing without loved ones
As even my works of obedience
Extend from love that through me runs

So with all that being said
Who on earth means the most to me?
But that man to whom I am wed
Who completes me for life's schooling

We Climbed a Hill

We climbed a hill
And reached the top
Yet, there's more still
We dare not stop

Feeling lifted and stronger
Through this heightened experience
To goals we're now not strangers
Remembering this exhilarance

Listening to the Holy Ghost

Shall we leave this gift ours to prize
Forgotten on a noisy shelf
When His still small voice can apprise
Whispering whenever we need the help

Thus by heeding what quietly reinforces
We are quickened with abilities that improve our lives
Leading us to all the best resources
For establishing good judgment as one daily strives

Listening to the Holy Ghost

“We are given the gift of the Holy Ghost after our baptism, but often we leave this gift on the shelf, forgetting that He will help us in the most important judgments of our lives. The Lord gave us this gift, knowing we would face difficult decisions in life. Listening to this voice is vital in developing good judgment. A relationship of listening often requires a quiet environment in which we can take time to ponder and hear the still, small voice. This peaceful environment is both external and internal.”
Gregory A. Schwitzer, “Developing Good Judgment and Not Judging Others,” Ensign, May 2010, 105

Topics: Baptism

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Having Been Formed as a Nation Under God

Having been formed as a nation under God
Our laws and freedoms come of Him
And the hot breath of destruction upon our necks will fall
As the slippery slope leads to hell's oven

Let us not be afraid to cling to our guns,
Our religion, and constitution
Let us rally together as true Americans
And declare our allegiance with resolution

Let us re awake the Declaration of independence
For what else do we have at the end of the day?
Let us believe once again in divine providence
And commit to integrity, truth, and honor while we pray

thoughts from

Tens of thousands flock to Restoring Honor event
Tens of thousands of people heeded broadcaster Glenn Beck's summons for his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday from the same marble steps at the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King Jr.'s gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech 47 years ago to the day.

"What else do we have, at the end of the day," beyond faith in God, Palin said, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

"You're not afraid to cling to your guns and your religion — and your Constitution," she added, echoing remarks by President Barack Obama in 2008 during campaigning.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let Me Not Glance through a Window

Let me not glance through a window
Or pass through a door
Without being one given to
Appreciating our dear Lord

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Knowledge Pours into a Mind that is Open

Knowledge pours into a mind that is open
And prompts, teaches, corrects, and warns
Giving each heart more reason to hope too
As the Spirit dwells within and warms

Pouring Knowledge into Our Minds

"The Lord has many ways of pouring knowledge into our minds to prompt us, to guide us, to teach us, to correct us, to warn us. The Lord said, 'I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart' (D&C 8:2)."And Enos recorded, 'While I was thus struggling in the spirit, behold, the voice of the Lord came into my mind again' (Enos 1:10)."
Boyd K. Packer, "Prayer and Promptings," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 45

Topics: Holy Ghost

School's Begun

School's begun
My schedule's been set
I must pencil God in
Lest I neglect or forget

My thoughts and my deeds
Express my devotion
And God knows my needs
Amidst life's commotion

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How Grateful We Should Be

How grateful we should be
For having loved ones who care
They bring to life meaning
How good they're always there

Then... not all, as life is frail
And comes the day one's gone
Slipping beyond the veil
To that place we once belonged

First one then another
Soon a generation's passed
Then a spouse, child, a brother
And you find you are the last

Imagine the reunion
And live more for that day
With our Father make communion
And for the family always pray

(With a little help from my husband- who is always there... to lean on)

Who Can Come and Calm the Contention in the Air?

Who can come and calm
The contention in the air;
Bringing words that balm...
While reminding us to care?

How powerful that voice
That helps a group unite;
To make a better choice
And act the way that's right!

How hard it is to see
Another person's view.
Though we sometimes disagree,
It's evil we eschew!

1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain
his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: 3:11 Let
him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it

Monday, August 23, 2010

In the Beginning Every Land

In the beginning every land
By Jesus Christ was laid
Even the stars He did command
That their glory might not fade

This day, He sits up high in heaven
Righteously...upon a throne
And the scepter He's been given
Extend His powers to atone

Grace to You...And Peace

Grace to you...and peace
Come of the Father and the Son
May their love in you increase
And warm you as the sun

thoughts from Philemon

In a Goodly Land

In a goodly land
By a pure stream
A tree stood grand
And evergreen

This the only place
Such a tree could grow
It would be a waste
If good fruit did not show

The farmer fed it at the root
Awaiting a time and season
When the tree should bare sweet fruit
He had hope the taste should please him

In Order for Us Like a Tree to Grow

In order for us, like a tree, to grow
Tall, straight, and round
There are many concepts we should know
To branch out full and sound

First, we need our own space
With nutrients in rich supply
Then we need to set a pace
To drink in and apply

Each branch of knowledge that buds out
Will keep us from bending low
And raise us to reach more about
As the winds of change yet flow

Saturday, August 21, 2010

George Washington

Out numbered, out generaled, and completely out done
George Washington crossed the frozen Delaware
For he knew a surprise attack had to be won
As only a man of God would know to dare

Laboring to keep virtue his guiding star
He relied heavily upon faith
Wielding unassailable power to travel far
It was more than tyranny he'd learned to face

With the Declaration of Independence in adoption
For eight long years, as the General, he exerted
Knowing quitting was never an option
He worked with troops who oft times deserted

The night was long and his plan was bold
It was a nine mile march to reach Trenton
None would have thought to do so in this bitter cold
But, the wind blanketed all noise from detection

In a fierce battle they went door to door
And forty five minutes later they'd won
Then on to Princeton, they fought once more
But, then, his enlistments were done

As the drums rolled, their leader did plead
To reenlist none stepped forward to fight
Each had farms at home and families to feed
And hope of payments had not reached their sights

Washington turned and rode away, too
But, then stopped, came back and said, "My dear fellows"
"You have done all that I've asked you to do"
But, still the war rages and bellows

Your homes and country's at stake
Please give it one more month to this day
And we'll end this war for liberties sake stepped forward...they engaged without delay

That they rose to the occasion I give my thanks!

Education Week: George Washington was a man of true virtue | Mormon Times

The Glorious Cause of America
David McCullough
Sept. 27, 2005

Education Week: George Washington was a man of true virtue | Mormon Times

Monday, August 16, 2010

We Stand the Tallest When in Prayer We Kneel

We stand the tallest when in prayer we kneel
For our backs become shaped to carry life's load
There to find strength to put both shoulders to the wheel
And push along upon the narrow long road

Like the high jumper who learns to bend his knees to leap
Lowly, we should pray, petition, and yield
Immersing ourselves in the Spirit as one meek
That our mortal mission might be more revealed

Humility is the catalyst for each kind of learning
Especially as the spirit warms our hearts and lights our minds
For as we have faith and towards good things we are turning
We become uplifted... as the hand of God only the seeker finds

C.S. Bezas
Trusting Humility
Meridian Magazine, August 16, 2010
click on above title to go directly...
Meridian Magazine - Trusting Humililty - Meridian Magazine

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall

A Bodiless Dragon Was Cast Down to Earth

A bodiless dragon was cast down to Earth
And claimed it as his own, as he was here first
But, mortals came with bodies of worth
And ever since he has felt burned

Like a fire, envy has consumed him
And he has come to know his full power
For he can whisper and confuse them
And cause them to feel fearful and cower

For thousands of years with hate he has raged
Conspiring with and tutoring legions
With one particular woman a battle he's waged
Focusing his fury on her for spiteful reasons:

She and her seed are preparing each land
For the Son of Him who cast him out
When this Lord comes...he will take command
And turn him away... homeless without any doubt

thoughts from
The Power of the Word
Ezra Taft Benson
Ensign, May 1986, 79

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Let Us Dare to Imagine the Savior on Earth

Let us dare to imagine
The Savior here on Earth
The times that He lived in
And His long awaited birth

Watch Him step into His role
To become our Redeemer
Watch as He lovingly tends to His fold
Join me and be a dreamer

Living a Dream Takes Action

Living a dream takes action
Moved by a continual attraction
Hearkening close to the clarion call
That appears oft to awake and enthral

Having Faith: Ask, Seek, Knock

Having faith: Ask, seek, and knock
With a desire that is deep
Ever intending then to walk
On the path given to keep

from LDS GEMS:

With a Sincere Heart and Real Intent

“To access information from heaven, one must first have a firm faith and a deep desire. One needs to ‘ask with a sincere heart [and] real intent, having faith in [Jesus] Christ’ (Moroni 10:4). ‘Real intent’ means that one really intends to follow the divine direction given.”
Russell M. Nelson, “Ask, Seek, Knock,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 81

Topics: Revelation

I Left the City Race to Catch a Starlight Show

I left the city race
To catch a starlight show
There seemed not enough space
For all the stars aglow

Amidst a milky way
A light burst afar
To suddenly fade away
As though a shooting star

A small bit of a comet's trail
Had reached our atmosphere
And heaven's beauty, vast and frail
Reminds me God is near

Friday the 13th went south of Henderson to where there used to be gold miners and parked near the Colorado complete darkness- the sky was amazing. I spun around while looking straight up. The stars seemed to still spin as I was a magical night.

Friday, August 13, 2010

This Book is Dedicated

This book is dedicated
To Jesus... who walked the earth
He whom God designated
Came to affirm mankind's worth

I picture Him, the Son of God
Very much a part of the community
Reading the Torah in the synagogue
While being under much scrutiny

Wearing the cloth of the day so common
With the corners fringed in blue
Giving to us God's sermon
While living the life of a Jew...

I am thinking about a book...
based on Susan Easton Black's
Jesus the Son of Man
If anyone knows her or would like to
help edit the poems- please let me know...
see label: Son of Man

Living a dream takes action
Moved by a continual attraction
Hearkening close to the clarion call
That appears oft to enthral

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

As Quick as a Wink

As quick as a wink
Our Father is there
If we, of Him, think
And offer a prayer

He who is mighty
And can do all things
Awaits us daily... nightly
To give us what prayer brings

please don't pass this poem lightly
as it's meaning means everything to me

Monday, August 9, 2010

If You Want to Be a Leader- Start Within

If you want to be a leader start within
Prove to others you are eager to begin
Walk in the paths of those before, righteously
And be known as one who works courageously

Seek the counsel of the Lord in all things
And give thanks for the blessing that this brings
Increase the activity of those around
By, yourself, being willing to do each job found

Persisting in hard tasks will take you far
So be responsible for what you do and say,
Mangage yourself, be positive, and do not spar
And lean unto the Lord all the long day

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thoughts Hesitate

Thoughts hesitate
When we make a sound
Let's concentrate
As our pencils pound

Talking Slows us Down

Talking slows us down
When we're to concentrate
Let's not make a sound
For then thoughts hesitate

We Climbed a Hill

We climbed a hill
And reached the top
Yet, there's more still
Before we stop

Art's an Extension of the Mind

Art's an extension of the mind
So search, remember, and find

Thoughts Must Flow

Thoughts must flow
Unbroken and deep
There they grow
Bond and keep

Broken thoughts
Hop, skip, and jump
Where we would have learned
There's but a bump

Sit up straight
Shake out the wrinkles
We'll do great
As knowledge sprinkles

Moods Become Sweet

Moods become sweet
When you look for the good
Be a treat to greet
And extend brotherhood

Look for the Good

Look for the good
Believe you will find it
Sweeten your mood
And with cheer brighten

I Want to Prove I am Strong

I want to prove I am strong
In thinking, working, growing
Finding anew I belong
Through God's power flowing

Unite With Spirit in Your Heart

Unite with Spirit in your heart
Warmly, sweetly, deeply
Like a mirror truth imparts
With reflections for safekeeping

Saturday, August 7, 2010

We Console Ourselves Upon this Point

We console ourselves upon this point
Concerning war and purpose
When it is for God and country that one joins
There is promise in that service

And, now, of the many who have died
While fighting to keep us free
They are happy where they reside
And in that I am rejoicing

While others dead lie in heaps to mold
Hopelessly, how, for them I mourn
They consigned to a state of woe
Endlessly... from their kindred torn

Alma 28: 11-12
Alma 56: 11

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Come Unto the Water

Let us come unto the water
As did first our Savior
Be obedient to our Father
And grow in His favor

Come in faith and be cleansed
Repentance is the way
All in white, come be dressed
For your perfect day

Come, fulfill your heart's desire
To pursue and treasure most
The Way made sure to inspire
Come, receive the Holy Ghost

Oft I Go Unto My Home and Ponder Something Said

Oft I go unto my home
And ponder something said
Then the Spirit makes things known
As to the scriptures more is read

There is a powerful link
Between the spirit, mind, and heart
If I spiritually drink
Feelings and impressions start

God's Eyes Are Upon Us

God's eyes are upon us
Watching what we do
We've each a gift in trust
That we might share it, too

Wealth, power, and position
Does not come to all
Yet, we've each a place in Zion
With stewardships that call

It is up to us to search
And discover who we really are
In God's discern
We're each a brilliant star

To one good at listening
A still small voice is heard
To another like dews drops glistening
The mind receives God's word

The list must not stop here
As there are many more
The scriptures makes this clear
We're like sands upon the shore

To some they've tears to weep
While another's given to feel
Uniquely, we're to find the lost sheep
And share how faith does heal

Some look to God for guidance
While others ponder long
And, how, the spirit brightens
As we share from where we're strong

May we each look oft to God
And value our time on earth
We, with blessings broad,
Come of individual worth

Elder Marvin J. Ashton
There are Many Gifts
Ensign, Nov 1987, 20

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baptism is the Gate

Baptism is the gate
Unto the narrow way
Where Jesus does await
To wash our sins away

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Ways of the People Had Become Horrid

The ways of the people had become horrid
Ought not fire rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah?
God chose to save one family- Lot and his wife
He warned them to flee and "escape for thy life"

"Lest thou be consumed, Look not behind thee!"
But, Lot's wife took these words all too lightly
For she loved these cities to a fatal fault
Faltering, she turned... into a pillar of salt

With, still, an attachment placed on the past
Her confidence in the future did not out last
We, too, should only look back to claim bright embers
From the glowing faith that one remembers

For faith is always pointed forwards
As to the future, one moves towards
There to rise above all that's ended
Our frailties shall then be transcended

Remember Lot's Wife
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

On a Friday night
Filled with family fun
I saw speeding lights
My car could not out run

A huge part of my life
Was gone in an instant
2 children, my wife
And an expected infant

Pain cut like a knife
As my wife took her last breath
So vulnerable in life
I was crushed by her death

Feeling so anguished
All that helped was prayer
Pain was extinguished
Through God's tender care

When e'er I felt anger
Or loneliness would come
I felt His love linger
And teach of the Son

Never were my feelings
Directed at the driver
On a path of healing
I sought my deliverer

To address my sorrow
I knew I should move on
With strength to borrow
I went to the one in the wrong

I became the vessel
For the Spirit to reach
And I saw my elder brother
As, with love, I did teach

The Lord, I've come to know
Since my heart has felt true grief
And He has helped me grow
In faith and hope beyond belief

When I met the young man
I taught him how to forgive
I took him by the hand
And said to let go and live

He has picked a date
To move forward and strive
And I can hardly wait
To share his celebration of life

If Ye Then Be Risen with Christ

If ye then be risen with Christ
Seek the things which are above
Put off wrath, blaspheme, and lies
And put on bowels of mercy, kindness, and love

Let His words dwell richly in you
As ye teach one another of Him
Then with singleness of heart in all that you do
Have in you grace... and sing hymns

Colossians 3