
Thursday, August 5, 2010

God's Eyes Are Upon Us

God's eyes are upon us
Watching what we do
We've each a gift in trust
That we might share it, too

Wealth, power, and position
Does not come to all
Yet, we've each a place in Zion
With stewardships that call

It is up to us to search
And discover who we really are
In God's discern
We're each a brilliant star

To one good at listening
A still small voice is heard
To another like dews drops glistening
The mind receives God's word

The list must not stop here
As there are many more
The scriptures makes this clear
We're like sands upon the shore

To some they've tears to weep
While another's given to feel
Uniquely, we're to find the lost sheep
And share how faith does heal

Some look to God for guidance
While others ponder long
And, how, the spirit brightens
As we share from where we're strong

May we each look oft to God
And value our time on earth
We, with blessings broad,
Come of individual worth

Elder Marvin J. Ashton
There are Many Gifts
Ensign, Nov 1987, 20

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