
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Treasures in My Heart

Thieves cannot break nor steal
The treasures in my heart
For all that I love and feel
Came from heaven at the start

On one hand, I can count
The treasures where my heart is
No earthly thing could mount
Or be exchanged for all of this

1. Relationships
Nothing in the world can compare
To the joy of having a true friend,
As your deepest feelings you can share
While helping each other be the best in the end

2. School
I love how learning adheres
From the work ethic to the mark of achievement
I love the opportunity to grow and be among peers
And above all that feeling of accomplishment

3. Goals
I love having goals to succeed
My challenges- I like to attack
Having visions, this is what I need
As well as the feeling of mastering a task

4. Faith
Everything is possible with faith
This gives me meaning and purpose
In deed and truth, Christ is the Way
To be like Him I devote my life to service

5. My Life
I love seeing the good as I daily strive
And in choosing to find humor in the trial
In Christ, I love feeling alive
As He alone helps me go that extra mile

These five things I hold dear to my heart
They are indeed what I most treasure
These are what I hope heaven will impart
For they give me my greatest pleasure

Matthew 6:21 for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also
based on a talk given in sacrament meeting...I will get his name next week-oops

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